Information provided for reference as supplied to senior officials at Transport Canada on . It has not been updated since that date.

Internal Governance

Integrated Decision-Making Framework

Transport Canada's Integrated Decision Making Framework (IDMF) provides for an integrated model of management for the Department. It sets out the principles of TC governance and processes, delegation of authority, documentation, and contains a summary of all high-level departmental Committees. The IDMF provides that authorities are delegated to the lowest practical level with clear accountability, and the individual responsibilities of managers and the collective responsibility of committees for achieving departmental objectives are well balanced.

Introduced in 2014, the IDMF is a living document that is updated regularly. Its last substantive review took place in 2022 and further updates are underway.



Decision-Making Committees

Transport Canada Executive Management Committee (TMX)

The TMX is the senior management board of the Department. It sets the overall direction and priorities on policy, programs, regulatory issues, and provides guidance and decisions on departmental planning. 

Resource and Investment Management Committee (RIMC)

The RIMC ensures executive level review of activities across five core corporate services functions: Financial Management, Corporate Planning, Capital Resources Management and Project Performance, Human Resources, Procurement.

ADM Advisory Committees

Safety and Security Management Committee (SSMC)

The SSMC sets the strategic direction and prioritization for initiatives to support safety and security in air, marine, rail, and road transportation.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee provides advice to TMX in advancing horizontal research, policy/program development, regulatory and legislative priorities, and strategic planning.

Innovation Committee

The Committee ensures that TC's Innovation and Research, Development and Deployment (RD&D) activities are aligned and consistent with Government Priorities.

Departmental Security Committee

The Security Committee provides recommendations to the TMX regarding TC's security management and programs and contributes to improve departmental security posture.

Director General Advisory Committees

DG Resource Management Committee

This committee of Directors General provides regular oversight and challenge forum for financial and capital resource management, corporate planning, procurement, and human resources. 

DG Committee on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs

The committee provides oversight of TC's regulatory frameworks, policies and processes, and ensures alignment with strategic priorities and outcomes.

DG Innovation Committee

The DG Innovation Committee assists in advancing a coherent approach to transportation innovation issues/initiatives.

DG Horizontal Committee (DGH)

The DGH functions as a whole-of-department consultative body. It discusses, challenges and advises on non-resource horizontal initiatives that have the potential to affect multiple groups within Transport Canada. 

External Advisory Committee

Departmental Audit Committee

This external advisory body provides advice and recommendations to the Deputy on the effective functioning of the department's risk management, control and governance frameworks and processes. 

Governance Modernization

At the request of the Transport Canada Executive Management Committee (TMX), the TC Committees' Secretariat is currently undertaking a three phased modernization of TC Governance. The process builds on the 2022 review of the Integrated Decision-Making Framework and aims at creating a state-of-the-art governance framework that follows established best practices and optimizes resources for making, tracking, and implementing decisions at TC. The process consists of three phases:

  1. Interim updates (November 2022): Streamlining financial governance and renewing the mandate of TMX and the DG Horizontal Committee.

    This phase was approved by TMX in November 2022 and was implemented in January 2023. Two new Committees were also established to carry out all corporate services functions: the Resource and Investment Management Committee (RIMC) and DG Resource Committee.

  2. Standardization (February 2023): Updating the governance framework for service modernization and innovation, creating centralized record management for all Committees, standardizing document templates, and renewing internal communication around governance.
  3. Integrated Decision-Making Framework Update (April-May 2023): Confirming governance pathways for Safety and Security and new mandates, such as Indigenous relations, public engagement, and enforcement management. Formalize the Performance Management and Evaluation Committee and reassess and finalize the mandate for the DG Horizontal Committee.

Transport Canada Committees' Secretariat

The centralized Corporate Secretary function was re-established in 2022 within the Executive Office, with the aim of enhancing integrated planning to optimize the implementation of departmental priorities and providing increased transparency and efficiency through coordinated agendas and standardized document templates.

To support this mandate, the Transport Canada Committees' Secretariat (TCCS) was established under the Corporate Secretary to provide administrative support and strategic advice to committee chairs with agenda planning, meeting preparations, logistics, and records of decision.

As a centre of expertise, TCCS also provides governance advice and support to TC management executives and subject matter experts on decision pathways, processes, and documentation.