TRAN Appearance: Main Estimates 2023-2024 and Supplementary Estimates (C) 2022-2023

52. Recent VIA Rail Service Disruptions

Recent VIA Rail Service Disruptions (April) and Update on Lessons Learned

  • On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, power outages, fallen power lines, and track obstructions forced service delays and the cancellation of several VIA Rail trains travelling between Montreal and Toronto.  
  • VIA Rail has stated that affected passengers on cancelled trains will be receiving a full refund and a 50% travel credit. 


  • VIA Rail experienced service disruptions and cancellations due to an ice storm that affected Ontario and Quebec on Wednesday, April 5.
  • Transport Canada’s priority is to provide Canadians with an efficient, safe and secure transportation system. When major incidents occur, Transport Canada has response measures in place, and we work with stakeholders to gather around-the-clock information to support oversight activities.
  • Following the December 22 holiday service disruptions, internal and external reviews have been completed regarding VIA Rail’s incident response and communication protocols for passengers onboard stranded trains. Transport Canada remains actively engaged with VIA Rail to ensure there is an improved response in the future.


VIA Rail, a federal Crown corporation, was established in 1977 to operate Canada’s national passenger rail service. Its mandate is to provide a safe, efficient and reliable mode of transportation from coast to coast. Given that VIA Rail functions at arm’s length from the Government of Canada and is overseen by a dedicated Board of Directors, operational decisions are made solely by VIA Rail. The Minister of Transport’s role is to determine the broad policy direction of the Crown corporation, while respecting its operational autonomy.

Ice Storm and Service Delays

On Wednesday, April 5, a late winter storm hit much of Ontario and Quebec. More than 120,000 Hydro One customers in Ontario lost power and more than 676,000 people lost power using Quebec’s power utility.

VIA Rail train 645 (Ottawa to Toronto) was stopped for several hours between Ottawa and Kingston because of a fallen tree on the tracks. It departed Ottawa at 2:32 p.m. and was scheduled to arrive in Toronto at 7:03 p.m.; however, it was significantly delayed after hitting debris. A rescue train was dispatched from Ottawa and emergency services were contacted to assist in safely transferring passengers.

Via Rail has stated that all 176 passengers on board the train were safe, and that affected passengers on cancelled trains will be receiving a full refund and 50% travel credit for their next trip.

Update on VIA Rail’s Third-Party Review

Following the events of December 21 to December 26, VIA Rail conducted an internal review plus two external reviews to identify lessons learned to improve operational performance and customer experience.  VIA Rail is currently finalizing the recommendations and developing an implementation plan that includes upgrades and new protocols, equipment, and training in 2023 to ensure effective and sustainable performance going forward.

In the meantime, several adjustments and changes to work practices and procedures have been made, including:

  • Organization of the response to any trains disruptions since January is centered around customer and employee care vs rescuing of trains (e.g., Availability of information, alternative transportation, comfort and food/beverage supplies)
  • Improved communication with passengers onboard and in station
  • New social media channels to inform customers and the public on status of trains in abnormal operating conditions (major train disruptions)
  • Improved monitoring of social media
  • Winter protocols revised to ensure sufficient food and beverage supplies onboard trains and that human resources are equipped with the right tools to deploy at key locations in case trains are immobilized
  • Improved protocols with local authorities and emergency services (implemented in the most recent ice storm event with firefighters assisting evacuation of the immobilized train)
  • Improved communication channels with CN
  • Communication protocol established with Transport Canada Rail Safety
  • Clarification of compensation policy and capabilities when trains are cancelled or delayed significantly