Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA)


The Canadian Transportation Agency (the Agency) is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal and regulator that has, with respect to all matters necessary for the exercise of its jurisdiction, all the powers of a superior court. As part of Transport Canada’s portfolio, the Agency develops and enforces regulations and rules regarding the rights and responsibilities of transportation service providers and users and resolves related disputes. The Agency makes decisions and determinations on a wide range of matters involving air, marine and rail modes of transportation as set out in the Canada Transportation Act and other legislation. The Agency reports to Parliament through the Minister of Transport.

The Agency has three core mandates:

  • To help ensure that the national transportation system runs efficiently and smoothly in the interest of all Canadians;
  • To protect the human right of persons with disabilities to an accessible transportation network; and
  • To provide consumer protection for air passengers.

Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer: France Pégeot