Projects funded by the Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program in 2019 to 2020

In 2019 to 2020, the Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program (ERSTPP) funded 22 projects from eight different organizations as shown in the table below. Many projects focused on impaired driving due to consumption of drugs and/or alcohol, distracted driving, commercial drivers, and technological innovation.




Project Description

TC Contribution up to a maximum of:


Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

The Alcohol and Drug-Crash Problem in Canada 2016 Report

The Alcohol and Drug Crash-Problem in Canada report is a nationally-consistent tool that is used by road safety stakeholders, provinces, territories and the federal government in Canada to assess road safety achievements.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

Benchmarking cannabis use by Canadian drivers (prior to legalization)

Major activities of this project include the production of the Compilation of Jurisdictional Roadside Surveys Conducted Prior to Cannabis Legalization in Canada Report.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

Review and update of the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers: #6 Medical Standards for Drivers

This project consists of the review and update of the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers #6: Medical Standards for Drivers.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

Revising CCMTA Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices

The Canadian Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Technical Standard was revised in response to a federal mandate.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

Minimum Entry-Level Training Standard for Commercial Motor Vehicle Truck Drivers (Class 1)

CCMTA proposes the development of a minimum entry level training standard for Class 1 drivers to support commercial motor vehicle safety in Canada.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

CCMTA Transportation Data Workshop

A one day facilitated transportation data workshop that will bring together jurisdictional representatives to further explore current and future Canadian transportation data requirements.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

Strengthening and Enhancing the National Safety Code (NSC)

This project identifies actions that will strengthen and enhance the National Safety Code (NSC) update process.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

Inter-provincial Record Exchange (IRE) Modernization

The Inter-provincial Record Exchange (IRE) is a tool used for the efficient exchange of driver licence and vehicle data between Canadian jurisdictions. This supports the exchange of timely road safety information.



Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)

Facilitation of North American commercial vehicle safety enforcement knowledge exchange, collaboration and alignment on enforcement policies and programs

Facilitation of knowledge exchange, collaboration and alignment of commercial vehicle safety control policies and programs in North America.



Alberta Transportation, Government of Alberta

Mobilizing Alberta Communities to Take Action on Traffic Safety

Alberta Transportation’s Community Mobilization Program is focused on encouraging and enabling collective action around priority traffic safety issues.



Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), Government of Ontario

Ontario Roadside Drug and Alcohol Survey (ORSS)

MTO is proposing to conduct a road side survey to measure the prevalence of alcohol and drug use in Ontario drivers.



Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), Government of Ontario

An Assessment of the Prevalence, Nature, and Risk of Distracted Driving Among Large Truck Drivers in Canada: A Naturalistic Driving Study

This driving study will look at the assessment of the prevalence, nature, and risk of distracted driving among large truck drivers in Canada.



Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), Government of Ontario

Ontario Truck Inspection Station Automation Project

To improve the efficiency of the MTO truck inspection process, pre-clearance and pre-screening technologies have been identified to focus enforcement more efficiently and effectively on commercial vehicles that pose a higher-risk to road safety.



Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), Government of Ontario

Evaluation of Ontario's Truck Safety Oversight System (EOTSOS)

The Evaluation of Ontario’s Truck Safety Oversight System was conducted to determine how to maximize the road safety impact of Ontario’s commercial motor vehicle oversight system, while maintaining or improving efficiency and reducing burden to industry.



Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)

Prevalence of Alcohol and Drug Use Among Quebec Drivers

The SAAQ will undertake a roadside survey study to obtain an estimate of the prevalence of driving after consuming alcohol or drugs.



Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)

Study of the impact of driver assistance devices in the vehicle: Survey of Quebec drivers

The SAAQ's Road Safety Research Department will conduct exploratory research in order to better understand the impact of driving assistance technologies in a vehicle.



RoadSafetyBC, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Province of British Columbia

Form Digitization Project

The form digitization project aims to improve the user experience for front-end and back-end users of RoadSafetyBC’s alcohol and drug affected driving notices.



RoadSafetyBC, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Province of British Columbia

BC Road Safety Revitalization Project

The BC Road Safety Strategy Revitalization Project addresses address current and emerging road safety issues across British Columbia, with a wide-ranging and varied delivery locations.



Service Newfoundland

Insurance Validation Project

The Insurance Validation Project seeks to develop and implement a technology solution that will validate the status of insurance coverage for passenger vehicles in NL.



Saskatchewan Government Insurance

Identification and Diagnosis of Property-Damage Intersection Hotspots in Saskatchewan's Major Urban Centres

Identify property-damage intersection hotspots to improve road safety standards of SK’s major urban centres.



Manitoba Public Insurance

Never Drink and Drive Campaign

The Never Drink and Drive campaign is a public awareness campaign (radio, print ads, commercials, and billboards) which aims to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities in Manitoba from impaired driving.



Manitoba Public Insurance

Put Down your Phone Campaign

The Put Down Your Phone Campaign is a public awareness campaign (radio, print ads, commercials, and billboards) which aims to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities in Manitoba from distracted driving.


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