Application for Transport Canada Registration

in accordance with Section 14 of CAN/CGSB-43.126-98 "Remanufacturing and Reconditioning of Drums Used for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods"


name and title



registered company name and address


telephone     facsimile     e-mail

request that Transport Canada conduct an assessment of the facility located at:


for conformance with CAN/CGSB-43.126-98 "Remanufacturing and Reconditioning of Drums for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods".

I agree to permit a representative of Transport Canada to conduct audits of this facility at any time during working hours. I understand that the Certificate of Registration is issued on condition that conformance with requirements of the standard, as determined by an audit, is maintained.

I have attached a copy of the Program documentation (including procedures, forms and sample markings) for the reconditioning and remanufacturing operations.

The company intends to recon./remanuf. :

          Steel drums ___ Plastic drums ___


Signed _________________________________
( Officer of the Company )

Date ___________________________________

Send to :
Transport Canada
Transport of Dangerous Goods
Regulatory Affairs (ASDD)
Place de Ville 9th floor, 330 Sparks St.
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5