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Updated Application Process to Obtain a Canadian Endorsement - SSB No.: 27/2022

RDIMS No .: 19008391
Date (Y-M-D) : 2022-11-28

We issue Ship Safety Bulletins for the marine community. Visit our Website at to view existing bulletins and to sign up to receive e-mail notices of new ones.

This bulletin has been replaced by Ship Safety Bulletin No. 19/2023


The purpose of this Ship Safety Bulletin is to advise authorized representatives of Canadian registered vessels that Transport Canada has updated the process and associated application forms for the issuance of a Canadian endorsement to a foreign issued certificate in accordance with a reciprocal arrangement.

What you need to know

Authorized representatives of Canadian registered vessels who are sponsoring a seafarer to obtain a Canadian endorsement are advised that the instructions related to a candidate’s knowledge of Canada maritime laws and evidence of language proficiency has been updated.

Specifically, a completed application must now contain within its submission to Transport Canada a copy or the recording of the assessments that you used to complete the criteria checklist that demonstrates knowledge of Canadian maritime law and language proficiency.

Before a Canadian endorsement is issued, Transport Canada will conduct a verification of the assessments on the candidate’s knowledge of Canadian Maritime Law and knowledge of English or French submitted by the authorized representative. Any identified deficiency in the assessments may require corrective action before the Canadian endorsement is issued.

You are advised to download the latest copy of the following forms from the Transport Canada forms catalogue,

  • Declaration of the Authorized Representative form (82-0787) (PDF, 339 KB)
  • Application for a Canadian Endorsement (82-0786) (PDF, 272 KB)

This updated application process only applies to those new applications submitted following the publication of this Ship Safety Bulletin.

For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at:


1. Canadian endorsement
2. Certificate of competency
3. Criteria Checklist

Questions concerning this Bulletin should be addressed to:

Transport Canada
Marine Safety and Security
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8

Contact us at: Email: or Telephone: 1-855-859-3123 (Toll Free).