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- TP 127 - Ships Electrical Standards (2018) Updated (PDF, 1.25 MB)
- TP 215 - Instructions to Masters of Vessels Loading Grain in Canada (1976) (PDF, 834 KB)
- TP 511 - Safe Boating Guide (2019) (PDF, 4.76 MB) (Available in PDF format Only) Updated
- TP 743 - TERMPOL Review Process (2019) (PDF, 760 KB)
- TP 1332 - Construction Standards for Small Vessels (2010)
- TP 2072 - Deck Cargo Safety Code (1974) (PDF, 117.1 KB)
- TP 2293 - Qualifications for the certification of seafarers
- TP 3231 - Ship Safety Bulletins (*)
- TP 3668 - Standards for Navigating Appliances and Equipment (1983) (PDF, 246 KB)
- TP 4295 - Standard for Inert Gas Systems (1984) – Withdrawn
- TP 4957 - Marine Emergency Duties Training Courses (07/2021)
- TP 4958 - Simulated Electronic Navigation Courses (2008) (PDF, 211 KB)
- TP 5021 - Personal Safety on Ships (1984) (PDF 1.22 MB)
- TP 5579 - Standards relating to Design, Construction and Operational Safety of Dynamically Supported Craft in Canada Vol.1; Air Cushion Vehicles (1985)
- TP 7301 – Canadian Modifications to the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008
- TP 8121 - Table of Life Saving Signals (2003)
- TP 8129 - Training Standards for Tanker Safety, Inert Gas and Crude Oil Washing, and Supervisor of Oil Transfer Operations Personnel (2009) (PDF, 1.06 MB)
- TP 8941 - Interim Standards for the Construction, Equipment and Operation of Passenger Ships in the Sea Ice Areas of Eastern Canada (1987) (PDF, 24 KB)
- TP 9834 - Guidelines for Reporting Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances and/or Marine Pollutants (2009) (PDF, 98 KB)
- TP 9912 - Standard for Inspection of Tackle on Large Fishing Vessels (1995) (PDF, 24.9 KB)
- TP 10038 - Small Fishing Vessel Safety Manual (2003) (PDF, 1.64 MB)
- TP 10405 - Ship Safety Passenger Ship Operations and Damaged Stability Standards (Convention Ships) (1990) (PDF, 34 KB)
- TP 10655 - Recognized Institutions and Approved Training Courses (09/2024) (PDF, 1.39 MB)
- TP 10739 - Collision Regulations, Office Consolidation (English-French) (2008)
- TP 10783 - Arctic Waters Oil Transfer Guidelines (1997) (PDF, 235 KB)
- TP 10933 - Engine Room Rating Training Program (2007) (PDF, 439 KB)
- TP 10935 - Engine Room Simulator - Base Courses (2011) (PDF, 220 KB)
- TP 10937 - Mobile Offshore Units (MOUS) Training Courses (2007) (PDF, 1.53 MB)
- TP TP 10943 – Damage Stability Standards for Non-Convention Passenger Vessels (PDF, 737 KB)
- TP 11130 - Training Course In Marine Cooking (2007) (PDF, 143 KB)
- TP 11249 - Ship Safety Standard for in-water Surveys (1992) (PDF, 15.4 KB)
- TP 11343 - Seafarer Medical Examinations – A Physician Guide (2012) (PDF, 1.56 MB)
- TP 11469 - Guide to Structural Fire Protection (1993) (PDF, 5125 KB)
- TP 11710 - Standards for the Double Hull Construction of Oil Tankers (2009) (PDF, 195 KB)
- TP 11717 - Standards for the Construction and Inspection of Small Passenger Vessels (1994) (PDF, 218 KB)
- TP 11960 - Standards and Guidelines for the Construction, Inspection and Operation of Barges that Carry Oil in Bulk (2017) (PDF, 559 KB)
- TP 12259 - Arctic Ice Regime Shipping System (AIRSS) Standards (2018) (PDF, 521 KB)
- TP 12260 - Equivalent Standards for the Construction of Arctic Class Ships (1995) (PDF, 706 KB) (Repealed)
- TP 12301 - Standard for 5 ppm Bilge Alarms for Canadian Inland Waters (2008) (PDF, 436 KB)
- TP 12401 - Response Organizations Standards (1995) (PDF, 17 KB)
- TP 12402 - Oil Handling Facilities Standards (1995) (PDF, 17 KB)
- TP 12819 - User Assistance Package for the Implementation of Arctic Ice Regime Shipping System - AIRSS (1998) (PDF 1711 KB) (Repealed)
- TP 13008 - Training Standards for Marine First Aid and Marine Medical Care (2008) (PDF, 143 KB)
- TP 13313 - Standard Relating to Design, Construction and Operational Safety of Sailing Training Vessels (1999) (PDF, 299 KB)
- TP 13430 - Standard for the Tonnage Measurement of Vessels (2012) (PDF, 838 KB)
- TP 13585 - Marine Safety Management System
- TP 13617 - Guide to Canada's Ballast Water Regulations (05/2024) (PDF, 1.3 MB ) Updated
- TP 13670 - Guidelines for Passenger Vessels Operating in the Canadian Arctic (2017) (PDF, 1.26 MB)
- TP 13681 - Guidelines For Navigation Under The Confederation Bridge (2009) (PDF, 88 KB)
- TP 13721 - Training Record Book for Engineers (TRBE) Requirements for Applicants to the STCW-Endorsed Fourth-Class Engineer Certificate (2015) (PDF, 442 KB)
- TP 13822 - Survival in Cold Waters (2003) (PDF, 9982 KB)
- TP 13926 - Radio Log Book for Canadian Flag Vessels (Also for use on GMDSS exempted vessels) (2002) (PDF, 300 KB)
- TP 14070 - Small Commercial Vessel Safety Guide (2010) (PDF, 3.16 MB)
- TP 14202 - Pollution Prevention Guidelines for the Operation of Cruise Ships under Canadian Jurisdiction (2013) (PDF, 13.5 MB)
- TP 14230 - As an Employer ...Are You Ensuring the Health and Safety of Your Employees Working Onboard Ships? (2005) (PDF, 132 KB)
- TP 14350 – Local Authorities' Guide Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (PDF, 609 KB) (Available in PDF format Only) Updated
- TP 14352 - Rules of the Road (PDF, 308 KB)
- TP 14475 - Canadian Life Saving Appliance Standard
- TP 14510 - Third-class Engineer, Set of Specimen Examination Questions (2007) (PDF, 74 KB)
- TP 14511 - Fourth-Class Engineer - Set of Specimen Examination Questions (2007) (PDF, 307 KB)
- TP 14512 - Watchkeeping Engineer, Motor-Driven Fishing Vessel - Set of Specimen Examination Questions (2007) (PDF, 471 KB)
- TP 14539 - Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Regime -Report to Parliament, 2006-2011 (PDF, 338 KB)
- TP 14541 - Lateral Buoys and Standard Daybeacons (2022) (PDF, 316 KB)
- TP 14542 - Cardinal Buoys and Special Buoys (2022) (PDF, 1.0 MB)
- TP 14609 - Study Guide for Applicants to the Fourth-class Engineer Certificate with STCW Endorsement (2007) (PDF, 938 KB)
- TP 14612 – Procedures for Approval of Life-Saving Appliances and Fire Safety Systems, Equipment and Products (2019) Updated (PDF, 247 KB)
- TP 14619 - Transport Canada Simplified Assessment of Intact Stability & Buoyancy of Small Non-Pleasure Vessels: Assessment Guide (2006) (PDF, 374 KB)
- TP 14659 - Passport of Boating Safety for Anglers and Hunters (2010) (PDF, 2.05 MB)
- TP14674 A - What You Should Know About Carbon Monoxide (PDF, 459 KB)
- TP 14674 B - Old Boat Syndrome (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- TP 14674 C - Explosion Protection (PDF, 829 KB)
- TP 14692 - Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Training Course (2007) (PDF, 327 KB)
- TP 14707 - Places of Refuge Contingency Plan National Region (2007) (PDF, 225 KB)
- TP 14707 - Places of Refuge Contingency Plan Atlantic Region (2014) (PDF, 1 MB)
- TP 14707 - Places of Refuge Contingency Plan Ontario Region (2010) (PDF, 282 KB)
- TP 14707 - Places of Refuge Contingency Plan Pacific Region (2009) (PDF, 225 KB)
- TP 14726 - Sea Kayaking Safety Guide (2009) (PDF, 5.43 MB)
- TP 14740 - Synopsis Report - Environmental Oil Spill Risk Assessment for the South Coast of Newfoundland (2007) (PDF, 3.16 MB)
- TP 14909 – Environmental Response Standards (PDF, 255 KB)
- TP 15018 - Small Vessel and Facility Security Awareness (PDF, 7.85 MB)
- TP 15039 - Assessment of Proposals Related to Oil Spill Risk for the South Coast of Newfoundland (2010)
- TP 15080 -Standard for Pleasure Craft Operator Card Testing Over the Internet (PDF, 132 KB)
- TP 15111 - Small Vessel Compliance Program (SVCP) Detailed Compliance Report and Guidance Notes (2012) (PDF, 966 KB)
- TP 15136E - Standard for Recreational Boating Schools (PDF, 645 KB)
- TP 15163 - Joint Industry – Government Guidelines for the Control of Oil Tankers and Bulk Chemical Carriers in Ice Control Zones of Eastern Canada (2015) (PDF, 988 KB)
- TP 15180 - Guidelines for the Construction, Inspection, Certification, and Operation of Tugs < 24 Metres in Length (2013) (PDF, 809 KB)
- TP 15204 - Compliance Guide for Human-Powered Non-Pleasure Vessels (2014) (PDF, 805 KB)
- TP 15206 - Small Vessel and Facility Security Awareness Video (2012)
- TP 15211 - Canadian Supplement to the Solas Convention (2017) (PDF, 355 KB) Updated
- TP 15215 - Quality Assurance and Control Requirements for Course Providers, National Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program (2013) (PDF, 648 KB)
- TP 15238 - Certification Guide for Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service Providers (2013) (PDF, 312 KB)
- TP 15267 - Report on the 2013 Concentrated Inspection Campaign On Structural Safety of Great Lakes Bulk Carriers (2014) (PDF, 358 KB)
- TP 15267 - Report on the 2014/15 Concentrated Inspection Campaign (2015) (PDF, 424 KB)
- TP 15280 – My Vessel. My Business. My Responsibility. Hypothermia – Video
- TP 15331 – New Alternative Standard for Recreational Boating School - Video
- TP 15337 - Leadership, Teamwork and Managerial Skills Courses (06/2023) (PDF, 306 KB)
- TP 15356 - Small Vessel Compliance Program Fishing Vessel (SVCP-F) Detailed Compliance Report Guidance Notes (06/2024) (PDF, 2.8 MB)
- TP 15361 – Port State Control Safe and Sustainable from Port to Port – Video
- TP 15385 – TERMPOL Review Process on the KITIMAT LNG Project (PDF 2.4 MB)
- TP 15392 – Guidelines for fishing vessel major modification or a change in activity (2018) (PDF, 4 MB)
- TP 15393 - Adequate stability and safety guidelines for fishing vessels (PDF, 765 KB)
- TP 15400 - Signage Guide for Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- TP 15412 - TERMPOL Review report on the Goldboro LNG Project (PDF, 3.35 MB)
- TP 15415 – Canadian Modifications for the Vessel Construction and Equipment Regulations (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- TP 15418 - Ship-Source Oil Spill Response and Preparedness Regime Report to Parliament, 2011-2016 (PDF, 818 KB)
- TP 15446 - Distress Signals (PDF, 529 KB)
- TP 15456 – Canadian Vessel Plan Approval and Inspection Standard (09/2024)
- TP 15481 - TERMPOL Review Report for the Energie Saguenay Project (PDF, 4.78 MB)
- TP15491 Small Vessel Compliance Program - Tug Guidance Notes (06/2024) (PDF, 1.37 MB)
- TP15566 – Guide for Canadian Vessels’ Operators for Compliance with the Marine Safety Management System Regulations (PDF, 843 KB)
- TP 15577 - Navigation Safety Assessment Process National Guidelines (06/2023) (PDF, 952 KB)
- TP 15595 - Delivery of distance, online, and blended learning courses (PDF, 253 KB)
- TP 15611 - Guidance to Masters of Vessels Loading Grain in Bulk (PDF, 542 KB)
- TP 15612 - Guidance to Masters of Vessels Loading: Concentrates in bulk (PDF, 500 KB)
- TP 15613 - Guidance to Masters of Vessels Loading: Loading timber on deck (PDF, 440 KB)
(*) = Serial publication
Additional References:
- Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR)
- Comparative Study into Canadian and United States Regulations on Small Passenger Vessels and Towboats - Summaries and Response by Marine Safety - October 1997
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To request an electronic version of the following reports, please send the title and/or TP number to marinesafety-securitemaritime@tc.gc.ca.
- TP 7301 – Stability, Subdivision and Load Line Standards (1975)