Modernizing the Domestic Ferries Security Regulations (2022)

Current status: Closed

Open on May 12, 2022 and will be closed on June 12, 2022.

The Domestic Ferries Security Regulations is one of the tools Transport Canada uses to keep Canada’s marine transportation system secure.

The regulation helps to manage the risks to domestic ferry services in regions where losing ferry service would have a major impact.

We want to modernize Canada’s regulations to make sure that the marine transportation security framework (system of laws that keeps marine transportation in Canada safe) continues to be appropriate, effective, and can respond to modern threats and risks to the marine transportation system

Join in: how to participate

Share your ideas

Register at Let’s Talk Transportation to provide your comments on discussion questions. You can also upload a document through the Submission tab on Modernizing the Domestic Ferries Security Regulations.

Who is the focus of this consultation?

All Canadians are invited to participate in the online consultation.

Key questions for discussion

  • What do you think about the changes Transport Canada wants to make to the regulations?
  • What issues or challenges have you experienced with the regulations?

Related information

Contact us

Transport Canada
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks St.
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5