Introducing fees for the Navigation Protection Program services

Current status: Closed
Open on November 25, 2020 and will be closed on February 12, 2021.

Transport Canada is proposing new fees for services from the Navigation Protection Program as part of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act. We want your feedback about these changes.

Join in: how to participate

From November 25, 2020, to February 12, 2021, you can read the fee proposal on our Let's Talk Navigation website.

Share your ideas

We want to hear from you. Please check out the fee proposal and send your comments to

We'll record your comments and take them into consideration when we develop the regulations.

Who can participate?

Anyone can submit comments, but we're especially interested in hearing from people and groups who use Navigation Protection Program services. These include:

  • small and large businesses
  • non-governmental organizations
  • private and public utilities
  • Indigenous peoples
  • federal government departments
  • provincial, territorial and municipal governments
  • other interested parties

Key questions for discussion

We haven't been charging for the program's services, so they've been paid for by taxpayers. We'd like to change things so that the people who benefit the most from the services pay a share of the costs. To do this, we need to start charging fees.

We'd like to charge fees for:

  • reviewing applications to approve works
  • reviewing applications, and guiding the process for approval by the Governor in Council, for exemptions from the prohibitions on:
    • draining navigable waters
    • throwing or depositing some materials in navigable waterways

We want to hear from you:

  • What challenges or opportunities could result from these fees?
  • What do you think about the service standards we've proposed?
  • Do you have any other comments about the fees we're proposing?

Related information

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