Transport Canada Recognition Program for Marine Security Training Programs/Courses (Voluntary Program)

Scope and Application

1.1 Background

  1. The Transport (TC) Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Officer Training should not be confused with the Transport Canada Recognition Program for Marine Security Training Programs / Courses which is a voluntary program that has been in place since 2003. The latter program aims to ensure that officer level marine security training programs and courses offered by various providers meet the course content requirements as called for in the Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) and the International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) Code. Additional international requirements for Ship Security Officers (SSOs) to possess a Certificate of Proficiency along with corresponding amendments to the , MTSR which come into effect January 1, 2008, require the implementation of the TC Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Officer Training which is a linked but program.
  2. All institutes that wish to be recognized (in order for their graduates to receive a Certificate of Proficiency) for SSO training, would submit all information to the TC Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Officer Training. Institutes that wish to be recognized voluntarily for all other officer training would submit information to the Transport Canada Recognition Program for Marine Security Training Programs / Courses.

1.2 Purpose

To detail the guidelines used for “ Transport Canada (TC) Recognition” of International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code / Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) based marine security training courses for Security Officers such as: Company Security Officer (CSO) , Port Facility/Marine Facility Security Officer (PF/MFSO) 1, and Ship/Vessel Security Officer (S / VSO) 2.  These courses are submitted on a voluntary basis to TC by various marine training institutions and other providers of marine security training.  This “ TC Recognition” process has been in place since April 2003, at the behest of various Canadian marine industry stakeholders.

1.3 Scope

TC Marine Security offers this review service to all providers who are interested in submitting their marine security training course packages for Recognition. The action is entirely voluntary on the part of the training providers and, as such, is provided as a no cost service on the part of TC Marine Security.

1.4 Responsibilities

The Director, Marine Security Operations, is responsible for:

  1. The review process to verify course content meets the course requirements of MTSR and ISPS code;  
  2. The granting of “ TC Recognition” for the marine security program and/or training course content submitted for TC Marine Security Operations consideration by security training providers; only the Director, Marine Security Operations can withdraw the Recognition status.
  3. The posting of  “ TC Recognized” training providers on TC Marine Security website.

The marine training institutions and other providers of marine security training are responsible for:

  1. The design and delivery of the marine security program / course based on the IMO document “Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses” and the related IMO model course packages for Security Officers who’s duties and responsibilities are detailed in the MTSR and ISPS Code;
  2. Conducting Trainee Assessments / Evaluations;
  3. Issuing training certificates of successful completion.

TC ” Procedure

2.1 General

The objective of the “ TC Recognition” service is to ensure that all marine security training programs and courses as offered by various marine education and training institutions and other providers, meet the course content requirements as called for in the MTSR and the ISPS Code.  Participation in this program of review and recognition by TC is entirely voluntary. 

2.2 Recognition process (steps)

Marine security training programs and courses should be designed and recognized using the following process:

1. Submission of Program / Course Content for Review

The training institute or provider must submit to TC Marine Security Operations its marine security training program or course proposal for Security Officers.  The program/course proposal shall include the outline of the entire training content written in a learning objective format to convey the means by which the trainee will demonstrate the knowledge, skills or competency to be achieved.

The course content will be assessed by TC Marine Security Operations to determine if it meets the requirements of the MTSR and the ISPS Code. The training institute may use annex A “Course Training Standards” as a guide.

Following this review process, the institution or provider will receive a letter from the Director, TC Marine Security Operations, granting “ TC Recognition” or indicating any enhancements required.  Once the marine security program / course has been recognized, training provider’s “ TC Recognition” status will be posted on TC Marine Security website.

2. Delivery of the marine security program /course

Once recognized by TC Marine Security Operations, the training institute or provider may proceed in delivering their marine security program / course. The design of the program or course may follow the IMO format as contained in the IMO document “Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses” available at:

It recommends the requirement for a written assessment be administered at the end of the program / course to confirm that trainees have an acceptable level of subject mastery.

3. Trainee Assessment / Evaluation

The end-of-course written trainee assessment / evaluation should focus on those mandatory elements called for in the applicable IMO model courses.  Evidence of knowledge transfer should be addressed from the various course assignments and written examination(s).  A marking scheme should be used for consistency.   An overall pass mark of at least 70 %, is required, with reference made to those subjects the trainee needs to review further.

The results of the end-of-course trainee assessment / evaluation should be retained by the security training institute and provided to TC Marine Security Operations upon request.

4. Issue of Certificates of Successful Completion

Successful trainees shall be issued with a training certificate from the training institute or provider.  Instructors who have been duly authorized by the institute or provider to conduct the marine security training shall sign these certificates. The training institute or provider shall retain a copy of the certificate and make it available to TC Marine Security Operations upon request.


  1. Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses ( IMO manual)
  2. IMO course for Port Facility Security Officer (training sample only)
  3. IMO course for Ship Security Officer (training sample only)
  4. IMO course for Company Security Officer (training sample only)

All documents above are available at:

Annex A - Course Training Standards


  • Ship / Vessel Security Officer (S/VSO)
  • Company Security Officer (CSO)
  • Port Facility / Marine Facility Security Officer (PF / MFSO)


To carry out the duties and responsibilities of a Ship or Vessel / Company / Marine Facility / Port Security Officer as defined in the Canadian Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) and in the International Ship and Port facility Security (ISPS) Code.


  1. MTSR – 2004 as amended from time to time.
  2. IMO's SOLAS Convention of 1974 [extract only] as amended from time to time.
  3. ISPS Code – 2002 as amended from time to time.
  4. Guidance material from Transport Canada.
  5. No assistance when writing the end of training examination.


  1. Be in accordance with above referenced marine security instruments.
  2. Achieve a minimum of 70 per cent on a written examination.


Record outcome of end of training written examination and retain the examination documentation.

1 In Canada, Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) is defined as Marine Facility Security Officer (MFSO) in the (MTSR) .

2 Also, Ship Security Officer (SSO) is defined as Vessel Security Officer (VSO) as per the (MTSR) .