Find out more on how we’re helping Canada’s transportation sector become even more safe, secure, efficient and environmentally-friendly.
Mode | Title | Description |
Multimodal | AI explainability: Regulations and responsibilities |
Report on the issue of AI explainability, analyzing the issue's development through industry demands, regulatory developments, and AI functioning and capabilities, and exploring the challenge it poses to regulators and industry. |
Multimodal | Robotic Cargo Transport: New Technologies, Novel Practices & Policy Readiness in Canada |
Research about the current state of autonomous cargo delivery and future prospects, with policy and regulatory recommendations for TC. |
Multimodal | Final Report: Transit Bus Research |
This report presents the final results of a multi‐year research programme to investigate the crashworthiness of transit buses and to support evidence-informed approaches to enhancing occupant protection. |
Road | Surface Robotics - Final Report |
Report on the extent of sidewalk robot (micro utility device) development, applications, and social impacts, particularly in Canada, and recommendations for future policy and technology development. |
Road | Micro Utility Devices - Observations from Transport Canada’s Winter 2022 Urban Trial |
Overview of micro utility devices (MUDs) and report on the direct observations and quantitative results of the Innovation Centre’s Winter 2022 Swap Robotics MUD trial in Ottawa, with a summary of lessons learned and future recommendations. |
Road | Battery technologies for electric long-haul trucks |
Literature review and analysis prepared by NRC to explore the potential of current and future Battery Technologies for electric long-haul Trucking. |
Road | A Review of Next Generation Communication Technology for Transportation |
The objective of the study is to summarize the state of development for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC), 5G New Radio (5G NR), Cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) and 5G. |
Road | Security Credential Management System (SCMS) – Requirements Analysis Report |
This report aims to identify stakeholder requirements and considerations for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-other (V2X) device credentialing in Canada. |
Road | Security Credential Management System (SCMS) – Options Analysis Report |
This report is a follow-up to the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) Requirements Analysis report, which identified stakeholder requirements for the deployment of the SCMS in Canada. |
Road | Security Credential Management System (SCMS) - Recommended Operating and Governance Model Report |
This report is the third in a series of reports detailing a roadmap for the deployment of a nationally coordinated Security Credential Management System (SCMS) for Canada. |
Road | Security Credential Management System (SCMS) - Model Canadian Certificate Policy |
This Model Certificate Policy (CP) is the final in a series of analyses to develop a possible roadmap for the deployment of a nationally coordinated SCMS for connected vehicles in Canada. |
Road | City of Ottawa - I2V Connected Vehicle Pilot Project – City Fleet-Signalized Intersection Approach and Departure Optimization Application |
The City of Ottawa EcoDrive II project investigated the potential environmental and fuel efficiency benefits of providing drivers with advanced signal information using Green-light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) technology. |
Road | City of Calgary 16 Avenue North V2I Test Bed Final Report |
This report details how the 16 Avenue North “vehicle-to-infrastructure” (V2I) Test Bed project successfully established a connected corridor of 14 intersections to test V2I technology. |
Road | Preparing for Connected and Automated Vehicles at the City of Vancouver – Staff Engagement, Issues, and Opportunities |
The City of Vancouver conducted a two-year, internal capacity building initiative, to proactively prepare the organization for a Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) future. This is the first of two reports, summarizing the main efforts – technology scan, staff engagement, and identification of CAV testing opportunities. |
Road | Preparing for Connected and Automated Vehicles at the City of Vancouver – Pilot Testing Plan |
The City of Vancouver conducted a two-year, internal capacity building initiative, to proactively prepare the organization for a Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) future. This is the second of two reports and provides testing plans for three CAV technologies: Automated Ice Resurfacers; Automated Lawn Mowers; Automated Street Sweepers. |
Marine |
Demonstration and Deployment of a Zero Emission Propulsion System |
Glas Ocean Electric (GOE) retrofitted a 29-foot fishing boat with a drop-in battery propulsion system assembled and designed in-house to demonstrate the benefits of electric hybrid propulsion for smaller commercial vessels while meeting industry standards and regulatory requirements through collaboration with Lloyds Register. |
Marine |
Underwater sound recordings obtained from the Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society (SIMRES) at two locations in Boundary Pass, British Columbia, were analyzed for marine mammal vocalizations. Overall, this study contributes important information on the occurrence of several species in Boundary Pass, including killer whales. |
Marine |
Modelling Underwater Sound from Small Vessels in Southern Resident Killer Whale Critical Habitat |
An underwater noise assessment was performed to quantify the potential underwater noise reductions associated with increasing Southern Resident killer whale minimum vessel approach distances from the historic 200 m to the present 400 m and to longer potential distances (600 m, 800 m, and 1000 m). |
Marine |
Quieting Ships to Protect the Marine Environment Workshop Final Report |
In late January of 2019, Transport Canada hosted a technical workshop entitled "Quieting Ships to Protect the Marine Environment". This report highlights the recommendations and outcomes of the workshop. |
Marine |
In order to further inform discussions underway at the IMO’s Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) on underwater vessel noise, a benchmarking study was conducted in 2019 which involved one-on-one interviews with international stakeholders, including shipping industry representatives. The report highlights various issues and recommendations regarding awareness and uptake of the Guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from shipping. |
Marine |
Canadian Marine Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Supply Chain Project |
This report describes all aspects required for the development of a supply chain for liquified natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel in the Arctic region of Canada. The potential benefits of a move towards LNG fuel are discussed, examining a range of sectors and stakeholders. |
Marine |
Hull Coating and Propeller Condition Renewal for Emissions Reduction |
This report presents the results of a study undertaken by Vard Marine Inc and Algoma Central Corporation to evaluate the potential fuel efficiency improvement, resulting emissions reductions, and cost savings of performing propeller polishing and hull coating renewal for a conventional Great Lakes self-unloading bulk carrier. |
Marine |
Development of operation profiles for representative Canadian coastal vessels, including passenger and vehicle ferry ships, tugboats, and fishing boats using information and data drawn from dedicated data acquisition systems, ship sensors, controller area bus, etc. |
Marine |
Offshore Designs Ltd (ODL) is developing an On the Go (OTG) ship hull cleaning robot to service large ocean-going vessels while they transit between ports. The goal is to provide ship operators a cost-effective means of maintaining a clean hull to maximize fuel savings, minimize GHG emissions and prevent spreading invasive species. |
Marine |
This report details the work completed during various phases of a program to develop a Comprehensive Commercial Design Report for an Advanced Air Emissions Abatement Floatation Unit for Canadian ports. |
Marine |
Reducing Vessel Emissions through Machine Learning-based Routing |
The purpose of this project was to advance the technical readiness level of the Vessel Fuel Optimization (VFO) technology by (a) improving the implementation, and (b) evaluating the performance and usability in operational settings. |
Marine |
Assessment of Vessel Noise within the Southern Resident Killer Whale Interim Sanctuary Zones |
JASCO Applied Sciences performed a study to quantify vessel noise both with and without the implementation of the Interim Sanctuary Zones to estimate their effectiveness in reducing vessel noise levels within the zones. |
Marine | Echolocation Devices and Marine Mammal Impact Mitigation |
This report characterizes Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) from echolocation sources used on commercial and recreational vessels, and develops recommendations for design and operational measures which may mitigate the URN impact on marine mammals. |
Marine | Towards a Standard for Vessel URN Measurement in Shallow Water - Final |
This final report provides supporting information for the development of a standard for vessel underwater radiated noise (URN) measurements in shallow water. |
Marine | Towards a Standard for Vessel URN Measurement in Shallow Water - White Paper |
This White Paper describes the issues associated with shallow-water vessel underwater radiated noise measurements, and develops a measurement plan for a field experiment to address the identified knowledge gaps. |
Marine | Ship Underwater Radiated Noise |
This report presents the results of a review of means of mitigating and predicting the underwater radiated noise (URN) from ships. |
Marine | SIMRES Ambient Noise: Observed Differences in the Underwater Noise Soundscape Before and After Implementing the 2019 and 2020 Saturna Island Interim Sanctuary Zones |
Underwater ambient noise levels from recordings collected by the Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society (SIMRES) at two locations in Boundary Pass were analyzed by JASCO to compare differences in the underwater soundscape before and after implementing the 2019 and 2020 Saturna Island Interim Sanctuary Zones. |
Marine | Understanding Anthropogenic Underwater Noise |
This report assembles technical knowledge about anthropogenic underwater noise from different sources and its potential impacts on the marine environment, and provides national and international context. |
Rail | Assessing the Effectiveness of Vision technologies for Railcar Inspection |
This report investigates the reliability of the Train Inspection Portal System (TIPS) under different climatic conditions and assesses the effectiveness of Portal Office Inspection (POI) in detecting train defects. It also examines the impact of human factors on POI output and explores the potential of AI algorithms to assist office inspectors. |
Rail | Hydrogen Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis for Rail Applications |
This project report emphasizes the safe integration of low-carbon and zero-emission hydrogen technologies into Canada’s rail sector. It explores risk assessment, mitigation strategies, and pilot deployments to support the sustainable use of hydrogen as a clean energy solution for rail transportation. |
Rail | Carryback: Preliminary study of mitigation measures to reduce adhesion of bulk materials to containers in cold weather |
‘Carryback’ is the term commonly used to describe the phenomenon where bulk materials stick to the inside of containers when they are being unloaded by trucks and railcars. |
Rail | Literature Review and Experimental Testing of Hydrogen/Diesel Blends for Heavy-Duty Compression Ignition Engines Operating at Typical Locomotive Engine Load Conditions |
This report, comprised of a literature review and experimental investigation, summarizes the current use, feasibility, and GHG-reduction potential of dual fuel hydrogen-diesel combustion for locomotive applications. The literature review investigates the current use of hydrogen-diesel combustion in rail and other modes, outlines the mechanics and performance of dual-fuel combustion, and assesses the technology's maintenance and retrofit effort. The experimental investigation tests the combustion and emissions performance of a heavy-duty compression ignition diesel engine, modified to include port-injected hydrogen, under locomotive-like engine loading conditions. |
Rail | Fire Risk in Railway operations |
This report examins the elements of railway operations that are susceptible to causing sparks and fires and understand technologies or policy changes that can reduce fire risks and build resiliency in the rail network. |
Rail | International Collaborative Research Initiative on Rolling Contact Fatigue and Wear of Rails and Wheels - Yearly Project Review for FY 2022-23 |
This report summarizes the activities of the ICRI and provides details on their projects such as friction modeling studies. |
Rail | Current research on slow-moving landslides in the Thompson River valley, British Columbia |
This report focuses on landslide mapping and change-detection monitoring research. This research leads to a better understanding of how geological conditions, extreme weather events and climate change influence landslide activity along the national railway corridor though combining field-based landslide investigation with multi-year geospatial and in-situ time-series monitoring. |
Rail | Cold Climate Railway Technologies: Literature Review and Gap Analysis |
A literature review and gap analysis for railway technologies summarizing research topics identified, prioritized, and recommended by the Extreme Cold Climactic Conditions Project Steering Committee and in consultation with stakeholders and technical experts through the Canadian Railway Research & Advisory Board (RRAB). |
Rail | Risk Assessment of Hydrogen and Battery Power in Locomotives – Part 3 – Codes and Standards Review |
A review of codes and standards that are applicable to hydrail applications in Canada was conducted. The scope included codes and standards associated with key sub-systems and components which comprise a hydrogen fuel cell and lithium battery system. |
Rail | Investigation of Tie Plate Icing/Ice Jacking |
Tie plate icing (or ice jacking) is a cold weather railway phenomenon which causes a safety risk to railways in cold climates. This report investigated root causes, sought to understand operational safety impacts, identify potential monitoring methods, and propose remedial actions. |
Rail | Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Testing Parameters in Extreme Cold Temperature |
Minor defects or anomalies in rails can cause breakages when stressed by factors such as increased train tonnage or cold weather conditions. To monitor these defects, railroads are primarily reliant on ultrasonic testing (UT). This report evaluated the effectiveness of UT by measuring the effects of extreme cold (0°C to -40°C) on the refraction angle, velocity, and density of ultrasound in couplants and rail steel. |
Rail | Evaluation of a Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter Coated by a Mixture of Novel Soot Oxidation and DeNOx Catalysts Using a Tier 2 Diesel Engine |
An innovative catalyst technology that aims to combine nitrogen oxides (NOx) and diesel particular matter (DPM) emissions controls into one unit was developed by CanmetENERGY-Ottawa. |
Rail | Risk Assessment of Hydrogen and Battery Power in Locomotives – Part 2 – Risks and Hazards Assessment |
A risk analysis for a hypothetical hydrail locomotive was conducted using failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) methodology. It focused on the risks and hazards introduced due to the incorporation of fuel-cell, hydrogen, and battery systems. |
Rail | Risk Assessment of Hydrogen and Battery Power in Locomotives – Part 1 – Literature Review |
A literature review of several real-world hydrogen fuel cell locomotive demonstrations were examined in order to gain insight about the parameter of their operation. This was used to define the scope of risks and hazards that should be examined. A summary of considerations for the adoption of this technology are presented. |
Rail | Challenges and Opportunities for Automation of Rail Operations |
This exploratory study examined the technology maturity in the development of automation technologies for railway operations. It also proposed a classfication system for the progression to full automated operations. |
Rail | An International Collaborative Research Initiative on Rolling Contact Fatigue and Wear of Rails and Wheels: 3 Year Project Review (March 2019 – March 2022) |
This report summarizes the activities of the ICRI and provides details on their active projects such as economic modelling of griding programs. |
Rail | Lignin-derived diesel fuel for rail application (Phase II): Final Report |
CanmetENERGY-Ottawa and its industrial partner, CRB Innovations Inc., are developing a process for producing renewable diesel fuels from lignin, a major component of lignocellulosic materials. The quality of the lignin-derived diesel fuel was evaluated against Canadian diesel fuel specifications. Blends with petroleum diesel were examined, with the maximum being 100% lignin-derived diesel. |
Rail | Lignin-derived "drop-in" renewable diesel fuels for rail applications |
This report examines the potential of diesel blended with lignin (a wood by-product) to meet locomotive fuel requirements and improve exhaust emissions. |
Rail | Assessment of the Design, Deployment Characteristics and Requirements of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Switcher Locomotive |
This report examines the cornerstone topics for a demonstration program employing a hydrogen switcher locomotive in railyard service. |
Rail | Preliminary Feasibility of Hyperloop Technology |
A review of available information on Hyperloop technogy and an assessment of its viability or readiness. |
Rail | Hydrail Railway Transition in Canada - Technological, Operational, Economical, and Societal (TOES) Barriers and Opportunities |
A broad, economic, model-based assessment of a theorized transition to hydrail (hydrogen-powered rail) system from diesel. |
Rail | Literature Review on Cognitive Impacts of In Cab Warning Systems |
A review of warning systems inside the locomotive cab with the intent of characterizing and understanding cognitive impacts, and mitigating negative ones. |
Rail | Enhancing strategies for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by rail |
A compilation of case studies that seeks to provide insight into key occurrence types of rail-based transportaiton of dangerous goods incidents and their causes. |
Rail | Viability Study of the Opportunities for Wearable Technology to Increase the Safety of Rail Sector Workers |
This study aims to show that wearable technologies have the potential to increase the safety of rail sector workers and that further investigation of specific use cases could be valuable. |
Rail | Review of the current state of knowledge regarding the design, construction and maintenance of railway lines over permafrost |
A literature review assessing the knowledge of railway design, construction, and maintenance over permafrost. |
Rail | Rail Innovation in Canada - Focus Groups |
A series of focus group sessions conducted around the themes of alternative propulstion, energy efficiency, operational optimization, and alternative materials in order to identify the top 10 feasible technology theme areas for development of Canada's rail sector. |
Rail | Cold Climate Railway Technologies: Literature Review and Gap Analysis |
A summary of technologies identified as benefiting cold-climate railway operations, via a literature review and gap analysis. |
Rail | Understanding plateau and prairie landslides: annual report on landslide research in the Thompson River valley and the Assiniboine River valley, (2020-2021 to 2021-2022) |
An attempt to better understand slow-moving landslides and their affect on critical railway infrastrucuture such as is present in the Thomspon River Valley, BC. |
Rail | Emerging Technologies for Monitoring and Managing Water Levels around Railway Tracks, Phase II-Stage II |
An examination of the capabilities of satellites, UAV's, and hi-rail trucks (rail-capable trucks) to monitor water levels surrounding tracks via the capture of spatial information. |
Rail | Automated Machine Vision Inspection Systems in Railways – Literature Review |
An extraction of insights and learnings from prior research work conducted on the use of high-speed, high-resolution, advanced imaging devices and machine vision methods. |