Choosing and installing a child car seat or booster seat, recall notices, safety and testing information. Most requested Recalls database for motor vehicles and child car seats Be careful when buying child car seats and booster seats online! Child car seat cross border shopping – what parents and caregivers should know How long are child car seats and booster seats safe? Child car seats (motor vehicle restraint systems) and booster seats safety regulations Taking children on a plane – child restraint systems Contributors Transport Canada Services and information Search this topic Choosing a child car seat or booster seat Four stages of child safety in vehicles, safety notices, active defect investigations, safety and testing information. Installing a child car seat or booster seat Tips for proper installation. Stay informed about recalls of vehicles, tires and child car seats Search the recalls database, browse our web feed, download our recalls and alerts app. Report a potential safety defect of vehicles, tires and child car seats Tell us about a safety problem with your vehicle, tire or child car seat. Safety alerts and notices for child car seats Search by manufacturer, model and date. Update