Approved Check Pilot (ACP) and Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) Evaluator Bulletin No. 03/19



Subject: Revisions to Helicopter Flight Test Guide


  1. This bulletin describes revisions to the Pilot Proficiency Check and Aircraft Type Rating - Helicopter Flight Test Guide (FTG), TP 14728, Edition 1.


  1. The helicopter FTG has been revised to remove guidance that is repeated in the ACP Manual and to incorporate efficiencies in flight test exercises for flight checks conducted in a simulator.
  2. This revision also provided the opportunity to reassess current PPC policies and practices. The purpose of a PPC is to conduct a sampling of flight test exercises, to the extent required, to assess a candidate’s overall competency. This intent is reflected in the PPC Schedules for CARs subparts 702, 703 and 704, where it is stated that “the person conducting the check may request any manoeuvre or procedure from the Schedule to determine the proficiency of the candidate”. Given the diverse nature of the helicopter industry, this intent needs to be exercised to ensure that a PPC is relevant for the candidate, industry segment and purpose of the PPC.
  3. The flexibility to select the appropriate flight test exercises for a PPC has been incorporated in the revised FTG. To ensure this practice is applied in a reasonable and consistent manner, some exercises have been designated as mandatory for some PPCs. Air operators will be required to document the list of mandatory and optional exercises that will be conducted during a company PPC.
  4. Another notable change in the FTG is the incorporation of a requirement to assess ‘hand-flying’ during an IFR PPC. In recognition of the importance of maintaining manual flying skills, as emphasized in Advisory Circular 600-006, a candidate must demonstrate the ability to hand-fly an IFR climb and an IFR approach.

Summary of Key Revisions:

  1. The revised FTG will be re-issued as the “Second Edition” and will come into effect on Dec 01, 2019 and include the following changes:
    • a) Information in the FTG that is repeated in the ACP Manual has been removed;
    • b) Guidance has been inserted to facilitate the selection of flight test exercises that are appropriate to the candidate’s circumstances and purpose of the PPC;
    • c) Performance criteria for all exercises has been revised;
    • d) Procedures and criteria were added to facilitate the assessment of the following exercises for a VFR PPC: Take-off, climb, cruise, descent, approach and landing – (previous edition only addressed these items from an IFR perspective);
    • e) Allowances were incorporated in some exercises for a two-crew PPC and to leverage the flexibility and efficiencies of a simulator;
    • f) Guidance has been provided on the seat assignment for a PIC and SIC that is unique to helicopters;
    • g) Common flight test tolerances have been consolidated in a single table instead of repeating this information for each exercise;
    • h) Additional guidance has been provided on the oral examination (Technical Knowledge and Flight Planning) to specify the number of questions that should be asked and to define a standard for a successful / unsuccessful examination;
    • i) A requirement has been incorporated to assess ‘hand-flying’ during an IFR PPC;
    • j) A description has been provided to define an initial and en-route climb;
    • k) Flexibility has been incorporated in the conduct of “Hold Procedures” during a two-crew IFR PPC;
    • l) The conduct and tolerances for steep turns has been amended;
    • m) Guidance on autorotations has been revised; and
    • n) Additional guidance has been provided for “Ground Arrival” and “Flight Close” exercises.
  2. A VFR approach is not listed on the helicopter Flight Test Report (26-0279) as an exercise item. This is a long-standing oversight that will be corrected during an ongoing initiative to develop on-line Flight Test Reports. In the interim, when VFR approaches are conducted they shall be documented and scored on the test report by inserting the following comment in the comments section: “ VFR approach completed with a rating of: (insert numerical grade)”.
  3. The Second Edition of the FTG supercedes ACP Bulletin 01/16 “Steep Turns during Helicopter PPCs” and any previously issued correspondence on the conduct of flight test exercises.
  4. It is anticipated that the First Edition of the FTG will be replaced by the Second Edition on the TCCA website during the period Nov 1 – Nov 30, 2019. ACPs should download a copy of the First Edition to have it available for reference until the Second Edition comes into effect on Dec 1, 2019.
  5. A revision to the Aeroplane Flight Test Guide will be released in the coming months.
  6. Please direct questions or comments to your regional TCCA Principal Operations Inspector (POI) or to the ACP Program Manager at:


//signed by//

Deborah Martin
Commercial Flight Standards (AARTF)