
We provide guidance on various topics through our publications. You will find reports, guides, procedures and other publications related to road transportation.

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Title Description Type Published
Archived Evaluation of Occupant Protection in Buses Report describing the results of a review of bus occupant protection research and regulatory practices in Canada, the United States, Australia and Europe. Report
Occupant Protection in Buses - A Brief Review of the Current Literature A summary of relevant research into the crashworthiness and occupant protection of buses, with a focus on experimental analysis and testing. Report
School Bus Restraints for Small Children in Canada Study that assessed the safety of preschool-aged children travelling in school buses. Study
Child Seats on School Buses Overview of school bus safety. Guideline
Usability Study of the Universal Anchorage System for Child Restraints in School Buses and Passenger Vehicles Usability Study of the Universal Anchorage System for Child Restraints in School Buses and Passenger Vehicles Study

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