Information provided for reference as supplied to senior officials at Transport Canada on . It has not been updated since that date.

Delegation of Financial Signing Authorities


  • Transport Canada’s (TC) financial delegations consist of the delegation of financial signing authorities, delegation of materiel and contracting signing authorities and the delegation of project approval authority.
  • Delegated managers must complete mandatory Canada School of Public Service and TC internal training.


1) Financial Signing Authorities

a) Minister’s Authorities

The Minister’s approval is required for:

Expenditure Initiation Authority

  • Events: Over $50K
  • Hospitality:
    • When alcohol or entertainment is provided, or
    • Food and beverage costs exceed the standard cost per person, or
    • Hospitality or entertainment will be provided to an accompanying person, or
    • Hospitality will be offered at a public servant’s residence, or
    • Over 10K
  • Conference Sponsorship: Over $50K
  • Transfer payments: Approval of funding proposals under approved Transfer Payment programs (unless otherwise sub-delegated)

Other Authorities

  • Debt Write-off: Over $500K
  • Transfer Payments: The Minister has delegated authority from Treasury Board (TB) to establish transfer payment programs, including terms and conditions, as follows:
    • Governments and Agencies: Up to $3M
    • Transportation Companies: Up to $250K
    • Non-Government Organizations and Individuals: Up to $250K
  • All other transfer payment programs require TB approval.

b) Deputy Minister’s Authorities

The Deputy Minister’s (DM) approval is required for:

Expenditure Initiation Authority

  • Events: Over $25K up to $50K
  • Hospitality: Over 3K up to $10K
  • Conference Attendance: Attendance of spouses of official representatives for reasons of protocol
  • Conference Sponsorship: $25k up to $50k
  • Ex-Gratia: Over $2K
  • Claims against the Crown: Over $250K
  • Memberships: Private Club Memberships

Other Authorities

  • Claims by the Crown: Over $250K
  • Debt Write-off: Over $250K up to $500K

c) Associate Deputy Minister’s Authorities

The Associate Deputy Minister (Associate DM) has the following authorities:

Expenditure Initiation Authority

  • Events: Up to $25K
  • Hospitality: Up to $3K
  • Conference Attendance: Without Attendance of spouses of official representatives for reasons of protocol
  • Conference Sponsorship: Up to $25K
  • Ex-Gratia: Up to $2K
  • Claims against the Crown: Over $100K up to $250K
  • Memberships: All memberships, excluding Private Club Memberships.
    • Note: Memberships reimbursed in accordance with collective agreements can be approved at a lower level

Other Authorities

  • Claims by the Crown: Over $100K up to $250K

2) Contracting and Materiel Authorities

The Minister has delegated full (F) materiel and contracting authority to the Deputy Minister; the Associate DM; the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM), Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer (Departmental Functional Head for Contracting); and the Director General, Financial Operations and Administrative Services (Chief Procurement Officer) (Departmental Contracting Authority) as follows:













Contractual Arrangements with other Public Sector Entities



Emergency Contracts



Certain categories of goods or services may have different limits if an applicable Standing Offer or Supply Arrangement exists.

Disposal of Materiel:

Donations to non-public sector entities require the Minister’s approval.

3) Project Approval Delegations

Due to its project management maturity, TC is one of a handful of departments that has a Level 3 Organizational Project Management Capacity Assessment (OPMCA) – note Level 4 is the highest.

TC has the authority to internally approve projects up to risk Level 3 – based on the Project Complexity Risk Assessment (PCRA) where Level 1 represents the lowest risk and Level 4 the highest risk.

  • If under $3M: ADM/Regional Director General (RDG) project approval authority is required
  • If $3M and above: Condensed PCRA for $3M to $10M and Full PCRA for $10M and above
    1. PCRA Level 1: ADM/RDG
    2. PCRA Level 2: CFO
    3. PCRA Level 3: Minister
    4. PCRA Level 4: Treasury Board

In-year project budget reallocation authority limits are shared between the ADM of the Investment Group, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the DM:

  • Up to $250K – ADM of the Investment Group
  • Between $250K and $500K – CFO
  • Above $500K - DM/Associate DM

Initial Budget Delegation and In-year project funding allocation authority:

  • Initial Budget Delegation - resides with the DM/Associate DM and are set through the Multi-year Resource Planning (MRP) process
  • In-year Funding Allocation - advanced when funds become available:
    • Up to $1M – CFO
    • Above $1M – DM/Associate DM

Project delivery is managed through a gating model. Each Phase of a project is concluded with a Gate, which serves as a key decision or control point to determine whether to proceed to the next Phase of the project’s lifecycle.