Transport Canada 2024-25 Departmental plan at a glance

A departmental plan describes a department’s priorities, plans, and associated costs for the upcoming three fiscal years.

Key priorities

  • TC will prioritize efforts to improve the Canadian air passenger experience by working with partners to improve accessibility, inclusivity, and barrier-free transportation.
  • TC remains committed to working with federal partners to improve the safety and security of Canada’s transportation networks through maintaining a robust, fair, and safety-minded regulatory environment.
  • TC is committed to ongoing work with stakeholders to strengthen the efficiency and reliability of Canada’s supply chains and transportation infrastructure to foster sustained economic growth and prosperity for Canadians across regions.
  • TC will maintain its leadership role in facilitating the transition of Canada’s transportation system to low-carbon and zero-emission technologies in support of Canadian clean growth and Canada’s net-zero commitment.

Refocusing government spending

In Budget 2023, the government committed to reducing spending by $14.1 billion over the next five years, starting in 2023–24, and by $4.1 billion annually after that.

As part of meeting this commitment, Transport Canada is planning the following spending reductions.

  • 2024-25: $39,414,000  
  • 2025-26: $70,390,000 
  • 2026-27 and after: $114,788,000

Transport Canada will achieve these reductions by doing the following:

  • Streamlining and Right-sizing Internal Business Processes (savings of $28.64M ongoing):
    • TC will leverage early investment in digitization, streamline IT applications and restructure internal services to remove duplication and redundancy.
  • Aligning program operations (savings of $18.87M ongoing)
    • TC will restructure programs, improving and modernizing service delivery through engagement with external service providers.
  • Aligning Grants & Contributions programs (savings of $67.28M ongoing)
    • TC will refocus its grants and contributions program portfolio to better align with its core mandate and provide tangible benefits to Canadians.

The figures in this departmental plan reflect these reductions.


A Departmental Results Framework consists of an organization’s core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve, and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.

Safe and secure transportation system

Departmental results:

  • A safe transportation system
  • A secure transportation system
  • A modern safety and security regime that supports economic growth

Planned spending: $ 529,947,503

Planned human resources: 3,626

TC will continue to maintain and support a robust, fair, and safety-minded regulatory environment that allows for the safe and secure movement of people and goods from coast-to-coast-to-coast. We will work to ensure that Canada’s aviation industry is well-positioned to minimize the impacts of future disruptions and focus on opportunities to improve the air travel experience in Canada. In 2024‒25 TC will continue to improve rail safety and security by working with industry and law enforcement partners across Canada. In addition, the department will continue to improve and harmonize marine safety and security standards, regulations and practices. We are committed to working with federal partners for whole-of-government approaches to the preparation for, prevention and mitigation of, and response to emergencies and recovery efforts, including how we contend with new threats and situations that could have an impact on the country’s transportation system.

More information about a Safe and secure transportation system can be found in the full departmental plan.

Green and innovative transportation system

Departmental results:

  • Harmful air emissions from transportation in Canada are reduced
  • Canada’s oceans and marine environments are protected from marine shipping impacts
  • A transportation system that supports innovation

Planned spending: $ 1,004,235,774

Planned human resources: 1,052

In 2024‒25, TC will focus on priority initiatives that ensure that Canadians continue to reap the benefits of an affordable, resilient, green, and safe transportation system. For example, TC will continue to collaborate with partners make it easier for consumers and businesses to choose zero-emission vehicles and help advance zero-emission trucking solutions. The department will also continue to implement Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan (OPP), building on existing work to address existing gaps in marine incident prevention, emergency preparedness and recovery, and ecosystem protection, while continuing to foster partnerships with Indigenous and coastal communities.

More information about Green and innovative transportation system can be found in the full departmental plan.

Efficient transportation system

Departmental results:

  • Transportation corridors enable efficient movement of products to market
  • Canadian travelers and freight operators benefit from choice and improved service
  • Transport Canada manages its assets effectively

Planned spending: $ 1,856,311,450

Planned human resources: 746

TC will work with federal partners, provinces, territories, industry, Indigenous Peoples and other supply chain stakeholders to develop a long-term roadmap for Canada’s transportation infrastructure to better plan and coordinate investments required to support future trade growth. TC will also continue its efforts to support VIA High Frequency Rail to further advance a new, dedicated intercity passenger rail network between Toronto and Québec City. We will also engage and work with partners to improve accessible, inclusive, and barrier-free air transportation for persons with disabilities. A key part of this work will focus on improving the monitoring of accessibility performance and regulatory complaints through the collection and sharing of better data.

More information about Efficient transportation system can be found in the full departmental plan.