Table of Contents

  1. Opening Remarks
  2. Committee biographies
  3. March 21, 2022 Committee Meeting Summary – Air Canada’s appearance on official languages
  4. PIC – Official Languages and the Canadian National Railway
  5. Q&As
  • Q1: What are CN’s obligations as a company under the Official Languages Act?
  • Q2: Does the Act have anything to say about language requirements for either CN’s board members or senior executives?
  • Q3: More generally, does the Minister have any say in the composition of CN’s board?
  • Q4: How is the Official Languages Act currently enforced for companies like CN?
  • Q5: Has the Official Languages Commissioner previously investigated CN for compliance with the Act? If so, what were the circumstances and conclusions?
  • Q6: How do Air Canada and CN compare in terms of the Official Languages Act?
  • Q7: How would C-13 change how companies like CN are affected by the Act?
  • Q8: How many director positions exist at CN?
  • Q9: How frequently do they open up (ie how long are appointments)?
  • Q10: Do we know what criteria CN looks for in selecting Board members?
  • Q11: What has our Minister said in public (either in the House or to media) regarding recent Air Canada story about their unilingual CEO?
  • Q12: How many CN employees are based out of Montreal?
  • Q13: How many complaints have been received against Air Canada under the Official Languages Act over the past five fiscal years?
  • Q14: How many total official languages complaints have been received by the Commissioner of Official Languages over the past five fiscal years?

Supplemental information

  1. Background: Official Languages Act and enforcement provisions
  2. Background: CN Commercialization Act
  3. Background: Government of Canada best practices on appointments for crown corporations