Section II: Analysis of Programs by Strategic Outcome

Transport Canada 2015-16 Report on Plans and PrioritiesEndnote viii has three Strategic Outcomes that reflect the long term and enduring benefits to Canadians that stem from its mandate and vision. As the Department strives towards these outcomes, Transport Canada can report progress in relation to expected results,Footnote 8 performance indicatorsFootnote 9 and targetsFootnote 10 in line with the Program Alignment Architecture (PAA). What distinguishes the different levels of a PAA is the scope and reach of the programs at those levels. The Program level has a broad scope and area of societal intervention, while the Sub-Program (SP) level has a more limited and specific focus on a smaller target group and area of intervention.

This section describes how the Department plans to meet its expected results and presents the financial and non-financial resources that it will dedicate to each Program and Sub-Program in the coming year. This section also identifies Transport Canada initiatives that are included in the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

Strategic Outcome 1: An Efficient Transportation System

An efficient transportation system supports trade, economic prosperity and a better quality of life through low costs, high productivity, the best use of all modes and innovation in transportation. Transport Canada promotes an efficient transportation system in Canada by modernizing marketplace frameworks so that the transportation sector can adapt, innovate and remain competitive; implementing gateways and corridors initiatives; ensuring the renewal of federal transportation infrastructure; encouraging innovation in the transportation sector; and partnering with provinces, territories, municipal governments, and public and private sector entities in various transportation initiatives.

The following Programs and Sub-Programs support this Strategic Outcome:

Program 1.1: Transportation Marketplace Frameworks

Description: The Transportation Marketplace Framework Program encourages transportation efficiency by fostering a competitive and viable transportation sector. The Program sets regimes governing the economic behaviour of carriers in all modes of transportation; sets the rules of governance for all the transportation infrastructure providers falling under federal authority; monitors, analyzes, researches, and reports on the transportation system; promotes innovation in transportation; enables access to transportation for Canadians; represents the interests of Canada in trade negotiations, international transportation fora and other international bodies; promotes access to markets in the context of international trade; fosters greater cooperation to support economic activity; and fulfills certain federal responsibilities with regard to the International Bridges and Tunnels ActEndnote viii.

Sub-Program 1.1.1: Air Marketplace Framework

Description: The Air Marketplace Framework Program encourages transportation efficiency by fostering a competitive and viable air industry, including airlines, airports and NAV CANADA. It provides opportunities for Canadian airlines to grow and compete successfully in a more liberalized global environment and sets the governance regimes of national air infrastructure providers. Program activities include establishing laws and regulations (e.g. Canada Transportation Act, Air Canada Public Participation Act) governing the economic behaviour of air carriers and air infrastructure providers; encouraging competition and the development of new and expanded international air services to benefit travellers, shippers, and the tourism and business sectors by managing bilateral and multilateral air service relations; working collaboratively with other government departments and industry stakeholders to promote air transport facilitation policies and initiatives in support of broader Government of Canada industry, trade, travel and tourism objectives such as Gateways and Corridors Initiatives and the Blue Sky International air policy; fostering greater cooperation in the area of Civil Aviation to support economic activity, and; representing the interests of the Canadian aviation sector at the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Sub-Program 1.1.2: Marine Marketplace Framework

Description: The Marine Marketplace Framework Program encourages transportation efficiency by ensuring the appropriate economic policy and legislative frameworks in order to foster a competitive and viable Canadian marine industry. The Program is responsible for: developing policies, legislation, and regulations such as the Canada Marine Act and its regulations and the Marine Liability Act; monitoring the Canadian marine industry and ports system; establishing the rules of governance for Canada port authorities; negotiating/adopting international conventions and agreements; establishing the economic regimes governing market entry to both the Canadian marine marketplace and Canadian international marine trade; representing the interest of Canada's marine sector in international forums such as the International Maritime Organization; and, setting the marine transportation liability regime.

Sub-Program 1.1.3: Surface Marketplace Framework

Description: The Surface Marketplace Framework Program encourages transportation efficiency by fostering healthy and competitive rail and motor carrier industries in Canada and by fulfilling certain federal responsibilities with regard to the Canada Transportation Act, the International Bridges and Tunnels Act (IBTA) and other international bridge legislation. The Program develops, oversees and implements policy frameworks, legislation, regulations and international agreements such as the Canada Transportation Act (Part 3-Railway Transportation); establishes economic regimes governing access to the rail industry; oversees freight rail services and the relationships between railways and shippers and passenger rail operations; administers the grain hopper car operating agreements with Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific (CP) railways and the Grain Monitoring program; reviews mergers and acquisitions involving surface modes; reviews conditions of entry into the commercial trucking and bus marketplace; works with provinces, territories and North American partners to harmonize rules affecting surface transportation, such as North American Free Trade Agreement trucking standards; provides analysis and advice regarding the movement of freight in the surface mode, and related issues (e.g., congestion, road pricing, urban rail, urban encroachment); conducts ongoing national freight transportation system analysis in consultation with key stakeholders; addresses relevant international bridge and tunnel issues such as implementing regulations under IBTA.

Sub-Program 1.1.4: International Frameworks and Trade

Description: The International Frameworks and Trade Program ensures that policy objectives and stakeholder interests regarding transportation system efficiency are advanced at the international level and considered in the formulation of Government of Canada foreign policy and trade negotiation initiatives. It contributes to a coherent, government-wide approach to managing international priorities (such as the Global Markets Action Plan and Canada's Strategy for Engagement in the Americas), as well as the broader trade, jobs and economic growth agenda, in order to bring maximum benefit to Canadians.

Canada's transportation system is integral to achieving the Government's objectives with respect to international trade. This function is necessary in order to respond to the Government's rapidly expanding trade negotiation agenda, and to seize opportunities for Canadian businesses and transportation stakeholder.

Activities are geared to establishing relationships and partnerships, domestically and internationally, that will benefit Canada's medium- and long-term economic development goals and advance the interests of transportation industry stakeholders. As a result of these activities, transportation stakeholders will be provided with further trade/commercial opportunities. Note: Bilateral air agreements and Canada's Mission to the International Civil Aviation Organization are addressed under Air Marketplace Framework.

Sub-Program 1.1.5: Transportation Analysis and Innovation

Description: The Transportation Analysis and Innovation Program conducts research and analysis to advance the understanding of key drivers for change in transportation and inform policy decisions, with a view to increasing efficiency and promoting innovation and technological advances in the transportation sector. To that end, the Program manages transportation data collection efforts; monitors and reports on performance of the supply chain as well as related trends and outlooks in the transportation system; and conducts economic, and exploratory and applied research to identify and foster the adoption of promising technologies and provide advice regarding that manner.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.1 Transportation Marketplace Frameworks
24,473,890 24,473,890 21,393,723 21,405,670


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.1.1 Air Marketplace Framework
3,642,589 3,642,589 3,642,589
1.1.2 Marine Marketplace Framework
3,524,986 2,586,279 2,586,279
1.1.3 Surface Marketplace Framework
1,989,074 1,989,074 1,989,074
1.1.4 International Frameworks and Trade
3,308,763 3,308,763 3,308,763
1.1.5 Transportation Analysis and Innovation
12,008,478 9,867,018 9,878,965



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1.1 Transportation Marketplace Frameworks
160 158 158
1.1.1 Air Marketplace Framework
32 32 32
1.1.2 Marine Marketplace Framework
19 19 19
1.1.3 Surface Marketplace Framework
12 12 12
1.1.4 International Frameworks and Trade
28 28 28
1.1.5 Transportation Analysis and Innovation
69 67 67



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
1.1 Transportation Marketplace Frameworks
A competitive transportation sector Rail freight transportation intensity (tonne-km per locomotive) (Transportation intensity represents system usage) 120,917,636 March 2016
A competitive transportation sector Truck freight transportation intensity (tonne-km per heavy vehicle) (Transportation intensity represents system usage) 1,662,130 March 2016
A competitive transportation sector Marine freight transportation intensity (tonne-km per port call) (Transportation intensity represents system usage) 2,895 March 2016
A competitive transportation sector Air passenger transportation intensity (passenger-km per seat-km) (Transportation intensity represents system usage) 0.79 March 2016
A competitive transportation sector Rail passenger transportation intensity (passengers per available seat) (Transportation intensity represents system usage) 0.59 March 2016
1.1.1 Air Marketplace Framework
A competitive air transportation sector Revenue Passenger Kilometres by air 233.9 billion March 2016
1.1.2 Marine Marketplace Framework
A competitive marine transportation sector Tonnage handled by Canadian carriers (domestic) 64.4 million tonnes March 2016
A competitive marine transportation sector Tonnage handled by Canadian carriers (transborder) 38 million tonnes March 2016
A competitive marine transportation sector Total international traffic handled by Canadian ports as a percentage of total international traffic handled at North American ports (in metric tonnes) 18.0 % March 2016
1.1.3 Surface Marketplace Framework
An efficient surface transportation sector Total Factor Productivity (quantity of outputs divided by a weighted aggregate of all inputs, indexed to 1986) 224.8 March 2016
An efficient surface transportation sector Motor carrier traffic volume (in tonne-km) Motor carriers: 148 billion March 2016
1.1.4 International Frameworks and Trade
International trade agreements create opportunities for the transportation industry Types of commercial opportunities provided through agreements for Canadian transportation stakeholders Improved commercial opportunities for transportation stakeholders March 2016
1.1.5 Transportation Analysis and Innovation
Research and analysis to inform Canadians on the state of transportation in Canada and advance innovation and technological advances in the transportation sector. Industry is compliant to their data reporting obligations in conformity with the Canada Transportation Act (CTA) and its companion data regulations. Degree of compliance of airlines operating in Canada vis-à-vis the CTA data regulations. 85% March 2016
Research and analysis to inform Canadians on the state of transportation in Canada and advance innovation and technological advances in the transportation sector. Ratio of research, development and technology investment leveraged from external sources 1:1 investment ratio March 2016
Research and analysis to inform Canadians on the state of transportation in Canada and advance innovation and technological advances in the transportation sector. Percentage of Grant/Contribution agreements involving multiple collaborators (aside from Federal government) 100% March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Advance initiatives concerning freight rail transportation, including matters pertaining to the Canada Transportation Act and other statutes to improve rail safety and efficiency (SP1.1.3);
  • Develop an implementation approach, in support of the passage of the Aviation Industry Indemnity Act currently before Parliament, to indemnify certain participants in the aviation industry in the event of loss not covered by commercially available insurance;
  • Advance the Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative which is designed to help us better understand climate impacts and facilitate better and more integrated transportation planning and adaptation measures;
  • Support implementation of the marine component of Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) which will promote trade by eliminating tariffs and reducing non-technical barriers (SP1.1.2);
  • Develop a long-term strategy for Canadian ferry services in support of the Economic Action Plan 2014, which makes strategic investments in transportation services, including ferry services; and
  • Develop and implement regulations to ensure safe construction and operations of liquefied natural gas facilities on federal port lands to support investment, jobs and economic growth.

Program 1.2: Gateways and Corridors

Description: Canada is a trading nation, and the efficiency and reliability of the transportation system to support this trade impacts directly on the nation's prosperity and well being. For this reason, it is imperative that the federal government play a role in the development of an integrated transportation network linking importers and exporters to markets and suppliers in the increasingly complex global supply chains. Guided by the National Policy Framework for Strategic Gateways and Corridors, the Gateways and Corridors Program supports Canada's international commerce by creating a more efficient, reliable and seamless trade-related transport system in Canada. The Program develops initiatives to improve and integrate transportation networks in key regions; fosters partnerships between all levels of government and the private sector; supports and oversees projects that contribute to the increased capacity and efficiency of gateway and corridor infrastructure; develops and puts in place measures that remove impediments to the effective development of gateways and corridors; and markets the use of gateways and corridors within Canada and internationally.

Sub-Program 1.2.1: Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative

Description: The rapid economic growth of China and other Asia Pacific countries is reshaping global trade flows. China is now Canada's second largest trading partner and the growth in Canada-Asia trade traffic is expected to continue. The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative Program works to make Canada the best trade link between Asia and North America. This Program coordinates and manages an integrated set of investments (through direct delivery and contributions) and policy measures to: boost Canada's commerce with the Asia-Pacific region; increase the share of North America bound container imports from Asia; and improve the reliability of the Gateway and Corridor.

Sub-Program 1.2.2: Gateways and Border Crossings Fund

Description: The Gateways and Border Crossings Fund Program works to improve the flow of goods between Canada and the rest of the world by enhancing infrastructure at key locations, such as major border crossings between Canada and the United States, including the new Windsor-Detroit crossing.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.2 Gateways and Corridors
576,569,290 576,569,290 110,140,965 282,399,187


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.2.1 Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative
42,464,288 15,554,324 0
1.2.2 Gateways and Border Crossings Fund
534,105,002 94,586,641 282,399,187



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1.2 Gateways and Corridors
45 19 15
1.2.1 Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative
17 4 0
1.2.2 Gateways and Border Crossings Fund
28 15 15



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
1.2 Gateways and Corridors
Gateways and corridors are efficient Total average landside transit time (number of days) of international containerized freight using Canada's strategic gateways and trade corridors. 7.0 days of average landside transit with a standard deviation of 0.4 days March 2016
1.2.1 Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative
Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor is efficient and attracts international trade Landside fluidity for British Columbia ports: Total average transit time (number of days) of international containerized freight using the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor from the BC ports to Toronto. Average of 8.5 days with standard deviation of 0.5 days. March 2016
Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor is efficient and attracts international trade Canadian share of the North American West Coast trade based on the change in volume of Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit imports and exports. Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU): A unit of measurement equal to the space occupied by a standard twenty foot container. Used in stating the capacity of container vessel or storage area. One 40 ft. container is equal to two TEUs. Source: American Association of Port Authorities 12% March 2016
Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor is efficient and attracts international trade Value of imports using strategic gateways and trade corridors (Millions of CND $) Import: $42,100 March 2016
Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor is efficient and attracts international trade Value of exports using strategic gateways and trade corridors (Millions of CND $) Export: $69,200 March 2016
1.2.2 Gateways and Border Crossings Fund
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Total average landside transit time (number of days) of international containerized freight using the Continental and Atlantic Gateways and Trade Corridors Average of 4 days with standard deviation of 0.3 days. March 2016
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Value of imports using the Continental Gateway and Trade Corridors in Ontario (Millions of CND $) $265,000 March 2016
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Value of exports using the Continental Gateway and Trade Corridor in Ontario (Millions of CND $) $206,200 March 2016
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Value of imports using the Continental Gateway and Trade Corridor in Quebec (Millions of CND $) $75,800 March 2016
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Value of exports using the Continental Gateway and Trade Corridor in Quebec (Millions of CND $) $65,600 March 2016
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Value of imports using the Atlantic Gateway and Trade Corridor (Millions of CND $) $25,700 March 2016
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Value of exports using the Atlantic Gateway and Trade Corridor (Millions of CND $) $30,800 March 2016
Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors are efficient and are used for international trade Atlantic Gateway (Halifax) and Continental Gateway (Montreal) market share of North America East Coast traffic in Volume of Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) imports and exports. TEU: A unit of measurement equal to the space occupied by a standard twenty foot container. Used in stating the capacity 20 ft. container vessel or storage area. One 40 ft. container is equal to two TEUs. Source: American Association of Port Authorities) 9.5% March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Promote Canada's Gateways initiatives, including the Continental Gateway and Atlantic Gateway objectives through domestic and international outreach, stakeholder engagement, and promotional and marketing materials (SP1.2.1, SP1.2.2). Please refer to Section III Supplementary Information Tables for detailed information on Gateway and Corridor initiatives; and
  • Support Canada's strategic Gateways and Corridors initiatives through marine transportation system policy analysis and stakeholder engagement to strengthen Canada's reliability and competitiveness in global commerce, and to improve the efficiency of the marine transportation sector.

Program 1.3: Transportation Infrastructure

Description: The Transportation Infrastructure Program oversees funds and manages multimodal transportation infrastructure under Transport Canada's mandate to improve efficiency and service delivery for the benefit of Canadian taxpayers. The Program acts as the steward of certain commercial transportation assets operated by third parties on behalf of the federal government (airport authorities, port authorities, federal bridges, VIA Rail, Seaway, Marine Atlantic) provides funding for Canada's strategic transportation infrastructure, to support federal objectives and develops transportation infrastructure policy through consultation with stakeholders. It also manages Transport Canada ports and airports, supports essential services in remote communities, manages legacy commitments, and divests assets where possible.

Sub-Program 1.3.1: Airport Infrastructure

Description: In keeping with the National Airports policy, the Airport Infrastructure Program looks after airport services under federal purview for the benefit of Canadian travelers and businesses. The Program: provides stewardship of airport authorities with the goal of protecting the government's interests as the landlord and ensuring compliance with lease terms; operates federally owned regional/local and remote airports; provides financial support to non-federal eligible airports to maintain the ongoing operation and safety of airside infrastructure and, manages other airports' infrastructure legacy commitments by providing financial support to twelve Labrador communities, through the provincial government, to maintain airstrips built under federal/provincial agreements.

Sub-Sub-Program Airport Authority Stewardship

Description: The National Airports System (NAS) is a vital transportation system with significant ties to the Canadian economy. To protect the interests of the federal government as the landlord and to ensure compliance with the terms of their leases, the Airport Authority Stewardship Program provides oversight and real property management services for airports whose operation has been transferred to local airport authorities. It also manages residual responsibilities with respect to the commercialized Air Navigation System (ANS). Program activities include making sure that airport authorities respect the terms of their leases; addressing lease management issues promptly; completing the environmental remediation of ANS lands; managing ongoing liaison with NAV CANADA on property matters; and collecting airport rent revenue. 

Sub-Sub-Program Airport Operations

Description: In keeping with the National Airports Policy (NAP) and for the benefit of the communities concerned, the Airport Operations Program operates 18 regional, local and remote Transport Canada owned airports.

Sub-Sub-Program Small Aerodrome Support

Description: The Small Aerodrome Support Program provides support for airside capital projects through the Airports Capital Assistance program (ACAP) and also manages legacy commitments that make airport infrastructure and services available to some communities. In keeping with the National Airports policy, ACAP provides support to eligible non-federally owned airports. Funding is provided for airside safety-related capital projects, which may also extend to non-airside asset protection. It targets airports with a demonstrated financial need to fund the capital expenditures necessary to maintain safety. Legacy commitments are supported by providing financial assistance to: the provincial government through the Labrador Coast Airstrip Restoration program to maintain airstrips in twelve Labrador communities; and four airports in Québec to cover a portion of operating deficits through the Airports Operations and Maintenance Subsidy program.

Sub-Program 1.3.2: Marine Infrastructure

Description: The Marine Infrastructure Program operates from a commercially based policy framework, and supports Canadian trade by making marine assets available for commercial use. The Program is delivered by methods such as providing stewardship of assets operated by third parties, providing direct public sector delivery, and managing contribution agreements. The Program acts as steward of Canada Port Authorities and the land they manage; operates and divests Transport Canada's public ports; acts as steward of, and provides support to, remote, regional and constitutionally-mandated ferry services; and, acts as steward of, and provides support to, the Canadian portion of the Seaway.

Sub-Sub-Program Canada Port Authority Stewardship

Description: The Canada Port Authority Stewardship Program oversees the 18 Canada Port Authorities (CPAs) that manage properties that are federally-owned or subject to federal law. Its goal is to foster a commercially based regime that supports Canadian trade within policy and legislative frameworks. The Program reviews and approves requests for property acquisitions/dispositions to make sure that they comply with relevant acts and policies and address environmental and Aboriginal concerns; oversees the appointment process that must comply with the Canada Marine Act; and; reviews and approves requests for amending Canada Port Authority activities, borrowing limits, terms of leases, or for establishing subsidiaries, and compliance with gross revenue charge requirements.

Sub-Sub-Program Seaway Stewardship and Support

Description: Pursuant to the Canada Marine Act, Transport Canada is responsible for protecting the long term operation and viability of the Seaway as an integral part of Canada's national transportation infrastructure. The Seaway Stewardship and Support Program oversees the good management, operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the St. Lawrence Seaway by the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (the Seaway Corporation), for the benefit of seaway users and the businesses and communities that depend on it. The Program administers, negotiates and monitors the federal government's twenty-year agreement with the Seaway Corporation; provides statutory payments; negotiates and monitors the five-year business plans that sets specific operating and asset renewal cost targets; and oversees the management of non-navigational assets including the transfer of ownership of surplus Seaway properties.

Sub-Sub-Program Ferry Services Stewardship and Support

Description: The Ferry Services Stewardship and Support Program serves Canadians, communities and businesses that depend on ferry services. The Program oversees federal government funding for, and involvement in, ferry services across the country. This includes: Crown Corporation Marine Atlantic service that links Newfoundland to the rest of Canada as per constitutional mandate; three private sector inter-provincial services in Atlantic Canada – including one to the remote community of Îles-de-la-Madeleine under the Ferry Services Contribution Program; and an annual grant to support services in British Columbia.

Sub-Sub-Program Port Operations

Description: The Port Operations Program makes marine facilities at Transport Canada owned ports available to port users and the communities they serve. It manages and maintains Transport Canada owned ports including setting and collecting national public port fees at those ports.

Sub-Program 1.3.3: Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure

Description: The Surface Infrastructure Program supports Canada's trade and mobility by fostering efficient and economic access to surface transportation networks while furthering transportation safety. The Program develops, designs, negotiates, and manages federal funding for highways, borders, railways, transit, and federal bridges; works with provinces, territories and other partners on infrastructure programs and policies, with a particular focus on the National Highway System; acts as steward for VIA Rail and federal bridges, and; manages regional rail service legacy commitments.

Sub-Sub-Program Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support

Description: The Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support Program makes national, regional and remote rail passenger services available throughout Canada. The Program also: acts as steward over, and administers the annual subsidy to, VIA Rail Canada; monitors and provides policy advice on passenger railway services; administers contributions to private sector companies or First Nations bands operating remote passenger rail services; and provides funding for capital projects that support rail services.

Sub-Sub-Program Federal Bridge Stewardship

Description: Guided by the International Bridges and Tunnels Act and other legislation, the Federal Bridge Stewardship Program addresses capacity issues of bridges and tunnels under Transport Canada's authority to safely meet current and future transportation needs and acts as the steward of Transport Canada owned bridges. Specific program responsibilities include: implementing and managing federal contributions and initiatives that address the needs of bridges under federal authority; overseeing international bridge and tunnel operators' compliance with relevant regulations; establishing and implementing the laws and regulations governing international bridge operators; providing stewardship oversight of the Confederation Bridge as per a constitutional obligation; and making statutory payments to Canadian National (CN) Railway Company for the roadway portion of the Victoria Bridge in Montreal.

Sub-Sub-Program Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support

Description: The Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support Program benefits road users, stakeholders, and communities through improved highways, bridges, transit systems, and technology systems for transportation and borders, which reduces traffic congestion, accidents and stakeholder/user operating costs. This multimodal Program provides program design guidance, manages federal contributions for improvements to the National Highway System (NHS), Canada-United States border infrastructure, transit system initiatives, and other transportation infrastructure; develops, oversees and implements federal policy, coordinates infrastructure issues; assesses Building Canada Plan transportation projects; and helps monitor the performance of transportation infrastructure in partnership with stakeholders.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.3 Transportation Infrastructure
399,495,001 399,495,001 350,031,572 301,848,075


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs and Sub-Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.3.1 Airport Infrastructure
76,056,318 85,762,356 79,516,512 Airport Authority Stewardship
-3,801,229 1,698,771 1,698,771 Airport Operations
30,745,578 35,586,904 29,198,789 Small Aerodrome Support
49,111,969 48,476,681 48,618,952
1.3.2 Marine Infrastructure
237,120,819 175,782,067 126,215,688 Canada Port Authority Stewardship
1,419,942 1,419,942 1,419,942 Seaway Stewardship and Support
137,602,057 116,902,057 71,202,057 Ferry Services Stewardship and Support
82,274,295 46,164,020 46,164,020 Port Operations
15,824,525 11,296,048 7,429,669
1.3.3 Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure
86,317,864 88,487,149 96,115,875 Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support
12,208,763 12,208,763 12,208,763 Federal Bridge Stewardship
68,124,219 69,127,192 70,080,016 Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support
5,984,882 7,151,194 13,827,096



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program, Sub-Programs and Sub-Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1.3 Transportation Infrastructure
242 217 210
1.3.1 Airport Infrastructure
144 144 144 Airport Authority Stewardship
10 10 10 Airport Operations
111 111 111 Small Aerodrome Support
23 23 23
1.3.2 Marine Infrastructure
55 46 46 Canada Port Authority Stewardship
7 7 7 Seaway Stewardship and Support
8 8 8 Ferry Services Stewardship and Support
10 1 1 Port Operations
30 30 30
1.3.3 Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure
43 27 20 Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support
3 3 3 Federal Bridge Stewardship
3 3 3 Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support
37 21 14



Performance Measurement – For Program, Sub-Programs and Sub-Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
1.3 Transportation Infrastructure
Federally funded infrastructure is operational Percentage of federally funded transportation infrastructure that meets annually established operational targets 100% March 2016
1.3.1 Airport Infrastructure
Airport infrastructure is available to users Percentage of federally supported airport infrastructure that is operational 100% March 2016 Airport Authority Stewardship
National Airports System airports complywith leases.
Lease non-compliance issues are addressed within 30 days of being identified.
Percentage of National Airports System airports that are in substantive compliance with their lease terms. 100% March 2016 Airport Operations
Airports are operational for users Percentage of airports that are operational 100% March 2016 Small Aerodrome Support
Airports are operational for users Percentage of funded airports certified operational 100% March 2016
1.3.2 Marine Infrastructure
Marine infrastructure is operational for users Percentage of marine infrastructure operational 100% March 2016 Canada Port Authority Stewardship
Compliance with Acts, regulations and letters patent Percentage of transactions in compliance with federal Acts, regulations and policies 100% March 2016 Seaway Stewardship and Support
Seaway is open and available to commercial traffic Percentage of system availability 99% March 2016 Ferry Services Stewardship and Support
Constitutional, regional and remote ferry services are available to users Percentage of scheduled trips completed 100%Footnote 11 March 2016 Port Operations
Transport Canada owned ports are operational for users Percentage of active ports operational 100% March 2016
1.3.3 Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure
Federally funded surface infrastructure projects are completed and available to users as per/consistent with agreement date with recipient Percentage of federally funded surface infrastructure operational 100% March 2016 Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support
Federally funded inter-city and remote passenger rail services have the capacity to meet existing commitments Percentage of planned passenger rail trips (measured by train-kilometres) delivered by federally-supported inter-city and remote passenger rail carriers 98% March 2016 Federal Bridge Stewardship
Federal bridges are capable of meeting existing and future demand Percentage of federal funding obtained and delivered so the project can start within approved timelines 100% March 2016 Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support
Federally funded highway and border surface infrastructure is available to users Percentage of highway and border projects that meet funding objectives 100% March 2017


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Implement the Asset Management Strategy for Transport Canada owned and operated ports, which will support the transfer of these facilities to local and private interests that are better positioned to operate them, as well as the continued operation and maintenance of federally owned ports (SP1.3.1);
  • Modify and put in service the ferry vessel to replace the Princess of Acadia, which operates between Saint John, New Brunswick and Digby, Nova Scotia (SP1.3.2.3); and
  • Develop an Asset Management Strategy for Transport Canada owned and operated regional/local airports.

Strategic Outcome 2: A Clean Transportation System

Transport Canada promotes clean transportation in Canada. This Strategic Outcome advances the federal government's environmental agenda in the transportation sector and complements other federal programs designed to reduce air emissions to protect the health of Canadians and the environment for generations to come; protects the marine environment by reducing the pollution of water from transportation sources; and fulfills Transport Canada's responsibilities in working towards a cleaner and healthier environment related to its own operations.

The following Programs and Sub-Programs support this Strategic Outcome:

Program 2.1: Clean Air from Transportation

Description: Transport Canada's Clean Air from Transportation Program advances the federal government's environmental agenda in the transportation sector and complements other federal programs designed to reduce air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions to improve the health of Canadians and the environment for generations to come. The Program regulates air pollutant and/or greenhouse gas emissions from the air, marine, and rail sectors; and implements Transport Canada Clean Air Program obligations and commitments.

Sub-Program 2.1.1: Clean Air Regulatory Framework and Oversight

Description: Deriving its authority from the Railway Safety Act, the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, and the Aeronautics Act, Transport Canada's Clean Air Regulatory Framework and Oversight Program contributes to reducing the air emissions from transportation by creating and implementing regulatory regimes. The Program sets the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from the air, marine and rail sectors; oversees transportation firms' compliance with their regulatory obligations; represents Canada in discussions to set international standards for air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions in these sectors; provides support to Environment Canada in developing road vehicles greenhouse gas emission regulations; and contributes to developing and implementing instruments to reduce air emissions from Canada's transportation sector.

Sub-Program 2.1.2: Clean Air Initiatives

Description: The Clean Air Initiatives advance the federal government's environmental agenda in the transportation sector by: promoting and demonstrating ways to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants; promoting, testing and demonstrating advanced vehicle technologies to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants from motor vehicles; creating partnerships; and designing, negotiating and managing initiatives for transportation emissions reduction.

Specific initiatives: ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles II Initiative, Gateway Carbon Footprint Initiative, Shore Power Technology for Ports program, and, Truck Reservation System program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
2.1 Clean Air from Transportation
29,417,677 29,417,677 4,506,789 1,501,789


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
2.1.1 Clean Air Regulatory Framework and Oversight
11,420,657 1,550,044 1,501,789
2.1.2 Clean Air Initiatives
17,997,020 2,956,745 0



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
2.1 Clean Air from Transportation
86 15 15
2.1.1 Clean Air Regulatory Framework and Oversight
55 13 13
2.1.2 Clean Air Initiatives
31 2 2



Performance Measurement – For Programand Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
2.1 Clean Air from Transportation
Decrease in intensity of greenhouse (GHG) emissions and air pollutants in the transportation sector Transportation emission intensity (%) change in intensity as measured in tonnes per unit of activity (e.g. tonnes-km, tonnes per hour, tonnes per call, etc.).  An intensity improvement that is consistent with the plan established under the government's horizontal approach for clean air.
Note: It will only be possible to set an absolute value once the transportation sector's share of the Government of Canada reduction targets are established and shared.
March 2020
2.1.1 Clean Air Regulatory Framework and Oversight
Clean air regulatory framework (and policies) that align with international standards Percentage of instruments that are aligned with domestic legislation or international standards   100% March 2016
2.1.2 Clean Air Initiatives
Clean Transportation technologies are available to users Number of sites using clean transportation technologies
For Shore Power Technology for Ports and Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking
10 March 2016


Planning Highlights

Under the Clean Transportation theme of the Clean Air Agenda as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Lead the Government of Canada's participation at the International Maritime Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization to develop standards, regulations and programs of action to limit or reduce air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from international marine shipping and aviation respectively;
  • Address air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from marine sector by funding the installation of marine shore power facilities in Canadian ports. (SP 2.1.2);
  • Address greenhouse gas emissions from the rail sector through the joint Canada-United-States locomotive emissions initiative under the Regulatory Cooperation Council, a voluntary agreement with the Canadian rail industry, and research activities to enhance understanding of new technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and
  • Support the development of greenhouse gas emission regulations for light duty vehicles (for model year 2017 and beyond) and heavy duty vehicles (for model years 2014–2018) under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 which will align with those of the United States (SP 2.1.1).

Program 2.2: Clean Water from Transportation

Description: The Clean Water from Transportation Program protects the marine environment by reducing the pollution of water from transportation sources. This Program regulates and monitors the release and impact of discharges from marine vessels into the marine environment, regulates ballast water, and contributes to setting domestic and international rules that govern limits to liability of marine pollution incidents. This Program advances the federal government's clean water agenda in the transportation sector and complements other federal programs designed to protect the marine environment for the health of Canadians and the environment for generations to come. This program also represents Canada in discussions to set international standards to prevent pollution from vessels operating in Canada's waters and address the threat of aquatic invasive species.

Sub-Program 2.2.1: Clean Water Regulatory Framework

Description: Guided by the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, the Marine Liability Act and international conventions, the Clean Water Regulatory Framework Program sets the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern the protection of the marine environment from pollution, the introduction of invasive species, and the environmental impact of pollution incidents.

Sub-Program 2.2.2: Clean Water Regulatory Oversight

Description: The Clean Water Regulatory Oversight Program contributes to reducing pollution from vessels by monitoring compliance of marine transportation firms with the Marine Safety regulatory framework through surveillance, inspections, audits, monitoring and enforcement.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
2.2 Clean Water from Transportation
31,902,400 31,902,400 26,896,996 16,766,856


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
2.2.1 Clean Water Regulatory Framework
17,857,453 14,165,375 1,261,843
2.2.2 Clean Water Regulatory Oversight
14,044,947 12,731,621 15,505,013



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
2.2 Clean Water from Transportation
94 82 60
2.2.1 Clean Water Regulatory Framework
36 30 8
2.2.2 Clean Water Regulatory Oversight
58 52 52



Performance Measurement – For Programand Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
2.2 Clean Water from Transportation
Prevention of pollution in the marine environment from vessels operating in waters under Canadian jurisdiction Number of releases of harmful pollutants in the marine environment by vessels identified by pollution patrol and other means 17 March 2017
2.2.1 Clean Water Regulatory Framework
Legislation, regulations and policies that are harmonized with adopted international standards Percentage of instruments that are aligned with domestic legislation and/or adopted international standards 95% March 2017
2.2.2 Clean Water Regulatory Oversight
Industry is compliant with the regulatory framework Percentage of vessels in compliance with regulatory framework for environmental response regime 95% March 2017
Industry is compliant with the regulatory framework for ballast water discharges in waters under Canadian jurisdiction Percentage of vessels in compliance with Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations reporting rules 95% March 2017


Planning Highlights


In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Continue to use the National Aerial Surveillance Program as a main pillar of the Government of Canada's pollution prevention program. It will expand the number of missions and surveillance time to enhance the program's effectiveness and address increases in vessel traffic (SP2.2.1);
  • Transition from a national standard of response planning to one based on risk as recommended by the Tanker Safety Expert Panel. As part of the Area Response Planning pilot program, a grant program will be developed to enable the participation of local communities and Aboriginal Groups (SP2.2.1 & SP2.2.2);
  • Advance the World Class Tanker Safety System Initiative by amending the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 to strengthen the pollution preparedness and response provisions as well as modernizing the Environmental Response program to enhance compliance inspections and to more effectively take enforcement action to address non-compliance (SP2.2.1 & SP2.2.2); and
  • Identify future strategic requirements in the North, with a focus on transportation services and infrastructure that will strengthen safe and environmentally responsible transportation for all modes.

Program 2.3: Environmental Stewardship of Transportation

Description: The Environmental Stewardship Program fulfills Transport Canada's responsibilities in working towards an environmentally responsible and resilient national transportation system for Canadians by ensuring compliance with the department's environmental obligations in relation to Acts, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, and meeting the department's obligations towards Aboriginal peoples. The Program fulfills Transport Canada's responsibilities to implement a Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy under the Federal Sustainable Development Act; ensures that Transport Canada's lands and facilities are managed in an environmentally responsible manner in compliance with federal legislation and policies; provides functional support for environmental assessments, including for major resource projects; manages contaminated sites; advises on Aboriginal consultation, engagement and treaty negotiations and implementation; and seeks to increase the national transportation system's resilience to the current and anticipated future climate and extreme weather events.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
2.3 Environmental Stewardship of Transportation
33,906,726 33,906,726 10,734,397 10,734,397


Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
2.3 Environmental Stewardship of Transportation
106 100 100



Performance Measurement – For Program
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
2.3 Environmental Stewardship of Transportation
Compliance with Transport Canada's obligations in relation to Acts, regulations, policies and guidelines Percentage of Departmental commitments achieved under the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy 100% March 2016
Compliance with Transport Canada's obligations in relation to Acts, regulations, policies and guidelines Number of instances where Transport Canada was not in compliance with applicable environmental legislation 0 March 2016
Compliance with Transport Canada's obligations in relation to Acts, regulations, policies and guidelines Number of instances Transport Canada was found to have failed to meet its legal duty to consult Aboriginal groups 0 March 2016


Planning Highlights


In support of this Program as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Contribute to Government of Canada initiatives supporting the Responsible Resource Development Agenda, including participation in the Aboriginal consultation activities associated with project reviews coordinated by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, the Major Projects Management Office, and the Northern Projects Management Office;
  • Contribute to the development of an integrated process to ensure that legislative and regulatory instruments are modern, streamlined and effective; and
  • Continue to implement the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan/Environmental Remediation Strategy for the remediation and management of Transport Canada contaminated sites within available funding, for example, completing the Rock Bay remediation project to remove contaminated sediments from the Bay and foreshore, backfill the Bay to its original grade and restore the shoreline.

Strategic Outcome 3: A Safe and Secure Transportation System

A safe and secure transportation system moves people and goods across Canada, and to international destinations, without loss of life, injury or damage to property. Transport Canada supports a safe and secure transportation system by influencing the behaviour of the public and industry through policies, standards, regulations and laws. Harmonized and streamlined regulatory regimes, informed by the expertise of multiple countries and stakeholders, aid effective, safe and secure transportation practices and a sound safety and security culture. Transport Canada ensures that Canadians and the transportation industry are in compliance with the regulatory framework through their oversight program.

The following Programs and Sub-Programs support this Strategic Outcome:

Program 3.1: Aviation Safety

Description: The Aviation Safety Program, under the authority of the Aeronautics Act develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the safe conduct of civil aviation within Canada's borders including establishment of safety standards for the design and manufacture of aeronautical products in a manner harmonized with international standards. The Program fosters the safety of the aviation system, provides oversight of the aviation sector and enforces international conventions signed by Canada. It also provides aviation services and related training to support Transport Canada and other government department operations.

Sub-Program 3.1.1: Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework

Description: The Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework Program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations, standards, education and awareness activities) based on risk, to promote a harmonized aviation safety regulatory framework for Canadians and Canada's aviation industry.

Sub-Program 3.1.2: Aviation Safety Oversight

Description: The Aviation Safety Oversight Program is risk-based and supports compliance of the aviation industry with the regulatory framework through services, assessments and validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement. 

Sub-Sub-Program Service to the Aviation Industry

Description: Guided by the standards and regulatory requirements in the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the Service to the Aviation Industry Program licenses personnel, provides operating certificates to organizations and certifies aeronautical products.

Sub-Sub-Program Surveillance of the Aviation System

Description: The Surveillance of the Aviation System Program, based on risk, monitors aviation industry compliance of the regulatory framework through assessments and validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement.

Sub-Program 3.1.3: Aircraft Services

Description: The Aircraft Services Program provides aircraft, aircraft operations, and aircraft maintenance and engineering as well as related training services to Transport Canada and other federal government departments and agencies.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.1 Aviation Safety
173,447,956 173,447,956 172,861,136 169,835,759


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.1.1 Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework
27,707,434 27,099,360 26,586,404
3.1.2 Aviation Safety Oversight
121,492,161 121,144,469 121,159,469 Service to the Aviation Industry
33,402,788 33,357,829 33,357,829 Surveillance of the Aviation System
88,089,373 87,786,640 87,801,640
3.1.3 Aircraft Services
24,248,361 24,617,307 22,089,886



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.1 Aviation Safety
1,734 1,734 1,734
3.1.1 Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework
254 254 254
3.1.2 Aviation Safety Oversight
1,127 1,127 1,127 Service to the Aviation Industry
348 348 348 Surveillance of the Aviation System
779 779 779
3.1.3 Aircraft Services
353 353 353



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.1 Aviation Safety
A safe civil aviation system Number of accidents per 100,000 hours of flight. Rolling 10-year average to be compared to the target. (Target is based on the previous 10-year average.)

(Improvement = decrease)
3% reduction in the rate as compared to the 10-year rolling average (10 year rolling average currently at 5.8) December 2015
3.1.1 Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework
A timely rulemaking program that supports a risk-based regulatory framework Average time (years) to develop new or modified regulations governing Aviation Safety (with a goal of measuring a 5-yr rolling average, once sufficient data is available)

(Improvement = decrease)
5.64 (5% decrease from previous year) December 2015
3.1.2 Aviation Safety Oversight
Compliance of aviation community with regulatory requirements Number of non-compliance findings in aviation enterprises based on certificates held, comparing year-over-year

(Improvement = decrease)

*Note: Overall trends cannot be measured fully until fiscal year end 2017-18 as a full surveillance cycle is 5 years. Implementation was in fiscal year 2013-14
1% decrease in number March 2016 Service to the Aviation Industry
Services delivered support the conduct of business activities in the Canadian Aviation Industry Percentage (%) of services delivered meeting service standards
(Improvement = increase)

*Note: Not all national activity is represented
66% (5% increase from previous year) March 2016 Surveillance of the Aviation System
Aviation hazards and risks are being systematically managed by the aviation community Average severity of non-compliance findings in aviation enterprises based on certificates held on a scale of 1 to 3 (1=minor, 2=moderate, 3=major)

(Improvement = decrease in severity)
2.0 March 2016
3.1.3 Aircraft Services
Safe aviation services resulting in confidence from clients Percentage of clients satisfied or very satisfied with services (scoring 2 or 3 on a 3-point scale)

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2018
Safe aviation services resulting in confidence from clients Number of category 3Footnote 12 or greater category occurrences (per 1,000 flight hours)

(Improvement = decrease)
2.0 March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Propose a new and amended user fee structure for Aircraft Certification Services to enhance service delivery to the aerospace industry; and launch consultations with industry stakeholders in accordance with the requirements of the User Fee Act (SP3.1.1, SP3.1.2);
  • Implement a responsible aerodrome development strategy that will establish policy direction on certification and registration criteria to further protect the viability and operations of aerodromes (SP3.1.1); and
  • Develop and implement a strategy to support the safe operation of Unmanned Air Vehicles in Canada based on conclusions developed from exploring regulatory and non-regulatory solutions in response to the evolution of new technologies (SP3.1.1).

Program 3.2: Marine Safety

Description: The Marine Safety Program, under the authority of the Canada Shipping Act  2001, the Navigation Protection Act, the Safe Containers Act, the Pilotage Act, the Coasting Trade Act and the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, develops, implements and administers policies, regulations and standards necessary for the safe conduct of marine activities in a manner harmonized with international standards. The program fosters the safety of the marine transportation system, provides oversight of the marine industry including domestic and foreign vessels (both non-pleasure craft and pleasure craft); enforces international conventions signed by Canada; and protects the public right to navigate on Canadian waterways; regulating lights or markers required for safe navigation during and/or on completion of certain works regulating the placement of private buoys as per the Private Buoy Regulations of the Canada Shipping Act 2001 and, acting as Receiver of Wreck as per the Canada Shipping Act  2001, Part 7.

Sub-Program 3.2.1: Marine Safety Regulatory Framework

Description: The Marine Safety Regulatory Framework Program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to support a harmonized marine safety regulatory framework for Canada's marine industry (seafarers, commercial vessels (non-pleasure craft) and pleasure craft). This Program also works to harmonize Canada's marine safety regulatory framework with other jurisdictions.

Sub-Program 3.2.2: Marine Safety Oversight

Description: The Marine Safety Oversight Program is risk-based and supports compliance of the marine industry with the regulatory framework through services, assessments, validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement.

Sub-Program 3.2.3: Navigation Protection Program

Description: The Navigation Protection Program is responsible for the administration of the Navigation Protection Act. The main activities are the review and authorization of works in scheduled waters, the management of obstructions in scheduled waters and the enforcement of the prohibitions against depositing or throwing material into navigable waters and dewatering of navigable waters. The Program also has an opt-in provision that allows the owners of works in non-scheduled navigable waters to apply for a review under the Act. The Program also has responsibilities under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 to conduct reviews and render decisions under navigation-related authorities, including the Receiver of Wreck program and the Private Buoy Regulations.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.2 Marine Safety
57,475,536 57,475,536 53,463,452 52,892,836


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.2.1 Marine Safety Regulatory Framework
10,270,273 9,961,433 9,934,411
3.2.2 Marine Safety Oversight
43,491,322 39,955,769 39,412,175
3.2.3 Navigation Protection Program
3,713,941 3,546,250 3,546,250



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
 3.2 Marine Safety
567 548 548
3.2.1 Marine Safety Regulatory Framework
97 97 97
3.2.2 Marine Safety Oversight
425 406 406
3.2.3 Navigation Protection Program
45 45 45



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.2 Marine Safety
A safe marine transportation system Number of Canadian commercial vessel (non-pleasure craft) occurrences per 1,000 vessels in the Canadian registry (five-year moving average)

(Improvement = decrease)
2% reduction based on established two-year average December 2016
A safe marine transportation system Number of pleasure craft fatalities per licensed pleasure craft (five-year average)

(Improvement = decrease)
1% decrease based on established five-year average December 2016
3.2.1 Marine Safety Regulatory Framework
A risk-based regulatory framework consistent with international conventions and Cabinet Directive on Streamlining Regulation Percentage of regulations aligned with domestic legislation and/or adopted international standards

(Improvement = increase)
85% March 2016
3.2.2 Marine Safety Oversight
Compliance with regulations for inspected domestic vessels (non-pleasure craft) Percentage of inspected domestic vessels (non-pleasure craft) that are compliant with regulationsFootnote 13

(Improvement = increase)
68% March 2016
Compliance with regulations for pleasure craft Percentage of pleasure craft compliant with regulations (includes those that received a courtesy check)

(Improvement = increase)
60% March 2016
The Port State Control regulatory oversight inspects the highest risk foreign vessels Percentage of high-risk foreign vessels inspected

(Improvement = increase)
95% March 2017
3.2.3 Navigation Protection Program
Safe navigation in Canada's busiest waterways Number of safely placed works in a yearFootnote 14 Baseline to be established in 2017Footnote 15 March 2018


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Enhance compliance and oversight activities to minimize the number of incidents and accidents in Canadian waters;
  • Continue to modernize Marine Safety's regulatory and oversight frameworks by developing and amending regulations to harmonize with international requirements (TERMPOL, Regulatory Reform, World Class Tanker Inspection and Tanker Screening Guidelines), and be responsive to stakeholder requirements (SP3.2.1,SP3.2.2);
  • Implement initiatives under the Action Plan for the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Cooperation CouncilEndnote ix to further harmonize Canada – U.S. regulatory regimes (SP3.2.2);
  • Advance measures to support responsible resource development through a World-Class Tanker Safety program, and safe and environmentally responsible marine shipping (SP3.2.1,SP3.2.2);
  • Implement new regulations aimed at enhancing fishing vessel safety, vessel construction and equipment standards, and vessel safety certification and inspection oversight (SP3.2.1); and
  • Implement and review the operational tools, procedures and guidelines now essential with the coming into force of the Navigation Protection Act (SP3.2.3).

Program 3.3: Rail Safety

Description: The Rail Safety Program, under the authority of the Railway Safety Act, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulatory instruments necessary for the safety of railway operations in a manner consistent with North American and International safety standards/levels. The Program fosters safety within the rail transportation system and provides oversight of the rail industry. It also promotes public safety at crossings, identifies the risks of trespassing, and provides funds to improve safety at grade crossings.

Sub-Program 3.3.1: Rail Safety Regulatory Framework

Description: The Rail Safety Regulatory Framework Program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations, rules and engineering standards) to promote a harmonized rail safety regulatory framework for the rail industry and the public at large, while ensuring viability of the rail sector.

Sub-Program 3.3.2: Rail Safety Oversight

Description: The Rail Safety Oversight Program is risk-based and promotes compliance of the rail industry with the regulatory framework through inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement.

Sub-Program 3.3.3: Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement

Description: The Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement Program provides funding for safety improvements at grade crossings and promotes public and stakeholder awareness and education in order to prevent fatalities and injuries.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.3 Rail Safety
35,707,671 35,707,671 35,525,338 35,054,167


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.3.1 Rail Safety Regulatory Framework
3,261,159 3,261,159 3,261,159
3.3.2 Rail Safety Oversight
16,938,982 16,756,679 16,285,478
3.3.3 Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement
15,507,530 15,507,530 15,507,530



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.3 Rail Safety
209 209 209
3.3.1 Rail Safety Regulatory Framework
22 22 22
3.3.2 Rail Safety Oversight
149 149 149
3.3.3 Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement
38 38 38



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.3 Rail Safety
A safe rail transportation system Rate of rail accidents (per million train miles) that occur on railways under federal jurisdiction (includes main-track collisions, derailments, non-main track derailments and collisions, fires/explosions and others) (five-year average)

(Improvement = decrease)
5% reduction in the rate as compared to average of previous 5 years December 2015
A safe rail transportation system Rate of rail incidents (per million train miles) that occur on railways under federal jurisdiction (includes main-track switch in abnormal position, movement exceeds limits of authority, dangerous goods leak, crew member incapacitated, runaway rolling stock, signal less restrictive than required and unprotected overlap of authorities) (five-year average)

(Improvement = decrease)
5% reduction in the rate as compared to average of previous 5 years December 2015
3.3.1 Rail Safety Regulatory Framework
The regulatory framework addresses the highest risks Percentage of rail risk-mitigation strategies developed per total number of identified risks in rail safety business plan

(Improvement = increase)
90% March 2016
3.3.2 Rail Safety Oversight
Rail industry is compliant Rate of industry non-compliance found in Rail Safety oversight activities

(Improvement = decrease)
2% decrease year over year March 2016
3.3.3 Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement
Safe railway grade crossings Percentage of crossing collisions reduced

(Improvement = increase)
5% March 2016
Trespassing on railways eliminated Percentage of trespassing accidents reduced

(Improvement = increase)
5% March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Continue to implement the recommendations of the Transportation Safety Board resulting from the Lac-Mégantic rail accident investigation, including
    • Reviewing railway training programs, to develop a gap analysis, and identify where changes to regulations are required;
    • Implementing the revised Safety Management Systems (SMS) regulations and increasing frequency of SMS Audits; and
    • Finalizing changes to the Canadian Railway Operating Rules to address train securement.
  • The Department remains committed to working with all levels of government, the railway industry, international partners and other key stakeholders to continually improve the safety of Canada's railway system and will:
    • Continue to implement Transport Canada's Management Action Plan responding to the recommendations outlined in the Fall 2013 Report of the Auditor General on rail safety oversight, including development of regulations to respond to long-standing safety issues, and collection of industry safety performance data to better inform risk-based oversight planning. The Department will also implement key regulations, including Administrative Monetary Penalties, Railway Operating Certificates, Grade Crossing Regulations, and the amended Transportation Information Regulation.

Program 3.4: Motor Vehicle Safety

Description: The Motor Vehicle Safety Program, under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the safety of motor vehicles and commercial vehicle operations in a manner that is harmonized with international and national standards. The Program contributes to reduced road deaths and injuries and provides safety oversight of the motor vehicle industry.

Sub-Program 3.4.1: Motor Vehicle Safety Regulatory Framework

Description: The Motor Vehicle Safety Legislative and Regulatory Framework Program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to create and maintain a harmonized motor vehicle safety framework for Canadians and Canada's Motor Vehicle manufacturing industry. The framework is developed using evidence obtained from field investigations, physical testing of vehicles, collision statistics and joint regulatory development with our trading partners.

Sub-Program 3.4.2: Motor Vehicle Safety Oversight

Description: The Motor Vehicle Safety Oversight Program is risk-based and assesses compliance of the Motor Vehicle manufacturing industry with the regulatory framework through inspections, audits, physical testing and, where necessary, enforcement.

Sub-Program 3.4.3: Motor Carrier Safety

Description: Guided by the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, the Motor Carrier Safety Program achieves safer motor carrier (trucking and busing) operations by advancing implementation of the National Safety Code (performance standards for commercial vehicle operations); by managing a contribution program for provinces and territories towards consistent implementation of the National Safety Code; and by maintaining the Federal Hours of Service Regulations for commercial vehicle drivers.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.4 Motor Vehicle Safety
22,723,248 22,723,248 20,089,942 20,384,666


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.4.1 Motor Vehicle Safety Regulatory Framework
7,779,850 7,000,018 7,008,456
3.4.2 Motor Vehicle Safety Oversight
9,781,553 7,928,079 8,214,365
3.4.3 Motor Carrier Safety
5,161,845 5,161,845 5,161,845



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.4 Motor Vehicle Safety
109 109 107
3.4.1 Motor Vehicle Safety Regulatory Framework
51 51 51
3.4.2 Motor Vehicle Safety Oversight
51 51 49
3.4.3 Motor Carrier Safety
7 7 7



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.4 Motor Vehicle Safety
Safe motor vehicles based on improved crash avoidance and crash survivability Collisions per 10,000 motor vehicles registered

(Improvement = decrease)
2% reduction in the rate for 2012 as compared to average of previous 5 years. March 2016
Safe motor vehicles based on improved crash avoidance and crash survivability Fatalities per 10,000 police-reported collisions occurring on public roads

(Improvement = decrease)
1% reduction in the rate for 2012 as compared to average of previous 5 years. March 2016
Safe motor vehicles based on improved crash avoidance and crash survivability. Serious injuries per 10,000 police-reported collisions occurring on public roads (Improvement = decrease) 1% reduction in the rate for 2012 as compared to average of previous 5 years. March 2016
3.4.1 Motor Vehicle Safety Regulatory Framework
A performance-based regulatory framework that is harmonized with international vehicle safety regimes where appropriate Percentage of standards that are harmonized with international motor vehicle safety standards

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2016
3.4.2 Motor Vehicle Safety Oversight
Motor vehicle industry is compliant with the regulatory framework Percentage of the motor vehicle industry that is compliant with the regulatory framework

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2016
3.4.3 Motor Carrier Safety
Harmonized safety regime for motor carriers among provinces and territories Percentage of jurisdictions that have adopted all of the 16 standards under the National Safety Code

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Begin implementation of the Action Plan for Canada–U.S. Regulatory Cooperation Council Joint Forward Plan as it applies to Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The goal is to align new and updated light and heavy duty motor vehicle safety standards in Canada and the U.S. by facilitating joint work and partnership (SP3.4.1);
  • Continue to assess the effectiveness of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act to give Canadians highest possible motor vehicle safety; and
  • Implement the Single Window InitiativeFootnote 16, conducted in conjunction with the Canada Border Services Agency to facilitate importation of vehicles and tires (SP3.4.1).

Program 3.5: Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Description: The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Program, under the authority of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by all modes of transport in Canada in a manner harmonized with the international standards, and provides expertise in emergency response in the event of release of dangerous goods. This Program also works to prepare for and coordinate the response to safety and security threats and incidents that may impact the national transportation system or the department with regard to Chemical, Radiological, Biological, Nuclear or Explosive substances. The Program fosters safety in the transport of dangerous goods, provides oversight of the transportation industry, enforces international conventions signed by Canada and responds to emergency situations that affect the safety of Canadians.

Sub-Program 3.5.1: Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework

Description: The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework Program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to promote a harmonized regulatory framework for the safe transportation of dangerous goods within Canada and imported to Canada.

Sub-Program 3.5.2: Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight

Description: The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight Program is risk-based and, supports compliance of industry with the regulatory framework through services, assessments and validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement.

Sub-Program 3.5.3: Emergency Response for Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Description: Required by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Emergency Response program protects the safety of human life and health and of property and the environment by providing immediate 24-hour scientific advice, safety precautions and action measures to first responders through CANUTECFootnote 17 following an incident involving dangerous goods; attending dangerous goods incidents and providing onsite response direction by Transportation Dangerous Good's Remedial Measure Specialist; producing the Emergency Response Guide book as a tool for initial response during the first 15 minutes at the scene of an accident involving dangerous goods; responding to security threats in partnership with industry; and conducting research on emergency response to releases of chemicals.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.5 Transportation of Dangerous Goods
15,322,623 15,322,623 15,279,721 15,437,993


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.5.1 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework
3,770,296 3,944,874 4,103,146
3.5.2 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight
9,039,462 8,821,982 8,821,982
3.5.3 Emergency Response for Transportation of Dangerous Goods
2,512,865 2,512,865 2,512,865



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.5 Transportation of Dangerous Goods
147 146 147
3.5.1 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework
30 31 32
3.5.2 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight
92 90 90
3.5.3 Emergency Response for Transportation of Dangerous Goods
25 25 25



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.5 Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Public safety during the transportation of dangerous goods Number of reportable releases of dangerous goods per trillion dollars of Canadian gross domestic product (five-year average)

(Improvement = decrease)
193.5 September 2015
Public safety during the transportation of dangerous goods Number of reportable releases of dangerous goods, which caused injuries or deaths per trillion dollars of Canadian gross domestic product (five-year average)

(Improvement = decrease)
3.3 September 2015
3.5.1 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework
The harmonization of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations with international regulations and national standards Percentage of proposed regulatory requirements that harmonize with international standards, codes, practices or requirements

(Improvement = increase)
85%Footnote 18 March 2016
3.5.2 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight
The dangerous goods industry is compliant Percentage of inspections that do not require a follow-up inspection as per the Compliance Estimation programFootnote 19

(Improvement = increase)
90% March 2016
3.5.3 Emergency Response for Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Clients are satisfied with the response provided by CANUTEC Percentage of calls to CANUTEC that do not require follow up.

(Improvement = increase)
90% March 2016


Planning Highlights


In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Address the issues identified by the Emergency Response Task Force created to bring municipalities, first responders, railways and shippers together to strengthen public safety in Canada through enhanced emergency response;
  • Implement a regulatory strategy and plan to anticipate and respond to the evolving issues faced during the transportation of dangerous goods through accelerated regulatory development and through enhanced collaboration with the United States to harmonize North American and international Transportation of Dangerous Goods programs as well as develop and deliver the 2016 Emergency Response guidebook;
  • Increase inspections for high-risk dangerous goods sites and by identifying, monitoring and addressing risks of unknown Transportation of Dangerous Goods  operations;
  • Implement a national quality assurance program for Transportation of Dangerous Goods to support the delivery of a rigorous oversight regime;
  • Strengthen CANUTEC, Transport Canada's 24-hour emergency telephone service, to enhance support for first responder and municipalities and expand the Emergency Response Assistance Plans program to include flammable liquids such as crude oil, gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel and ethanol transported by rail in a single tank car; and
  • Review all other flammable liquids transported by train to determine if the Emergency Response Assistance Plans program should be expanded to include them.

Program 3.6: Aviation Security

Description: The Aviation Security Program develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards to support the secure conduct of aviation activities in a manner harmonized with international standards. The Program is risked-based and fosters security within the aviation transportation system and provides security oversight of the aviation industry while ensuring that Canada complies with international standards.

Sub-Program 3.6.1: Aviation Security Regulatory Framework

Description: The Aviation Security Regulatory Framework Program develops and uses a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to promote a harmonized aviation security regulatory framework for Canadians and the Canadian aviation industry.

Sub-Program 3.6.2: Aviation Security Oversight

Description: The Aviation Security Oversight Program supports the aviation industry's compliance with the regulatory framework through services, assessments and validations, inspections, audits and enforcement. The Program also contributes to aviation security through incidence management procedures, plans and tools.

Sub-Program 3.6.3: Aviation Security Technological Infrastructure

Description: The Aviation Security Technological Infrastructure Program develops, evaluates and provides stakeholders access to standards, research data and best practices for technologies that assist the effective, consistent management of aviation security risks.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.6 Aviation Security
29,791,738 29,791,738 29,516,367 29,516,367


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.6.1 Aviation Security Regulatory Framework
3,808,631 3,808,631 3,808,631
3.6.2 Aviation Security Oversight
18,481,257 18,205,886 18,205,886
3.6.3 Aviation Security Technological Infrastructure
7,501,850 7,501,850 7,501,850



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.6 Aviation Security
289 287 287
3.6.1 Aviation Security Regulatory Framework
39 39 39
3.6.2 Aviation Security Oversight
197 195 195
3.6.3 Aviation Security Technological Infrastructure
53 53 53



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.6 Aviation Security
Canada is aligned with international aviation security standards Percentage of aviation security regulations aligned with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards

(Improvement = increase)
100% March 2016
3.6.1 Aviation Security Regulatory Framework
Regulatory framework meets international standards Percentage of the regulatory framework which meets international standards

(Improvement = increase)
100% March 2016
3.6.2 Aviation Security Oversight
Stakeholders understand the compliance requirements within the security regulatory framework Percentage of completed inspections that did not result in a deficiency

(Improvement = increase)
85% March 2016
3.6.3 Aviation Security Technological Infrastructure
Stakeholders are compliant with standards Percentage of completed technology verification reviews that are compliant with standards

(Improvement = increase)
90% March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Develop new Standard Operating Procedures required for the oversight of the Air Cargo Security program (SP3.6.2);
  • Provide expertise and support for initiatives pursuant to bilateral and international agreements that implicate aviation security technology (SP3.6.3); and
  • Strengthen aviation security by implementing and integrating processes and procedures that support the organization's enhanced oversight regime e.g., Standing Operating Procedures (SP3.6.2).

Program 3.7: Marine Security

Description: The Marine Security Program, under the authority of the Marine Transportation Security Act, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations and standards necessary for the secure conduct of marine activities in a manner consistent with international standards. The Program promotes security within the marine transportation system, provides oversight of the regulated marine transportation industry and enforces international conventions signed by Canada. The Program coordinates marine security policy and regulatory development across the Government of Canada through its leadership of the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group and associated activities.

Sub-Program: 3.7.1: Marine Security Regulatory Framework

Description: The Marine Security Regulatory Framework Program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to promote a harmonized maritime security regulatory framework for Canadians and the marine industry.

Sub-Program 3.7.2: Marine Security Oversight

Description: The Marine Security Oversight Program is risk-based and supports the marine security industry compliance with the regulatory framework through services, assessments and validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement.

Sub-Program 3.7.3: Marine Security Operations Centres

Description: The Marine Security Operations Centres Program works to detect, assess, and support a response to threats in Canada's maritime domain and approaches as a key partner in the Marine Security Operations Centres by conducting threat and risk assessments of vessels entering Canadian waters and threat assessments of facilities within Canada. The Centres also serve as a maritime-centric interface between national and international partners and stakeholders, and support the Marine Security Oversight Program. Transport Canada is a partner in the Marine Security Operations Centres along with Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Coast Guard, the Department of National Defence and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The threat assessment and the risk assessment performed by inspectors, provides the basis for the establishment of restricted areas within marine facilities, and the subsequent access control. Only those who have acquired a Marine Transportation Security Clearance would have access to restricted areas. The access control systems would be audited and tested by inspectors in the regions. Failure to control access could lead to enforcement.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.7 Marine Security
12,872,129 12,872,129 12,782,279 12,782,279


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.7.1 Marine Security Regulatory Framework
4,865,322 4,865,322 4,865,322
3.7.2 Marine Security Oversight
6,942,364 6,852,514 6,852,514
3.7.3 Marine Security Operations Centres
1,064,443 1,064,443 1,064,443



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.7 Marine Security
117 116 116
3.7.1 Marine Security Regulatory Framework
44 44 44
3.7.2 Marine Security Oversight
66 65 65
3.7.3 Marine Security Operations Centres
7 7 7



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.7 Marine Security
Industry has confidence in Canadian marine transportation security Percentage of industry indicating confidence in the Canadian marine security transportation system

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2016
3.7.1 Marine Security Regulatory Framework
A risk-based regulatory framework consistent with international conventions Percentage of the regulatory framework aligned with domestic legislation and/or adopted international conventions

(Improvement = increase)
85% March 2016
3.7.2 Marine Security Oversight
Stakeholders are compliant with the requirements within the Marine Security regulatory framework Percentage of inspections completed that do not result in an administrative monetary penaltyFootnote 20

(Improvement = increase)
90% March 2016
3.7.3 Marine Security Operations Centres
The Government of Canada has the necessary information to address marine security threats and/or incidents Percentage of vessels entering Canadian waters for which a regulatory compliance matrix is completedFootnote 21

(Improvement = increase)
100% March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Continue its compliance and enforcement activities including education and awareness; conducting inspections; reviewing and approving security plans; reviewing, approving or conducting security assessments; working with stakeholders to assist them in meeting the requirements of the Marine Transportation Security Act, its regulations and security measures (SP3.7.2); and
  • Optimize the overall performance of our regulatory inspection program in order to contribute to an effective and efficient marine security system by focusing resources on higher risks, and maintain high public confidence in Canada's marine security system.

Program 3.8: Surface and Intermodal Security

Description: The Surface and Intermodal Security Program, guided by the Railway Safety Act, the International Bridges and Tunnels Act, and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations/voluntary frameworks, standards and guidance material necessary for the secure conduct of Surface and Intermodal activities. The Program fosters the security of the surface and intermodal transportation system across Canada.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.8 Surface and Intermodal Security
4,703,731 4,703,731 4,573,144 4,573,144


Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.8 Surface and Intermodal Security
41 40 40



Performance Measurement – For Program
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.8 Surface and Intermodal Security
Signatories meet the terms and conditions of the voluntary frameworks Percentage of signatories that received a non-compliance letter being issued
(Improvement = decrease)
10% March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of this Program as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Strengthen its oversight program by refining its risk-based inspection planning and enhancing its quality/assurance control program; and
  • Collaborate closely with rail and International Bridge and Tunnel owners and operators to enhance the security level of surface transportation.

Program 3.9: Multimodal Safety and Security

Description: The Multimodal Safety and Security Program contributes to policies and standards that enhance safety and/or security in more than one transportation mode (e.g., through departmental enforcement services, integrated management systems and intelligence assessments). It also provides a technical training regime for inspectors and technical experts, ensuring the required competencies are acquired and maintained to meet or surpass nationally consistent standards. Lastly, this Program works to prepare for and coordinate the response to emerging safety and security threats and situations that may impact the national transportation system or the department.

Sub-Program 3.9.1: Multimodal Strategies and Integrated Services

Description: The Multimodal Strategies and Integrated Services Program provides strategic direction and advice on, and leads the coordination of, cross-cutting issues, the delivery of departmental enforcement services and regulatory and policy initiatives affecting transportation in Safety and Security. This Program also directs integrated planning and reporting initiatives for Safety and Security. It serves as the main departmental point of contact for security and intelligence matters through its liaison with the Canadian intelligence community and its central role in the sharing and analysis of intelligence information. In addition, this Program is responsible for processing requisite transportation security clearances for workers within the national transportation infrastructure.

Sub-Program 3.9.2: Emergency Preparedness and Situation Centres

Description: The Emergency Preparedness and Situation Centres Program works to ensure that Transport Canada is prepared for and able to respond to emerging threats and situations that may impact the national transportation system by collaborating closely with partners throughout the Department, industry, stakeholders and other government departments and/or agencies. The Program seeks to ensure that the Department continues to successfully meet its responsibilities under the Emergency Management Act, including the Government of Canada's emergency management agenda, focusing primarily on preparedness and response activities.

Sub-Program 3.9.3: Integrated Technical Training

Description: The multimodal Integrated Technical Training Program is responsible to maintain an integrated technical training branch that is accountable for assessing training needs, designing, developing, delivering and evaluating technical training products and services. The Program is also responsible for the management of an integrated Learning Management System to manage, track and report technical learning, including the hosting of e-learning courses.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.9 Multimodal Safety and Security
10,890,897 10,890,897 10,785,344 10,785,344


Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Sub-Programs
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3.9.1 Multimodal Strategies and Integrated Services
8,303,091 8,281,433 8,281,433
3.9.2 Emergency Preparedness and Situation Centres
1,817,702 1,733,807 1,733,807
3.9.3 Integrated Technical Training
770,104 770,104 770,104



Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program and Sub-Programs
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.9 Multimodal Safety and Security
118 117 117
3.9.1 Multimodal Strategies and Integrated Services
91 91 91
3.9.2 Emergency Preparedness and Situation Centres
19 18 18
3.9.3 Integrated Technical Training
8 8 8



Performance Measurement – For Program and Sub-Programs
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
3.9 Multimodal Safety and Security
Transportation safety and security issues are managed in a consistent manner across all modes. Percentage of successful completion of multi-modal activities in support of departmental priorities

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2016
3.9.1 Multimodal Strategies and Integrated Services
Internal stakeholders have the information they need to manage safety and security transportation issues in an integrated and consistent manner across modes Percentage of safety and security modes' clients indicating a satisfactory rate (at least 80 %) on services, expertise and guidance provided

(Improvement = increase)
85% March 2016
3.9.2 Emergency Preparedness and Situation Centres
Transport Canada meets its preparedness responsibilities under the Emergency Management Act Rating on the preparedness sections of Public Safety Canada's assessment of the Transport Canada Strategic Emergency Management Plan

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2016
Transport Canada is able to respond to emergency situations Rating on Transport Canada Situation Centres readiness status

(Improvement = increase)
80% March 2016
3.9.3 Integrated Technical Training
Core and multimodal-specialized technical training received by inspectors and technical experts is standardized Number of core and multimodal-specialized technical training courses developed 5 courses by March 2016 March 2016


Planning Highlights

In support of these Programs, Sub-Programs as well as organizational priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Refine and support implementation of a multimodal strategic framework for the promotion and oversight of Safety Management Systems and Security Management Systems across transportation modes (SP3.9.1);
  • Continue to enhance Security Clearance production and processes to strengthen security. This will ensure the integrity and security of the border, contributing to the safety and convenience of travellers, generating operational efficiencies and enabling economic opportunities (SP3.9.1);
  • Provide and deliver a balance of functional and advisory activities related to a national multimodal enforcement program through the establishment of a Centre of Enforcement Expertise supported by a national enforcement policy (SP3.9.1); and
  • Enhance the technical training regime through full implementation of the integrated multimodal training to achieve and maintain the right competencies for a talented and proficient inspectorate and technical communities. (SP3.9.3).

Program 4.1: Internal ServicesFootnote 22

Description: Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization, and not those provided to a specific program. The groups of activities are Management and OversightFootnote 23 Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; and Acquisition Services.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars) – For Program
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
156,311,765 156,311,765 147,614,053 152,168,376


Human Resources (FTEs) – For Program
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1,179 1,154 1,141


Planning Highlights

In support of this Program and Organizational Priorities, Transport Canada will:

  • Support the Government of Canada's Destination 2020 agenda by among others:
    • establishing a standard mobile architecture to provide mobile enabled business applications to TC inspectors, other employees, and external stakeholders; and
    • implementing people management initiatives such as the Leadership Development initiative,Footnote 24 myTC Talent NetworkFootnote 25.
  • Support the Government of Canada's Action Plan on Open Government by developing a departmental plan that will enable Transport Canada to proactively gather data/information and to make it available to Canadian citizens in usable and accessible formats;
  • Support the review of the Canada Transportation Act (CTA) launched on June 25, 2014;
  • Enhance the efficiency and capacity of information management systems to ensure completeness, consistency, reliability and"shareability" of data via the implementation of an integrated Information Management (IM)/Information Technology (IT) strategy that better supports the delivery of our programs and services;
  • Contribute to the Government of Canada's adoption of an Enterprise Resource Planning strategy for the migration to the SAP (Finance) and PeopleSoft (Human Resources) systems to improve the quality, timeliness and reliability of information for decision-making both within Transport Canada and government-wide, thereby reducing inefficiencies, duplication and administrative costs;
  • Ensure the Evaluation function supports the Deputy Minister and the Department by conducting independent assessments of programs' continuing relevance and performance and providing information to support results-based management and accountability. The evaluation plan is refreshed annually and updated at mid-year. For a summary of planned Evaluations see Section III Supplementary Information Tables, Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations over the next three fiscal years; and
  • Ensure that the Internal Audit function supports the Deputy Minister and the Department, and contributes to continuous improvement, by providing independent assessments of the Department's governance, risk management and control processes. The risk-based audit plan is refreshed annually and updated at mid-year. For a summary of planned Audits see Section III Supplementary Information Tables, Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations over the next three fiscal years.