8. Standards for radar

Transport Publication TP 3668 E

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8.1.1 These standards apply to all ships' radar equipment installed in compliance with the Navigating Appliances and Equipment Regulations.


8.2.1 The radar equipment shall provide an indication, in relation to the ship, of the position of other surface craft and obstructions and of buoys, shorelines and navigational marks in a manner which will assist in navigation and in avoiding collision.


8.3.1 All radar installations shall comply with the following minimum requirements.

8.3.2 Range performance

The operational requirement under normal propagation conditions, when the radar antenna is mounted at a height of 15 metres above sea level, is that the equipment shall in the absence of clutter give a clear indication of:

  1. Coastlines

    At 20 nautical miles when the ground rises to 60 metres.

    At 7 nautical miles when the ground rises to 6 metres.

  2. Surface Objects

    At 7 nautical miles a ship of 5,000 tons gross tonnage, whatever her aspect,

    At 3 nautical miles a small vessel of 10 metres in length.

    At 2 nautical miles an object such as a navigational buoy having an effective echoing area of approximately 10 square metres.

8.3.3 Minimum Range

The surface objects specified in paragraph shall be clearly displayed from a minimum range of 50 metres up to a range of one nautical mile, without changing the setting of controls other than the range selector.

8.3.4 Display The equipment shall without external magnification provide a relative plan display in the head-up unstabilized mode with an effective diameter of not less than:

  1. 180 millimetres (7 and 9 inch) on ships of 500 tons gross tonnage and more but less than 1,600 tons gross tonnage;
  2. 250 millimetres (12 inch) on ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and more but less than 10,000 tons gross tonnage;
  3. 340 millimetres (16 inch) in the case of one display and 250 millimetres in the case of the other on ships of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards. The equipment shall provide one of the two following sets of range scales of display:

  1. 1.5, 3, 6, 12 and 24 nautical miles and one range scale of not less than 0.5 and not greater than 0.8 nautical miles; or
  2. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 nautical miles. Additional range scales may be provided. The range scale displayed and the distance between range rings shall be clearly indicated at all times.

8.3.5 Range measurement Fixed electronic range rings shall be provided for range measurements as follows:

  1. where range scales are provided in accordance with paragraph, on the range scale of between 0.5 and 0.8 nautical miles at least two range rings shall be provided and on each of the other range scales six range rings shall be provided; or
  2. where range scales are provided in accordance with paragraph, four range rings shall be provided on each of the range scales. A variable electronic range marker shall be provided with a numeric readout of range. The fixed range rings and the variable range marker shall enable the range of an object to be measured with an error not exceeding 1.5 per cent of the maximum range of the scale in use, or 70 metres, whichever is the greater. It shall be possible to vary the brilliance of the fixed range rings and the variable range marker and to remove them completely from the display.

8.3.6 Heading Indicator The heading of the ship shall be indicated by a line on the display with a maximum error not greater than plus or minus 1 degree. The thickness of the displayed heading line shall not be greater than 0.5 degrees. Provision shall be made to switch off the heading indicator by a device which cannot be left in the "heading marker off" position.

8.3.7 Bearing Measurement Provision shall be made to obtain quickly the bearing of any object whose echo appears on the display. The means provided for obtaining bearings shall enable the bearing of a target whose echo appears at the edge of the display to be measured with an accuracy of plus or minus 1 degree or better.

8.3.8 Discrimination The equipment shall be capable of displaying as separate indications on a range scale of 2 nautical miles or less, two small similar targets at a range of between 50 per cent and 100 per cent of the range scale in use, and on the same azimuth, separated by not more than 50 metres in range. The equipment shall be capable of displaying as separate indications two small similar targets both situated at the same range between 50 per cent and 100 per cent of the 1.5 or 2 mile range scales, and separated by not more than 2.5 degrees in azimuth.

8.3.9 Roll or Pitch

The performance of the equipment shall be such that when the ship is rolling or pitching up to plus or minus 10 degrees the range performance requirements of paragraph 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 continue to be met.

8.3.10 Scan

The scan shall be clockwise, continuous and automatic through 360 degrees of azimuth. The scan rate shall be not less than 12 revolutions per minute. The equipment shall operate satisfactorily in relative wind speeds of up to 100 knots.

8.3.11 Azimuth stabilization Means shall be provided to enable the display to be stabilized in azimuth by a transmitting compass. The equipment shall be provided with a compass input to enable it to be stabilized in azimuth. The accuracy of alignment with the compass transmission shall be within 0.5 degrees with a compass rotation rate of 2 revolutions per minute. The equipment shall operate satisfactorily in the unstabilized mode when the compass control is inoperative.

8.3.12 Performance check

Means shall be available, while the equipment is used operationally, to determine readily a significant drop in performance relative to a calibration standard established at the time of installation, and to check that the equipment is correctly tuned in the absence of targets.

8.3.13 Anti-clutter devices

Suitable means shall be provided for the suppression of unwanted echoes from sea clutter, rain and other forms of precipitation, clouds and sandstorms. It shall be possible to adjust manually and continuously the anti-clutter controls. Anti-clutter controls shall be inoperative in the fully anti-clockwise positions. In addition, automatic anti-clutter controls may be provided; however, they must be capable of being switched off.

8.3.14 Operation The equipment shall be capable of being switched on and operated from the display position. Operational controls shall be accessible and easy to identify and use. Where symbols are used they should comply with the symbols for radar controls in paragraph 8.9 of this document. After switching on from cold the equipment shall become fully operational within 4 minutes. A standby condition shall be provided from which the equipment can be brought to an operational condition within 15 seconds.

8.3.15 Interference After installation and adjustment on board, the bearing accuracy as prescribed in these standards shall be maintained without further adjustment irrespective of the movement of the ship in the earth's magnetic field.

8.3.16 Sea or ground stabilization (true motion display) Where sea or ground stabilization is provided the accuracy and discrimination of the display shall be at least equivalent to that required by these standards. The motion of the trace origin shall not, except under manual override conditions, continue to a point beyond 75 per cent of the radius of the display. Automatic resetting may be provided.

8.3.17 Antenna system The antenna system shall be installed in such a manner that the design efficiency of the radar system is not substantially impaired.

8.3.18 Operation with radar beacons All radars operating in the 3 centimetre band shall be capable of operating in a horizontally polarized mode. It shall be possible to switch off those signal processing facilities which might prevent a radar beacon from being shown on the radar display.


8.4.1 Where two radars are required to be carried they shall be so installed that each radar can be operated individually and both can be operated simultaneously without being dependent upon one another. When an emergency source of electrical power is provided in accordance with the appropriate requirements of Chapter II-1 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, both radars shall be capable of being operated from this source.

8.4.2 Where two radars are fitted, interswitching facilities may be provided to improve the flexibility and availability of the overall radar installation. They shall be so installed that failure of either radar would not cause the supply of electrical energy to the other radar to be interrupted or adversely affected.


8.5.1 LIST OF CONTROLS TO BE SYMBOLIZED The following switches and variable controls are considered to be the minimum required to be marked by symbols:

Radar on - standby - off switch

Aerial rotation switch

Mode of presentation switch - North up or Ship's Head up

Heading marker alignment control or switch

Range selection switch

Pulse length selection switch - short or long pulse

Tuning control

Gain control

Anti-clutter rain control (differentiation)

Anti-clutter sea control

Scale illumination control or switch

Display brillance control

Range rings brilliance control

Variable range marker control

Bearing marker control

Performance monitor switch - transmitted power monitor or transmit/receive monitor


8.6.1 The following code of practice should be used when marking radar sets with recommended symbols:

  1. the maximum dimension of a symbol should not be less than 9 mm ;
  2. the distance between the centres of two adjacent symbols should be not less than 1.4 times the size of the larger symbol;
  3. switch function symbols should not be linked by a line. A linked line infers controlled action;
  4. variable control function symbols should be linked by a line, preferably an arc. The direction of increase of controlled function should be indicated;
  5. symbols should be presented with a high contrast against their background;
  6. the various elements of a symbol should have a fixed ratio one to another;
  7. multiple function of controls and switch positions may be indicated by a combined symbol;
  8. where concentric controls or switches are fitted, the outer of the symbols should refer to the larger diameter control.


8.7.1 The International maritime Organization Resolution "A.477 (XII) Performance Standards for Radar" and Resolution "A 278 (VIII) Supplement on Standards for navigational Radar Equipment" are the adopted standards.


8.8.1 This standard comes into force on 1 September 1985.


8.9.1 The symbols attached hereto should be used for controls on marine navigational radar equipment.

8.9.2 The circles shown around the following symbols are optional:

symbol 4: aerial rotating

symbol 9: short pulse

symbol 10: long pulse

symbol 17: scale illumination

symbol 22: transmitted power monitor

symbol 23: transmit/receive monitor



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