In accordance with subsections 3(2.2), 3(2.3) & 3(2.4) of the Coasting Trade Act.
Transport Canada (TC) is committed to protecting the privacy rights of individuals and safeguarding the confidentiality of information under its control provided by individuals and institutions, in accordance with the law. "Personal information" is defined as any information, in any form, about an identifiable individual (e.g. contact details); refer to section 3 of the Privacy Act for further details regarding personal information. Personal information collected by TC is protected from disclosure to unauthorized persons and/or agencies subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act. Individuals have the right to the protection of and access to their personal information under the Privacy Act, subject to certain exceptions and exemptions, and to request corrections where the individual believes there is an error or omission. Individuals may contact the Department's Access to Information and Privacy Protection Division to request access or correction of their personal information. By providing your personal information, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this statement and consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information by TC.
Your personal information may be shared internally with TC's Marine Safety Enforcement Program for the purpose of enforcing the Coasting Trade Act (the Act). Your personal information will be disposed of five years after the vessel leaves Canadian waters, unless we are advised of a change in company contact, or you request to have your information removed from our database. Personal information will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act described in TC's Personal Information Bank TC PPU 700 which is detailed in TC Info Source Chapter. Individuals have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institution's handling of their personal information.
The Act sets out the laws governing the use of foreign vessels and non-duty paid vessels in Canada's coasting trade. The Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and Canada-United Kingdom (UK) Trade Continuity Agreement (Canada-United Kingdom TCA) will change how the Act applies to EU and UK entities using foreign vessels and services they provide. EU owners of eligible vessels can offer a limited number of coasting trade services without a licence. To qualify, EU and UK owners of eligible vessels must complete an advance notification form to demonstrate that they meet the new requirements in the Act. The information collected in this form is required by TC for the purpose of administering and enforcing section 3 paragraph (2.6) of the Act, and more specifically for the purpose of establishing that an entity meets the applicable conditions under any of paragraphs 3 (2.1) (a) to (d) of the Act. If you do not provide the information requested, the vessel may not be granted entry into Canada, or enforcement action may be taken against the vessel.
Foreign or Canadian registered non-duty paid vessels seeking to engage in dredging or feeder service activities in Canadian waters without a coasting trade licence must establish eligibility for an exemption under the Coasting Trade Act by completing this form and providing supporting documentation.
Please submit one (1) Advance Notification Form for each separate activity.