Information provided for reference as supplied to senior officials at Transport Canada on . It has not been updated since that date.

Key Events for Transportation Stakeholders


  • November 18-20, 2019. Air Transport Association of Canada’s (ATAC) Canadian Aviation Conference and Tradeshow 2019. Montreal, Quebec.
    • The conference is a national gathering for operators, suppliers to the industry and government officials. Beneficial discussions will take place with professionals from across the industry on a number of key topics, which include: Regulatory Updates; Fatigue Regulation Management Systems (FRMS) implementation; and Strategic Safety Risk Assessment Program (SSRA).
  • November 21-22, 2019. Transport Canada Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) Forum. Montreal, Quebec.
    • The FRMS Forum provides a platform for a range of aviation industry safety leaders to speak and engage on challenges and opportunities surrounding fatigue risks and fatigue risk management. The goal is to support the aviation industry’s implementation of FRMS, and share the knowledge and tools to help them better manage fatigue-related safety risks in their operations.
  • November 27, 2019. Stakeholder Meeting on Water Airports. Location to be determined.
    • A meeting on Water Airports will be held to discuss the comments received in regards to the recent Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) to strengthen safety standards for these operations.


  • November 17-26. Beloeil, Québec. Congrès nautisme Québec.
    • Annual conference organized by the Quebec Marine Industry Alliance.


  • December 9, 2019. Quebec City, QC. Summit on Rail Transportation.
    • Organized by the Minister of Transport of Quebec


  • December 1-7, 2019. Joint Canadian Acoustical Association and Acoustical Society of America Conference provides an opportunity to review and discuss the latest research on underwater noise from marine vessels, and its impact on marine mammals.
  • Mid-December, 2019. Marine Atlantic Inc. (MAI).
    • MAI, a Crown corporation in the Minister’s portfolio, plans to issue its request for proposal (RFP) for a new ferry vessel.


  • Precise date to be determined. Toronto, ON. Pearson International Airport.
    • Airport is expected to see 50 million passengers by end of December (breaking 2018 overall record of 47 million).
  • January 14-15, 2020. Canadian Aviation Safety Collaboration Forum (Ottawa, ON)
    • The event, organized by Transport Canada, will provide an opportunity for collaboration with a range of industry partners and operators, along with regulators to foster effective safety education, collaboration, and development.


  • January 3, 2020. Montreal, QC. The Gold-Headed Cane (Port of Montreal).
    • Awarded to the captain of the first ocean-going vessel to reach the Port of Montreal at the start of each new year.


  • January 30, 2020. Vancouver, BC. Transportation Leadership Lunch with British Columbia Transportation Minister Claire Trevena - Surrey Board of Trade.
    • Minister Trevena will speak about transportation issues and plans for Surrey, and the region, including the new ridesharing legislation.