Preparing for Connected and Automated Vehicles at the City of Vancouver – Staff Engagement, Issues, and Opportunities

The City of Vancouver conducted a two-year, internal capacity building initiative, to proactively prepare the organization for a Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) future. The project received funding from Transport Canada’s Program to Advance Connectivity and Automation in the Transportation System (ACATS).

In the first three phases of the project, the City developed a common understanding & awareness of CAV technologies amongst the staff, provided opportunities to discuss how the technology could impact City services, and worked together to identify potential opportunities & issues. In the final phase of the project, the team developed a CAV technology pilot testing plan, intended to ultimately support future CAV technology implementation.

This document pulls together the elements from the first three phases:

  • Global Research Scan: To build a “knowledge base” on the latest progress with CAV technologies including terminology and case studies
  • Engagement Plan and Toolkit: a framework and materials for engaging with city staff across a range of departments, through surveys, workshops, and interviews, to get their input about how they think CAV technologies might impact them or their departments.
  • Issues and Opportunities Report: Highlight findings through City staff engagement around issues, consideration, and opportunities as it relates to CAVs.
  • Testing Priorities: Identification of the various testing opportunities identified by stakeholders and built on issues and opportunities.
  • Lessons Learned: Highlight lessons learned in deploying the engagement plan - for other organizations to consider.

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