Tier I - Policy for the carriage on non-passenger vessels less than 24M of Industrial Personnel that perform offshore industrial activities on board other vessels and/or offshore industrial facilities

On this page

1 Policy objective

1.1 This policy provides an equivalent level of safety to existing Canadian construction and safety equipment requirements of passenger vessels, for the transfer of industrial personnel (IP) onboard other vessels and/or offshore industrial facilities.

2 Policy statement

2.1 Annex 1 of this policy specifies requirements for non-passenger vessels that carry IP who perform offshore industrial activities on board other vessels and / or offshore industrial facilities.

2.2 An application to the Marine Technical Review Board (MTRB) must be submitted for each non-passenger vessel less than 24m intending to carry industrial personnel to or from another vessel and/or offshore industrial facility. Such vessels must use the alternative requirements outlined in this policy.

3 Scope

3.1 This policy applies to the design, construction, and safety equipment of non-passenger vessels less than 24 m in length that carry industrial personnel.

3.2 This policy doesn’t apply to vessels that carry passengers to or from floating hotels or similar non-industrial facilities.

4 Authority

4.1 This policy is authorized by the Marine Safety and Security Executive Committee and is in accordance with the objectives to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (CSA 2001).

5 Responsibility further information

5.1 The Executive Director, Domestic Vessel Regulatory Oversight, is accountable for the development, implementation, maintenance and improvement of this policy.

Comments or queries should be addressed to:

Executive Director
Domestic Vessel Regulatory Oversight (AMSD)
Transport Canada
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8
Fax: 613-991-4818

Email: insp.stand-norm.insp@tc.gc.ca

6 Background

6.1 Under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 a passenger is a person carried on a vessel by the owner or operator, other than the master, members of the crew or persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board a vessel on the business of that vessel.

6.2 As IP carried to or from another vessel and/or offshore industrial facility on board a non-passenger vessel are not employed or engaged in any capacity in the business of that non-passenger vessel, they are considered passengers of that vessel and the Regulations applicable to vessels that carry passengers are therefore applicable to that vessel.

6.3 The IMO recognizes the need for a clear definition of industrial personnel and legally binding safety standards for the carriage of industrial personnel. To this end, it has produced IMO Resolution MSC.418(97) Interim Recommendations on the Safe Carriage of more than 12 Industrial Personnel on board Vessels engaged on International Voyages.

6.4 Transport Canada also recognizes that carriage of industrial personnel to and from other vessels and/or offshore facilities aboard non-passenger vessels within near coastal voyages, class 2 is often necessary for the operation of aquaculture vessels, barges, dredgers, and other such working platforms.

6.5 The final decision to accept the alternative requirements of this policy rests with the MTRB and is decided on a case-by-case basis for each application. Where the MTRB determines in a specific case that these alternative requirements are not adequate for the subject non-passenger vessel, it may set out additional conditions for that vessel in the MTRB decision.

7 Definitions

7.1 Passenger has the same meaning as under section 2 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.

7.2 Industrial Personnel means persons who are transported or accommodated on board for the purpose of offshore industrial activities performed on board other vessels and/or other offshore industrial facilities. Such industrial personnel should not be considered or treated as passengers while aboard the vessel or facility on which they are engaged to perform industrial activities.

“Offshore Industrial Activities” are the construction, maintenance, operation or servicing of offshore facilities related, but not limited, to exploration, the renewable or hydrocarbon energy sectors, aquaculture, ocean mining or similar activitiesFootnote 1;

7.3 Length has the same meaning as under section 1 of the Vessel Registration and Tonnage Regulations

8 Date of application

8.1 This policy was approved on February 20, 2024.

9 Date for review or expiry

9.1 This policy will be reviewed after 12 months.

10 RDIMS Reference

10.1 The English version of this document is saved in RDIMS under reference number 19786951. The applied naming convention is Publication – TP 13585 - Tier I - Policy- Policy for the carriage on non-passenger vessels less than 24M of Industrial Personnel that perform offshore industrial activities to and from other vessels and/or offshore industrial facilities.

10.2 La version française du présent document dans le SGDDI et porte le numéro de référence 19975546. La règle d’affectation des noms est Publication – TP 13585 – Politique – Politique relative au transport sur des bâtiments à passagers de moins de 24 mètres, de personnel industriel exerçant des activités industrielles en mer, à destination et en provenance d’autres bâtiments et/ou d’installations industrielles en mer.

11 Keywords

  • Marine Technical Review Board
  • MTRB
  • Equivalent alternative
  • Carriage Industrial Personnel

Annex 1 - Alternative Requirements for the Design, Construction and Safety Equipment of Vessels that carry Industrial Personnel of Less than 24m

1. Vessels greater than 15GT but less than 24M that carry Industrial Personnel shall comply with the following:

1.1 The following Regulations and Standards are applicable for the design, construction, and safety equipment of vessels greater than 15GT but less than 24M that carry industrial Personnel:

  1. Hull Construction Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1431)
  2. Stability, Subdivision and Load Line Standards (1975), TP 7301
  3. Damage Stability Operations and Damaged Stability Standards (Non-Convention vessels) (2007) TP 10943
  4. Marine Machinery Regulations (SOR/90-264)
  5. Life Saving Equipment Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1436)
  6. Ship Electrical Standards, TP 127
  7. Vessel Fire Safety Regulations, part 3.

1.2 Any Regulations made under the CSA 2001 not listed in 1.1 remain applicable (refer to Annex 2).

1.3 As an alternative to the above Regulations vessels that carry Industrial Personnel may comply with Section 1.4.

1.4. Vessels shall be issued with a Safety Inspection Certificate either as a fishing vessel or cargo vessel in accordance with Canada Shipping Act 2001, and in addition shall comply with the following Conditions:

  1. Vessels are limited to near coastal voyages, Class 2 not greater than 5 miles offshore.
  2. Vessels must not carry passengers or engage in cargo carriage, transfer of fuels or towing whilst carrying Industrial Personnel.
  3. Vessels shall carry not more than 12 Industrial Personnel.
  4. Seating must be provided for all personnel onboard (industrial personnel and crew).
  5. Industrial personnel shall be able bodied and capable of climbing a ladder through escape hatches in the location of where they are seated whilst wearing an immersion suit/life jacket/PFD, as applicable.
  6. Industrial Personnel shall have valid Marine Emergency Duty (MED) or Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP) Certification or equivalent.
  7. Industrial Personnel shall be required to wear PFD's or Life jackets for the entire trip.
  8. Where the Industrial Personnel shall have access to the vessel external deck, there is to be an external railing of 760 mm height.
  9. Vessels shall have procedures for the carriage of Industrial Personnel.
  10. Vessels shall have procedures for vessel-to-vessel transfers.
  11. Vessels shall require a Minimum Safe Manning Document for the carriage of Industrial Personnel.
  12. Vessels shall have an approved stability manual, or stability manual completed by a Competent person, with conditions that shall include the total number of persons onboard.
  13. Vessels shall have Life Saving Arrangements based on the total number of persons onboard as per LSER Part II, Class X Ships or TP11717 ‘Standards for the Construction and Inspection of Small Passenger Vessels’. Part 22
  14. Vessels must have evacuation procedures as per LSER 111.
  15. Vessels shall have a Life Saving Plan posted as per LSA Regs 110.
  16. Immediately before departure from shore, a safety briefing is to be given to the Industrial Personnel informing them of the safety and emergency procedures that are relevant to the type and size of the vessel.
  17. The number of and names of all Industrial Personnel are to be logged and the numbers relayed to an Authorized Representative shore-based operation.

2. Vessels of not more than 15GT that carry Industrial Personnel shall comply with the following Conditions

2.1 All vessels not more than 15GT and carrying not more than 12 passengers shall be enrolled in the Small Vessel Compliance Program – Passenger/Workboat (SVCP - PW).

See the Detailed Compliance report (DCR - Form 85-0475E (PDF, 1.24 MB) for a workboat or small passenger vessel and TP 15111, Guidance for small workboats and passenger vessels, which is set to be republish in March 2024.

Annex 2 - CSA 2001 regulations applicable to Passenger Vessels

1 General

The following regulations and technical Publications made under the CSA 2001 and standards are applicable to the inspection, design, construction, equipment and certification of Passenger Vessels.

  1. Cargo, Fumigation and Tackle Regulations (SOR/2007-128)
  2. Collision Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1416)
  3. Crew Accommodation Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1418)
  4. Hull Construction Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1431)
  5. Ballast Water Regulations (SOR 2021-120)
  6. Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 (SOR/2020-216)
  7. Life Saving Equipment Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1436)
  8. Load Line Regulations (SOR/2007-99)
  9. Marine Machinery Regulations (SOR/90-264)
  10. Safe Working Practices Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1467)
  11. Vessel Safety Certificates Regulations (SOR 2021-135)
  12. Vessel Fire Safety Regulations (SOR 2017-14.).
  13. Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations (SOR/2012-69)
  14. Vessel Registration and Tonnage Regulations (SOR/2007-126)
  15. TP 127 - Ships Electrical Standards (2018)
  16. Stability, Subdivision, and Load Line Standards, TP 7301
  17. TP 15456 – Canadian Vessel Plan Approval and Inspection Standard (02/2023)

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