Transport Canada's Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program

Current status: CLOSED

Transport Canada (TC) is holding a webinar on the upcoming proposed regulations that will introduce new fees for companies who are required to be registered under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate's Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program.

TC is proposing to introduce new fees and service standard for TDG's Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program. This program ensures that all Means of Containment used in transporting dangerous goods are designed, manufactured, certified, repaired and maintained according to safety standards referenced in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.

A preliminary engagement was held between October and November 2018. We used what we heard from that engagement to improve our proposal by:

  • simplifying the process and grouping all services into four categories
  • charging fees for initial registration and the renewal of certificates only
  • lowering fees to minimize impacts on industry
  • shortening the service standard timeline

As a follow-up to that preliminary consultation, TC will be holding a webinar to present the updated proposed fees for TDG's Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program.

This webinar consultation will take place on June 15, 2021 with a French session at 10 a.m. and an English session at 1 p.m.

To register for the webinar, please indicate if you wish to attend the French or the English session and send an email to: