Licences and charter permits, tariffs, baggage rules, flight attendant training.
Most requested
Services and information
Applying for an air carrier licence or charter permit
Licences, charter permits, wet leases, code-share or blocked-space arrangements.
Requirements for air tariffs
Creating and filing tariffs, public inspection of tariffs.
Interline baggage rules
Baggage rules for single trips involving more than one air carrier.
Advertising air prices
Requirements for advertising all-inclusive air prices.
Requirements for training flight attendants
Flight attendant training standards.
Accessibility standards for air carriers
Persons with disabilities, guidelines for fixed-wing and small aircrafts, technical specifications, maintenance, accessible seating.
Guidelines on air travel performance data collection for large and small air carriers
Data collection, report procedures, data obligations, on time performance, denied boarding, complains, lost or damaged baggage.
Respecting your crew and fellow passengers
Learn about respecting your crew and fellow passengers before and during a flight.