Annex – Technical specification for equipment

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6.1. Propulsion Plant Simulator

  1. Basic configuration of each simulator consists of an engine room, a control room, a plant management room, an instructor’s station and a briefing/debriefing room.
    1. The engine room, a stand-alone unit, will be used to provide realistic exercises in the training of machinery operation, particularly designed for watchkeeping engineers on all vessels. This simulator is also the preparation level to the control room and remote monitoring training. The capabilities of the engine room simulator must be adequate to interface with the control room and remote monitoring simulators in order to interact by giving signals to or receiving signals and commands from the connected simulators.
    2. The control room, a stand-alone unit, used to provide realistic exercises in the training of machinery operation and monitoring from a centralized station, particularly designed for large ships with control room/machinery space configuration.
    3. The remote monitoring plant management unit is also stand-alone with the capability of interfacing with the engine room and control room units. This unit would contain personal computer stations, which use exercises of dynamic system programs.
    4. The instructor's station is a vantage point from which the instructor may monitor the student operating the simulator and at same time give the instructor the opportunity to alter by input the signs and symptoms of problems for the student. The instructors console is to give the instructor complete control of the simulators which would allow altering of exercise parameters, changing characteristics of ship or propulsion model, freezing of program, recording on diskette, printing out on paper or replaying on VDU of student exercises. The instructor's station and console must have the capability to act as the ship's bridge, with means of communication by telephone, telegraph, alarms and bridge control of propulsion system that would be found on a ship with manned or unmanned engine rooms.  
    5. The briefing/debriefing room would contain in a class room setting a large screen visual display unit of the projection type which is to have the capacity of stand alone or to be interfaced with the simulators to enable class evaluation of exercise programs either concurrent with the student simulator operation or independently for class instruction.
  2. Examination System; The examination system will incorporate the capability to prepare examinations at Marine Personnel Standards and Pilotage (AMSPE) which would be transferred electronically to the simulators. Results of examinations would be recorded on the individual candidate diskette for evaluation and storage.
    1. Realistic simulation is where the operator panels visually appear and operate identically to equipment in operational use.
    2. Stylized simulation is where the front panel controls/indicators are functional but are not necessarily identical in appearance to equipment in operational use.

6.2. Performance specifications

The engine room/control room systems simulator must provide similar possibilities and constraints as experienced aboard a real ship for the operation and management of the propulsion machinery and related auxiliary machinery. The procedures to operate the equipment must be identical to those normally used at sea.

6.3. Watch keeping

The engine room/control room systems simulator must provide similar possibilities and constraints as experienced aboard a real ship for:

  1.  the manual recording of machinery performance and
  2. for manual diagnostics of system faults 

6.4. Routines

The normal and emergency routines of operating propulsion and related auxiliary/ancillary machinery must provide similar possibilities and constraints as experienced aboard a real ship such as for the manual and automatic transfer of generator loads, manual transfer of pumps, filters, fuel tanks and other equipment as set out in the particular sections on functions.

6.5. Manoeuvring

  1. In the presentation of realistic ship board experience the instructor will act as the officer of the bridge giving signals either for manual operation of the propulsion system, direction and speed, or for remote bridge control of that system. The manoeuvring of the simulated propulsion system must have the capability to be operated from a bridge simulator at a time of simulated combined simulator program.
  2. The manoeuvring function must be activated from the instructor's console so that control of the propulsion system by the student can be allowed or inhibited, dependent upon the exercise parameters.

6.6. System Parameters

  1. The simulated systems must present information to the student which is accurate and which is found in an on-board ship situation. The information must be comprehensive and sufficient to enable the student to diagnose problems of the individual or total propulsion/auxiliary system. The information presented by the simulator to the student must be validated by the machinery manufacturer and be for the engine machinery and propulsion system specified.  The submitter is responsible for obtaining required data and certification from the engine manufactures.
  2. Colour coding for wiring, alarm lights and piping systems must correspond to the International Standards Organization Standards specified in this document.
  3. Instrumentation must be of the type and size found on board ship and be of the analogue type or digital type where this type is found in shipboard practice.

6.7. Simulator Functions

Engine Room

  1. The simulated engine room equipment is to be microcomputer driven employing software, which by mathematical modelling represents the engine room system normally found on board a ship having a diesel engine propulsion system. It is the intent that the engine room, control room and plant/energy simulator systems will be of the stand alone configuration and have the capacity to interface with each other for total integrated plant operation exercises. It is expected that students will load exercises prepared by the instructor, carry out the exercises at their own learning speed and have the results of the exercise stored on the exercise disc for review by the instructor on either the instructor's personal PC or on the large screen projector. A hard copy of the exercise is to be available if required by the student, instructor or examiner.
  2. The engine room is to be comprised at least the following equipment, Legend:- R = Realistic, S = Stylized:
    1. Microcomputer with functional keyboard and diskette drive. The computer shall be capable of controlling the exercise (inserting malfunctions, freezing the exercise etc as programmed from the exercise diskette).  (R)
    2. Large scale stand alone mimic panel. (S)
    3. Local subsystem control panels. (S)
    4. Loudspeakers for the synthesized sound system. (R)
    5. Visual display unit. (R)
    6. Telephone system to connect engine room, control room, plant management centre and instructor's station. (R)

6.8. Large Scale Mimic Panel

  1. The large-scale stylized mimic panel is to represent the various engine room systems for a single screw propulsion system by distinctive colour outlining of each system in line/block diagrams.  Each system is to contain the filters, header tanks, pressure gauges, pumps, strainer, temperature measuring devices, temperature controls, and valves essential to the operation of each system.
  2. The mimic panel is to be interactive with facilities for local operation of pumps, valves, auxiliaries and main engine.  The state of operation is to be indicated by lights (running lights, trip lights), and also by indicating instruments.  Instruments should be of the analogue readout type and may be of the dual scale face to accommodate readings appropriate to the engine characteristics.
  3. Colours for each system are to be in accordance with:
    1. Piping -- CCG -30-000-000-ES-TE-001
    2. Lights -- ISO 2412-1982
  4. The following items of machinery are to be included on the mimic panel:
    1. Characteristics are to be diskette loaded or selectable by instructor or by student exercise diskette, of two main engines, compression ignition, and mathematically modelled for:
      1. Medium speed 4 stroke, turbocharged in -line cylinders, non-reversible 500 to 650 rpm 2000 Kw continuous rating); and
      2. Slow speed 2 strokes, turbocharged engine, reversible 128 to 140 rpm , 9600 Kw continuous rating).
      3. Reverse and reduction gears with controllable pitch propeller systems matching engines. Clutch/engine/shafting engage characteristics should be modelled on a particular system compatible to engines. Should proposal include optional modelling of two medium speed diesels geared to single shaft, including load-sharing methods using governor models permitting operation in the droop or isochronous modes.
    2. The mimic panel is to display the systems interrelationship with the stylized local wall mounted panels, e.g.
      1. Bilge and ballast system
      2. Fuel storage system, including transfer, deep tank,
      3. double bottoms, settling tanks and day tank.  
      4. Main engine local controls
      5. Main engine lubricating oil system
      6. Main engine cooling fresh water system
      7. Main engine cooling sea water system
      8. Main reduction gear lubricating oil system
      9. Main engine fuel oil blending system
      10. Main engine oil fuel system including fuel rack settings
      11. Main engine turbo-charging system
      12. Sea inlet and ship side valves
      13. System indicating lamps operated from wall panels, piping systems to have dynamic flow.  

6.9. Local Panels

  1. Stylized local wall mounted panels representing the various engine room systems on board are each to be fitted with start/stop (open/closed) buttons and running lights, gauges and controls as applicable. Features for resetting faults and simulating repairs are to be included on each panel. Panels are to be as follows:
    1. Air supply system for starting, control and service
    2. Ballast and bilge pumps with valves
    3. Bilge water/sludge purifier/separator
    4. Condenser system
    5. Controllable pitch propeller control system
    6. Cooling water pumps (sea and fresh)
    7. diesel generator no. 1
    8. diesel generator no. 2
    9. Diesel oil service tank system
    10. Diesel oil purifier
    11. Electrical switch-board with distribution system
    12. Emergency main engine telegraph
    13. Emergency generator outside engine room space
    14. Engine room fans and ventilation
    15. Auxiliary and exhaust boiler with load system
    16. Exhaust instrument system
    17. Fire pump and system
    18. Fresh water cooling control system
    19. Fresh water system
    20. Fuel oil tank system
    21. Fuel oil supply system
    22. Fuel oil heaters
    23. Fuel oil purifier - lubricating oil purifier
    24. Fuel oil transfer system
    25. Main engine control
    26. Main engine (cylinders)
    27. Main engine exhaust instrumentation
    28. Main fuel injection valves and injection pumps with rack setting
    29. Main engine fuel valve cooling - piston cooling
    30. Engine lubricating oil purifying system
    31. Miscellaneous valves and pumps
    32. Oil fired boiler
    33. Oil fired boiler system/ misc. valves and pumps
    34. Sea water system
    35. Sea water return to sea bay for ice control
    36. Small ship electrical panel
    37. Steam system
    38. Steering gear control system
    39. Turbo generator 

6.10. Visual Display Unit

The high-resolution visual display unit located in the engine room is used for the presentation of alarms and inspection of the process model variables.

6.11. Synthesized Sound System Equipment

  1. Four loudspeakers reproducing the simulated sound from the machinery are to be located in the engine room. The synthesized sound should produce simulated machinery sounds by means of a microprocessor based sound system. 
  2. At least five independent sound channels should reproduce the sound from at least the following sources:
    1. Pumps/fans/general engine room
    2. Diesel generators
    3. Main engine
    4. Turbochargers of the main and auxiliary diesel engines
  3. The sounds from the main and auxiliary engines turbochargers should be synchronized with the speed and load of the engines.
  4. The sound level in the simulated engine space is to be controlled by the instructor, in the range from no noise to a real engine room noise level. The high noise levels are to be those of a true engine space, which will require the use of ear protection.

6.12. Private Intercoms and Telephone System

  1. A telephone system to connect the engine room, control room and instructor's station is to be provided in order to provide simulation of on board communications between engine room and bridge. 
  2. The instructor's master station must be able to selectively and privately call and communicate with any sub-station. A sub-station need only privately call and communicate with the master station and with other sub-stations. Simplex operation (i.e., Press-to-Talk key operation) is acceptable. All stations must have a speaker (or ringer), handset and channel selector. The handset must have side tone. If a speaker is offered, it must be interlocked with the handset (via a cradle hook). The interlock action must inhibit the speaker when the handset is off-hook.

6.13. Control Room

  1. The simulated realistic control room is an extension of the engine room to be employed as a remote sensing and control centre for the propulsion machinery systems as found on-board today's diesel engine driven ships. The control room simulation units are to interface and operate the functions of the engine room and at the same time provide a link in the remote plant/energy management configuration. The control room also acts as the prime link in the bridge, control room/engine room and unmanned simulated operation mode.
  2. Control Room Component - The control room is to contain at least the following:
    1. Microcomputer for stand-alone and interface
    2. Control console with instrumentation for:
      1. Remote operation of plant
      2. Unmanned machinery space
      3. Watch call system
    3. Main electrical switchboard
    4. Intra ship communications
    5. Console for steam plant management
    6. watch keeping data logger with hard copy printer
    7. High resolution VDU with functional keyboard and disc drive
    8. Console for alarm monitoring
    9. Console for pump/compressor/electric generation automation
  3. Student action panel for correcting faults is to be in the engine room space and interface with the mimic and local panels. The mimic and local panels may replace the student action panel.

6.14. Synthesized Sound Equipment Control

There shall be a minimum of two amplifiers for the synthesized sound system with all controls for the sound system in the instructor's control room.

6.15. Visual Display Unit (VDU) Instructor

A hi-resolution visual display unit is to be provided at the instructor's station as part of the general communications unit interfaced with the teleprinter.

6.16. Analogue Recording of Process Variables

At least a six-pen recorder is to be connected to the simulator computer. Any of the variable parameters are to be recordable as a function of time and a scaling range suitable for the parameters is to be selectable. Each pen is to have different colour ink for easy identification. The instructor uses the VDU or the teleprinter to communicate with the computer when changing recorder signals or scaling range.

6.17. Plant/Energy Management

  1. The plant/energy management system is to be primarily a stand alone system with interface to the engine room, control room and briefing/debriefing room. These systems are intended for use for individual exercises or for integrated total plant simulation.
  2. The plant/energy management system is to comprise of at least the following compatible equipment:
    1. One microcomputer with graphic capability,
    2. Three high resolution (at least 1024 x 768 pixel) colour graphic display monitors with functional keyboards,
    3. Three text colour display monitors with functional keyboards,
    4. One instructor's high resolution (at least 1024 x 768 pixel) colour graphic display monitors with functional keyboard,
    5. Microcomputers to support the above display requirements. 

6.18. Plant/Energy Management Displays

  1. The plant/energy management computer generated displays, with option of combining a selection of graphs in same display are considered to be a minimum requirement:
    1. Baseline and operational performance curves for specified engine
    2. Combustion process display
      1. Pressure vs crank angle
      2. Rate of change of pressure vs crank angle
      3. Valve lift vs crank angle
      4. Fuel pump output pressure vs crank angle
    3. Rate of heat release vs crank angle
      1. Related variable parameters, not limited to:
        1. Cylinder pressure vs volume with BMEP , IMEP calculations Fuel specification change
        2. Injection fouling
        3. Excessive piston ring wear
        4. Burnt exhaust valve
    4. Turbocharger operation display
      1. Related variable parameter, not limited to:
        1. Air inlet filter fouling
        2. Atmospheric temperature changes including below zero conditions
        3. Turbine blade fouling and graphic depiction of turbocharger surging
        4. Compressor fouling
    5. Controllable pitch propulsion system display
      1. Related variable parameters, not limited to:
        1. Draft
        2. Hull fouling
        3. Propeller roughness (damage)
        4. Water depth
        5. Engine performance
        6. Etc.
  2. The Module for the First Class Engineer level course shall contain at least five (5) interactive displays. The following three (3) interactive displays are required for the initial phase of the program. The submitter shall define the remaining two.
    1. Combustion Process Display
    2. Turbo-charger Operation Display
    3. Controllable Pitch Propulsion System Display
  3. A brief description of these displays is provided below:
    1. Combustion Process Display - this display shall provide an animated computer-generated graphic illustration of the impact of changes in key combustion-related parameters of engine performance, particularly fuel consumption. It shall employ cut-away perspective of the diesel engine combustion chamber with pertinent animation of cylinder motion, change in nozzle spray patterns, piston ring blow-by, etc. The independent related parameters should include, but not be limited to:
      1. Fuel specification changes
      2. Injection fouling
      3. Excessive ring wear
      4. Burnt exhaust valve
    2. Turbo Charger Operation Display - This display shall provide an animated computer generated graphic illustration of the impact of changes in key turbo-charger parameters on engine performance, particularly fuel consumption. It shall employ a cut-away perspective of both the exhaust gas turbine and the charge air compressor with pertinent animation of turbine/compressor rotation; exhaust gas/change air flow, etc. The independent combustion related parameters shall include, but not be limited to:
      1. Air inlet filter fouling
      2. Atmospheric temperature changes
      3. Turbine blade fouling
      4. Compressor fouling
    3. Controllable Pitch Propulsion System Display - This display shall provide an animated computer-generated graphic illustration of the operation of a controllable pitch propulsion system under various conditions of draft, hull fouling, propeller roughness, water depth, injector fouling, etc. It shall employ a medium speed diesel engine or slow speed engine operating diagram with specific fuel consumption contours. The propeller load line and resulting engine operating point shall be over/and on a diagram and shall respond to the various operational conditions identified above. At any engine operating point, engine RPM , BHP , and SFC will be clearly presented. 

6.19. Process Analysis Station

  1. The integrated multicolour process analysis station must consist of three (3) student positions with high-resolution monitors (1280 x 1024 pixel minimum) with keyboard for graphic presentation and an instructor communication VDU with keyboard.
  2. Each workstation must have authoring capability to allow either the instructor or student to modify both the graphic presentation and analysis parameters and to store the results for use during future exercises.
  3. The instructor shall have the capability to configure the workstations such that:
    1. Each workstation forms a separate independent simulation facility, controlling and displaying the simulator of one subsystem or one component.
    2. All workstations can be used to observe the ongoing simulation of the ship's total machinery with all auxiliary systems.

6.20. Briefing/Debriefing Room

  1. The briefing/debriefing room equipment is to have the capability to interface with the simulators or to stand alone for separate exercises, function at the same time as exercises are in progress on the simulators repeating the student activities and to playback the student exercise to assist in the correction of errors in procedures.
  2. The briefing/debriefing room equipment is to comprise of at least the following compatible equipment:
    1.  One large projection screen
    2.  One high-resolution large screen projector
    3.  One VHS , NTSC standard video recorder/player
    4.  One microcomputer with functional keyboard and disc system to support the above display requirements 

6.21. Instructor/ Examiner's Facilities

  1. The instructor and examiner shall be provided with a composite set of facilities which will effectively enable them to prepare exercises in advance, to supervise exercises in progress and to debrief the trainee at the close of an exercise. These facilities shall include an interactive command and control terminal (with possibly an integral plan view display), intercom, and a debriefing facility. The overall design and integration of this instrumentation must emphasize the importance of not overloading the instructor with exercise controls duties to the detriment of trainee instruction. Ease of entry and retrieval of information must be expeditious and straightforward with structured prompt and paging sequencing procedures
  2. The instructor's station room is to be comprised of the following:
    1. Instructor’s console
    2. Electronic printer
    3. Engine room sound control equipment
    4. High-resolution (at least 1024 x 768 pixel) compatible visual display unit with functional keyboard.
    5. Electronic PID controller
  3. The instructor's console is to be divided into two sections, the manoeuvring section and the communication section. The manoeuvring section will permit the instructor to exercise remote control of the main engine as a "bridge officer", giving the student manual manoeuvring commands. The communications section permits the instructor to perform simulation control, general system communication, entering faults, setting/  changing of operational and ambient conditions, engine  characteristics, and freezing of exercise.
  4. The hard copy printer of letter quality and the computer keyboard is to be part of the instructor's equipment to enable him to set and reset faults, receive information about all attempts in fault resetting done by student, and to enter changes in system parameters.  The hard copy printer is to be used also for the operation of the analogue recorder and the PID controller and further used as an event log and alarm log to provide a hard copy print out for student results and record of progress

6.22. Examination/Student Assessment System

  1. The examination development station is to consist of the same hardware as the student assessment station with the following exception: the system compatible microcomputer shall have additional memory and other capabilities necessary to support the examination authoring language and long term data collection and statistical analysis programs.
  2. The assessment system shall consist of dedicated personal stations with two similar but slightly different hardware configurations although compatible with each other. The student assessment stations will be located with each of the five simulators while the master station is to be located at Marine Safety Marine Crew and Training Headquarters, Ottawa.
  3. The local assessment station is to evaluate the results of the examination held on the simulator and interface with a hard copy printer to assist in calling up the events carried out by the candidate for debriefing and review of the examination.
  4. The Master unit will provide the means to program examination exercises on diskette for distribution to the examiners at the local centres and to enable headquarters to evaluate and analyze results. Headquarters will be the repository of examination results and diskettes. Changes to the examination program or results will be carried out only at H.Q.
  5. The Examination/Student Assessment Systems are to comprise of at least the following compatible equipment
    1. One high resolution (1024 x 768 pixel) colour graphic display monitor.
    2. One high quality mouse control/pointing device.
    3. Microcomputer system with appropriate disc system and functional keyboard.
    4. One high quality monochromatic hard copy printer.