Information provided for reference as supplied to senior officials at Transport Canada on . It has not been updated since that date.

List of Acts

Legislation under the Purview of the Minister of Transport

The Minister of Transport is responsible for serving the public interest through the promotion of a safe and secure, efficient and environmentally responsible transportation system in Canada. The Minister has responsibilities under 74 pieces of legislation and has primary responsibility for 50.

The Top 10 Acts for exercising the Minister's authorities are:

  1. Aeronautics Act
  2. Canada Marine Act
  3. Canada Shipping Act, 2001
  4. Canada Transportation Act
  5. Canadian Navigable Waters Act
  6. Department of Transport Act
  7. Motor Vehicle Safety Act
  8. Motor Vehicle Transport Act
  9. Railway Safety Act
  10. Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act

All Acts for which the Minister of Transport has primary responsibility

Governs civil aviation in Canada. It is composed of three Parts: Part I deals with Aeronautics in general, Part II deals with military investigations involving accidents between civilian and military aircraft, and Part III deals with staff responsibilities. The legislation enables the drafting of Canada’s aviation regulations.

Read the act: Aeronautics Act

An Act respecting Regulations made pursuant to Section 4 of the Aeronautics Act

Outlines the Air Regulations made pursuant to section 4 of the Aeronautics Act, and amendments made or revoked by the Minister of Transport.

Read the act: An Act respecting Regulations made pursuant to Section 4 of the Aeronautics Act

Air Canada Public Participation Act

In 1988, this Act repealed the Air Canada Act. It provides for the continuance of Air Canada under the Canada Business Corporations Act. In essence, the Act privatized Air Canada, which had been a Crown corporation since 1937.

Read the act: Air Canada Public Participation Act

Airport Transfer (Miscellaneous Matters) Act

Allows for the transfer of airports to airport authorities.

Read the act: Airport Transfer (Miscellaneous Matters) Act

Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act

Enables the government to create regulations to prevent pollution of areas of the arctic waters adjacent to the mainland and islands of the Canadian Arctic.

Read the act: Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act

Aviation Industry Indemnity Act

Allows the Minister of Transport to indemnify one or more aviation industry participants, or one or more classes of aviation industry participants, against their loss or damage that is caused by an event. The Act outlines the terms and limits of indemnification powers.

Read the act: Aviation Industry Indemnity Act

An Act respecting Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Company

Allows for the transfer of all the property and assets of the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Company in Canada to the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority.

Read the act: An Act respecting Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Company

Modernized Canada’s port systems in 1998, while making Canadian ports more competitive, efficient and commercially oriented. The Act provides for the establishment of port authorities and the divesting of certain harbours and ports for the commercialization of the St. Lawrence Seaway and ferry services.

Read the act: Canada Marine Act

Is the principal legislation which, among other things, protects the health and well-being of individuals, including the crews of vessels, who participate in marine transportation and commerce; protects the marine environment from damage due to navigation and shipping activities; promotes safety in marine transportation and recreational boating; promotes an efficient marine transportation system; and develops a regulatory scheme that encourages the viable, effective and economical use of Canadian waters by recreational boaters.

Read the act: Canada Shipping Act

The Act transitioned the National Transportation Agency into the Canadian Transportation Agency; consolidated the National Transportation Act, 1987 and the Railway Act; and allowed for amendments or the repeal of other Acts as a consequence. The Act creates a framework to regulate the various parts of the transportation sector in order to achieve the goals of Canada’s National Transportation Policy.

Read the act: Canada Transportation Act

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Act

Established the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) as a Crown corporation and charged it with protecting the public through effective and efficient screening of persons who access aircraft or restricted areas through screening points, the property in their possession or control, as well as the belongings or baggage that they give to an air carrier for transport.

Read the act: Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Act

Canadian National Montreal Terminals Act

Allows the Canadian National Railway Company to construct certain terminal facilities with grade separation and other works at and in the vicinity of the City of Montréal.

Read the act: Canadian National Montreal Terminals Act

Canadian National Toronto Terminals Act

Allows the Canadian National Railway Company to construct and complete buildings, structures, tracks, sidings, connections, yards, improvements, equipment and appliances for the movement and handling of every kind of traffic at and in the vicinity of the City of Toronto.

Provides protections for navigation on all navigable waters in Canada and provides oversight in navigable waters. The Act authorizes the Minister of Transport to address obstructions on all navigable waters and requires ministerial approval for all major works that significantly impact navigation. The Act also simplifies the process by which navigable waters could be added to the Schedule from its predecessor Act, the Navigation Protection Act.

Read the act: Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Carriage by Air Act

Gives effect to certain conventions (e.g., Warsaw Convention) for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air. The Act sets out the rights and liabilities of carriers, carriers’ servants and agents, passengers, consignors, consignees and other persons.

Read the act: Carriage by Air Act

Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act

Enabled the Government of Canada to privatize civil air navigation services, formerly under the authority of the Department of Transport. The Act also enabled the creation of NAV CANADA, the private not-for-profit corporation that now owns and operates Canada’s civil air navigation system.

Read the act: Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act

CN Commercialization Act

Allowed for the privatization of the Canadian National Railway Company (CN), which was a Crown corporation. The law sets out a framework for the restructuring and regulations of CN as a private entity.

Read the act: CN Commercialization Act

Coasting Trade Act

Regulates the use of foreign ships and non-duty paid ships in the coasting trade. The Act also regulates the repositioning of empty containers, dredging activities and feeder services, etc.

Read the act: Coasting Trade Act

Enabled the creation of the Department of Transport and outlines the corporate structure of Transport Canada.

Read the act: Department of Transport Act

An Act to provide for the appointment of a Port Warden for the Harbour of Quebec

Provides for the appointment of a Port Warden for the Harbour of Quebec, which is to be made through a Governor in Council appointment.

Read the act: An Act to provide for the appointment of a Port Warden for the Harbour of Quebec

Highway 30 Completion Bridge Act

Enabled the construction and maintenance of a bridge over the St. Lawrence River and a bridge over the Beauharnois Canal for the purpose of completing Highway 30.

Read the act: Highway 30 Completion Bridge Act

International Bridges and Tunnels Act

Creates a regulatory framework for the construction and alteration of international bridge crossings and tunnels. Under the Act, the approval of the Governor in Council is necessary for such projects.

Read the act: International Bridges and Tunnels Act

International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act

Enacts the provisions of the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment.

Read the act: International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act

International Rapids Power Development Act

Enacts an agreement between the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario for the construction of works for the electrical power in the international rapids section of the St. Lawrence River.

Read the act: International Rapids Power Development Act

Marine Atlantic Inc. Acquisition Authorization Act

Authorized the Minister of Transport to purchase CN Marine Inc. from the Canadian National Railway Company and changed the name of the new Crown corporation from CN Marine Inc. to Marine Atlantic Inc.

Read the act: Marine Atlantic Inc. Acquisition Authorization Act

Marine Insurance Act

Created a framework for regulating the marine insurance sector. The enforcement thereof falls within the responsibility of the Minister of Transport.

Read the act: Marine Insurance Act

Marine Liability Act

Concerns the applicability and scope of marine liability and serves to validate certain by-laws and regulations.

Read the act: Marine Liability Act

Marine Transportation Security Act

Empowers the Governor in Council to make regulations respecting the security of marine transportation. Inspectors, under the authority of the Minister of Transport, are mandated with the enforcement of the Act and the regulations made under the Act.

Read the act: Marine Transportation Security Act

Marine War Risks Act

Authorizes the Minister of Transport to enter into agreements, in the form and containing terms and conditions, that can be prescribed by regulations or approved by the Governor in Council, for the insurance or reinsurance by the Minister, against any or all war risks of vessels or cargo. The Act secures that ships are not laid up and that commerce is not interrupted by reason of lack of insurance facilities.

Read the act: Marine War Risks Act

An Act respecting Meaford Harbour

Authorizes the Corporation of the Township of St. Vincent to deepen, widen, impose and collect harbour dues, and otherwise improve Meaford Harbour in the Province of Ontario.

An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts relating to the office of Port Warden for the Harbour of Montreal

Amends and consolidates the Acts relating to the office of Port Warden for the Harbour of Montréal.

Read the act: An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts relating to the office of Port Warden for the Harbour of Montreal

Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act

Allows the Governor in Council, on the advice of the ministers of Transport and Natural Resources, to make regulations prescribing a fuel consumption standard for any class of motor vehicle for any year.

Read the act: Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act

Regulates the manufacturing and importation of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment to reduce the risk of death, injury and damage to property and the environment. Section 11 of the Act enables the Governor in Council to make regulations for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act.

Read the act: Motor Vehicle Safety Act

Ensures that the National Transportation Policy set out in section 5 of the Canada Transportation Act is carried out with respect to extra-provincial motor carrier undertakings along with creating a regulatory regime for safety performance assessments. The Act also reconciles operating standards to ensure that the application thereof are consistent throughout Canada.

Read the act: Motor Vehicle Transport Act

National Transcontinental Railway Act

Legislates certain provisions of the Wages Liability Act applying to the contractors and subcontractors constructing the Eastern Division of the National Transcontinental Railway. The Agreement to construct the National Transcontinental Railway is legislated within the Act.

Northern Transportation Company Limited Disposal Authorization Act

Authorizes the Minister of Transport to sell the Northern Transportation Company Limited, a corporation which would thereafter be continued under the Canada Business Corporations Act. The Act also clarifies certain of processes and powers of the Minister of Transport in relation to the sale of the company.

Read the act: Northern Transportation Company Limited Disposal Authorization Act

Northumberland Strait Crossing Act

Allows the Minister of Transport to enter into agreements to provide for the operation, construction, etc. of the crossing. The Act also mandates that a subsidy be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the operation of the bridge and in accordance with an agreement. Section 9 of the Act also enables the Minister of Transport, with the approval of the Governor in Council, to make regulations prescribing the manner of calculating tolls, fees or other charges.

Read the act: Northumberland Strait Crossing Act

Oil Tanker Moratorium Act

Provides protection for British Columbia’s northern coastline around the Dixon Entrance, Hecate Straight and the Queen Charlotte Sound from potential spills from oil tankers. The legislation does this by creating a moratorium area in which oil tankers carrying more than 12,500 metric tons of crude oil or persistent oil are prohibited from stopping, loading or unloading at ports or marine installations within the moratorium area. Vessels are also prohibited from circumventing the prohibitions. The Act sets out an enforcement regime, including fines, which are relative to the scale of violation.

Read the act: Oil Tanker Moratorium Act

Ontario Harbours Agreement Act

Approves an Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of Ontario respecting public harbours.

Pilotage Act

Provides the framework for the regulation and provision of maritime pilotage services in Canada. The Act also created the various pilotage authorities that operate in Canada and mandates that those pilotage authorities report back to Parliament.

Read the act: Pilotage Act

Railway Relocation and Crossing Act

Allows the Governor in Council to make regulations that authorize the Minister of Transport to make payments for transportation-area studies with funds from parliamentary appropriations. The legislation touches on the Joint Urban Development Transportation Plans, which has received the approval of all governments in the area in which the application is for.

Read the act: Railway Relocation and Crossing Act

Promotes and provides for the safety and security of all stakeholders in the railway sector; encourages collaboration amongst interested parties in improving safety and security; mandates the use of safety management systems to manage risks; and provides for a modern and efficient regulatory scheme that will ensure the continuing enhancement of railway safety and security.

Read the act: Railway Safety Act

Safe Containers Convention Act

Implements the International Convention for Safe Containers. The Act allows the Governor in Council to make regulations to bring the Convention into Canadian law.

Read the act: Safe Containers Convention Act

Security Screening Services Commercialization Act

Authorizes the Governor in Council to designate a corporation incorporated under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act as the Designated Screening Authority solely responsible for providing aviation security screening services; authorizes Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) to sell or dispose of its assets and liabilities to the Designated Screening Authority; regulates the establishment, imposition and collection of charges related to the provision of security screening services; and provides for the winding-up of CATSA. The Designated Screening Authority will be a non-share capital corporation that is owned and controlled by the private sector.

Read the act: Security Screening Services Commercialization Act

Shipping Conference Exemption Act

Exempts certain shipping conference practices from the provisions of the Competition Act. The Minister of Transport can designate any organization or association of shippers as representing the interests of those shippers.

Read the act: Shipping Conference Exemption Act

Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act

Established the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada.

Read the act: Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act

Establishes the framework for the regulation of the transportation of dangerous goods. The Act creates a schedule with types of products and classifications for each type of substance. The Act also enables the Governor in Council to make regulations for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Act.

Read the act: Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act

United States Wreckers Act

Allows United States vessels and wrecking appliances to salve any property wrecked and to render aid and assistance, including all necessary towing incident thereto to any vessels wrecked, disabled or in distress in the waters of Canada contiguous to the United States.

Read the act: United States Wreckers Act

An Act respecting the Winnipeg Terminals of the Canadian Northern Railway Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company

Affirms and declares an Agreement between Canada, the Canadian Northern Railway Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway respecting the Winnipeg terminals.

Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act

Seeks to protect coastal and shoreline communities, the environment and infrastructure. It also seeks to reduce the burden on taxpayers. This legislation is a core element of the national strategy on abandoned and wrecked vessels, in the context of the Oceans Protection Plan. It strengthens vessel owner liability and explicitly prohibits vessel abandonment. It empowers the Minister of Transport to order the removal of dilapidated vessels left on Crown property and authorizes the transfer of abandoned vessels to third parties. The legislation also establishes an enforcement regime that authorizes the issuance of administrative monetary penalties, establishes regulatory offences and sets out a penalty regime that is intended to deter non-compliance.

Read the act: Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act

All Acts for which the Minister of Transport has shared responsibilities

Bills of Lading Act (Minister of Justice)

Sets out a framework with regards to Bills of Lading and regulated lading contracts. The Act also sets out the rights of consignees and endorsees in relation to contractual arrangements.

Read the act: Bills of Lading Act (Minister of Justice)

Government Property Traffic Act (Minister of Public Works and Government Services)

Authorizes the Governor in Council to make regulations regarding the control of traffic on government property.

Read the act: Government Property Traffic Act (Minister of Public Works and Government Services)

Canadian Energy Regulator Act (Minister of Environment and Climate Change)

Established the Canadian Energy Regulator and sets out its composition, mandate and powers. The role of the Regulator is to regulate the exploitation, development and transportation of energy within Parliament’s jurisdiction.

Read the act: Canadian Energy Regulator Act (Minister of Environment and Climate Change)

Non-smokers’ Health Act (Minister of Labour)

Empowers the Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada and the Minister of Transport joint responsibility towards the enforcement of the Act and the development of regulations that pertain to the enforcement of the Act.

Read the act: Non-smokers’ Health Act (Minister of Labour)

Preclearance Act (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Enacts the Agreement on Land, Marine and Air Transport Preclearance between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States. The legislation also makes consequential amendments to other Acts in order to implement the Agreement.

Read the act: Preclearance Act (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

All Acts for which the Minister has powers, duties or functions under certain sections

Access to Information Act (Minister of Justice and President of the Treasury Board)

Gives Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any person or corporation present in Canada a right to access records from government institutions that are subject to the Act. Generally, the department has 30 days for a legal response from the date of receipt of an official request.

Read the act: Access to Information Act (Minister of Justice and President of the Treasury Board)

Canada Labour Code (Minister of Labour)

Consolidates certain statutes respecting labour. The objective of the code is to facilitate production by controlling strikes and lockouts, occupational safety and health, and some employment standards. The provision relevant to the Minister of Transport is 157(3).

Read the act: Canada Labour Code (Minister of Labour)

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act (Minister of Natural Resources)

Implements the Memorandum of Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Province on offshore petroleum resource management and revenue sharing. Under Part III (1), section 4 of the Act, the Governor in Council is empowered to make regulations on the recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Labour. Regulations made under subsection (1) in respect of employees and other passengers on a passenger craft must also be made on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport.

Read the act: Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act (Minister of Natural Resources)

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act (Minister of Natural Resources)

Empowers the Governor in Council to make regulations on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport. The Minister of Transport has responsibilities under subsections 210.001 and 210.126.

Read the act: Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act (Minister of Natural Resources)

Emergency Management Act (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

Subsection 6(1) of the Act mandates ministers with identifying the risks in their area of responsibilities and to establish emergency management plans in respect to those risks. Ministers are also responsible to maintain, test, implement and conduct exercises and training in relation to those plans.

Read the act: Emergency Management Act (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

Excise Tax Act (Minister of National Revenue)

Sections 11 and 13 authorize the Governor in Council to make regulations on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport.

Read the act: Excise Tax Act (Minister of National Revenue)

Financial Administration Act (Minister of Finance)

Empowers the Governor in Council the power to create regulations in relation to user fees. Various regulations that pertain to the Transport Canada portfolio have been made under this Act.

Read the act: Financial Administration Act (Minister of Finance)

Crown Corporations Dissolution or Transfer Authorization Act (Minister of State Finance and Privatization)

Sections 2 to 6 authorize the Minister of Transport to sell or otherwise dispose of any or all shares of Canada Harbour Place Corporation held by the Minister responsible for the Act.

Read the act: Crown Corporations Dissolution or Transfer Authorization Act (Minister of State Finance and Privatization)

Privacy Act (Minister of Justice and President of the Treasury Board)

Governs the personal information handling practices of federal government institutions. The Act applies to all of the personal information the federal government collects, uses and discloses – be it about individuals or federal employees. The Act also gives individuals the right to access and request correction of personal information held by these federal government institutions.

Read the act: Privacy Act (Minister of Justice and President of the Treasury Board)

Secure Air Travel Act (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

Sections 10, 13, 18, 26, 28, 29 and 31 allow the Minister of Transport to collect, disclose and share information with the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness for the purpose of enforcing the Act. Section 8 also empowers the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to create a list of individuals that can be reasonably suspected that will threaten transportation security, known as the “No-Fly List.” The Act authorizes the Minister of Transport to share information with air carriers and operators regarding the enforcement of the Act.

Read the act: Secure Air Travel Act (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

Encourages and facilitates the sharing of information among Government of Canada institutions in order to protect Canada against activities that undermine the security of Canada. Subsection 5(1) and Schedule 3 are the provisions that relate to the Minister of Transport.

Read the act: Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

Other relevant Acts

Bridges Act (Minister of Public Works and Government Services)

Regulates the conduct of bridge companies, inspections and other areas related to the construction, operation and maintenance of bridges.

Read the act: Bridges Act (Minister of Public Works and Government Services)

Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (President of the Queen’s Privy Council of Canada)

Established the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board. The Board’s mandate is to advance transportation safety by investigating occurrences in the marine, pipeline, rail and air modes of transportation.

Read the act: Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (President of the Queen’s Privy Council of Canada)

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, Minister of Human Resources Development)

Provides for the making of certain fiscal contributions to provinces; including, but not limited to, fiscal equalization payments to provinces, territorial financing, fiscal stabilization payments to provinces, administration agreements and transfer payments.

Read the act: Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, Minister of Human Resources Development)

Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act

Corrects certain irregularities, inconsistencies and errors and deals with other matters of a non-controversial and uncomplicated nature in the Statutes of Canada and to repeal certain Acts.

Read the act: Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act

Official Languages Act

This Act is the federal statute that makes English and French the two official languages of Canada. It also requires all federal institutions to provide services in English or French on request. In the case of Transport Canada, Part V of the Official Languages Act adds the application of the Act to the purview of the Minister of Transport for all the federal institutions that fall under the Minister’s portfolio.

Read the act: Official Languages Act

Statutory Instruments Act

This Act establishes the process by which regulations can be made. Transport Canada needs to abide by this Act in order for regulations to hold force of law and become applicable.

Read the act: Statutory Instruments Act