I'm an Operator


Why should I provide a passenger safety briefing?

Don’t forget the importance of providing your passengers with a safety briefing prior to take-off:

Not only is a passenger safety briefing important to ensure that your passengers know what is expected of them, it’s also the law. Please review the Canadian Aviation Regulations, specifically 723.39, which discusses the requirement for a safety briefing before a flight.

How to get you and your passengers out safely!

Although the odds of experiencing a ditching event are extremely low, the following items will enhance your chance of a successful underwater egress:

Educational Video

Floatplane operations are important to connecting communities. That's why Transport Canada is making every effort to maximize floatplane safety. This is an educational video with important and relevant information which is intended for floatplane operators regarding seaplane/floatplane safety while in the air, as well as on the water. Additionally, Transport Canada will be creating a safety video for seaplane/floatplane passengers.

Transport Canada wants to hear from you!

Do you have any tips, best practices or lessons learned that you’d like to share with fellow operators?

Send an email to the Civil Aviation Communication Centre at AARCBCommunications@tc.gc.ca