Exemptions to the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

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  • HTML version of the exemptions are available for exemptions issued on 1999-03-10 onwards. Exemptions issued before that date are not in electronic format.

  • All exemptions issued as of May 29th, 2020 are available as a PDF request. Click the Exemption no. and enter your email address. You will automatically receive a copy of the document you request by email.

  • Exemptions from regions other than Headquarters (HQ) are only currently available in their original language. Please email ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca to request a translated version.

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Displaying 751 - 775 of 3501
Exemption no. Issuance details Applicability Purpose

Issued: 2014-10-01

Expiry: 2015-06-26

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 605.42 (1) ET 705.84(1)

Applicant provision(s): Les Investissements Nolinor Inc.,

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-089-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow the air operator Les Investissements Nolinor inc. to use its Convair 440 aircraft, serial number 376, registration C-GQHB, without a CARs-compliant TAWS. An exemption to the above subsections had already been granted, but Les Investissements Nolinor inc. was unable to install a TAWS within the prescribed time frame.

Issued: 2014-10-01

Expiry: 2015-06-26

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 605.42 (1) ET 705.84(1)

Applicant provision(s): Les Investissements Nolinor Inc.

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-088-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow the air operator Les Investissements Nolinor inc. to use its Convair 340 aircraft, serial number 154, registration C-FAWV, without a CARs-compliant TAWS. An exemption to the above subsections had already been granted, but Les Investissements Nolinor inc. was unable to install a TAWS within the prescribed time frame.

Issued: 2014-09-22

Expiry: 2014-10-30

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA


Applicant provision(s): B. LEPAGE AUTO SERVICE INC

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-090-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow B. LEPAGE AUTO SERVICE INC. to erect a crane of a height of 85 ft. above ground. The crane exceeds by 59 ft. the maximum authorized height within the transitional surface of runway 24L of the Jean-Lesage International Airport in Quebec City. The crane is located in the zone between 795 and 1,275 ft. before the threshold of runway 24L of the Quebec City Jean-Lesage International Airport and up to 205 ft. to the left of the runway’s centreline.

Issued: 2014-09-12

Expiry: 2017-08-26

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 601.24(2)(a)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-032-2014 The purpose of this exemption is to enable persons who have responsibility or control over obstacles, except for catenary crossings, to do an installation or a modification of an installation of an ADS without provision of an audio signal, as specified in Standard 621, Chapter 15.

Issued: 2014-09-12

Expiry: 2019-09-15

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 605.04(1)605.36(1)605.18(h)702.43(a)


Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-085-2014 This exemption is requested to enable DISCOVERY AIR DEFENCE SERVICES INC. and its flight crew members to conduct flight operations using Douglas Skyhawk type aeroplanes (A4) without the aeroplanes being equipped with the following equipments: 1. An aircraft flight manual; 2. An altitude alerting system or device; 3. A hand-held fire extinguisher; 4. A serviceable auto-pilot; and 5. An alternative source of static pressure.

Issued: 2014-09-11

Expiry: 2014-09-14

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i)

Applicant provision(s): Aéroports de Montréal

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-094-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow a crane operator designated by Aéroports de Montréal to dismantle a fixed crane. The crane penetrates by 83 ft. the maximum authorized height within the transitional surface of runway 10-28 of the Montreal Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau International Airport.

Issued: 2014-09-08

Expiry: 2014-09-09

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA


Applicant provision(s): 6868550 Canada Inc

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-093-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow a contractor designated by 6868550 Canada Inc. to erect a crane, the maximum height of which is 240 ft. above ground, on Lot 1 508 366 of the Cadastre of Quebec, Registration Division of Montreal. The crane exceeds by 85 ft. the maximum authorized height within the outer surface of the Montreal Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau International Airport. The crane is located at 3,690 ft. after the threshold of runway 24R and 6,285 ft. to the left of the runway's centreline.

Issued: 2014-09-05

Expiry: 2016-04-30

Region: Atlantic

Routing: MA

CARS provision(s): 602.59(1)(a)602.62(2) 521.31(2)(a)

Applicant provision(s): Cougar Helicopters Inc

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ATL-010-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow flight crew members of Cougar Helicopters Inc. to wear a life preserver as required by section 602.62 of the CARs that conforms to current UK CAA and/or European standards, rather than Canadian standards. The specific life preserver selected for use is the Survitec MK44 Crew Lifejacket which is not compliant with the CARs.
QC-091-2014 QC-091-2014

Issued: 2014-09-02

Expiry: 2014-09-12

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i)

Applicant provision(s): AÉROPORTS DE MONTRÉAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-091-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow a contractor designated by AÉROPORTS DE MONTRÉAL to operate a mobile crane of a maximum height of 365 ft. above ground (463 ft. above mean sea level). At that height, the crane would exceed the maxium authorized height within the transitional surface of runway 10 of the Saint-Hubert Airport. The crane is located in a zone of between 150 ft. and 209 ft. within the outer surface of the Montreal Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau International Airport.

Issued: 2014-08-29

Expiry: 2014-10-31

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i)

Applicant provision(s): Aéroports de Montréal

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-092-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow Aéroports de Montréal to operate runway 06R/24L of the Monteal Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau International Airport with a runway strip reduced to 400 ft. (122 m). Reducing the runway strip will allow construction equipment of a maximum height of 32 ft. above ground to be operated without entering the runway strip, for drainage, excavation, paving and earthwork before the winter season.

Issued: 2014-08-28

Expiry: 2017-08-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 705.40(4)

Applicant provision(s): WiFi Onboard

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-048-2014 The purpose of this exemption is to permit Air Canada to enable the use of WiFi Onboard Connectivity on board A319, A320 and A321 aeroplanes equipped with a broadband services system produced by AirCell LLC, during the cruising phase and once the aeroplane is operating at or above 10,000 feet ASL. The Air Canada GoGo Internet service will enable passengers to surf the web, check emails and do instant messaging by means of transmitting and receiving signals.

Issued: 2014-08-14

Expiry: 2014-11-15

Region: Ontario

Routing: PA

CARS provision(s): 605.42(1)(a) and 703.71(1)(a)

Applicant provision(s): Wabusk Air

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ON-011-2014 expired This exemption authorizes 164061 BC Ltd (o/a Wabusk Air) to temporarily operate its Beechcraft King Air BE10 aeroplane, Registration C-GWWA, Serial number B27, Beechcraft King Air BE9L, Registration C-GFBC, Serial Number LM-120, and Beechcraft King Air BE9L Registration C-GSBU, Serial Number LM-86 without fully complying with the Aircraft Equipment Requirements required by CAR 605.42 and 703.71.

Issued: 2014-08-13

Expiry: 2014-11-30

Region: Atlantic

Routing: MA

CARS provision(s): 605.42(1) and 703.71(1)

Applicant provision(s): Air Labrador Limited

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ATL-009-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow Air Labrador Limited, P.O. Box 310, Stn. C, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, AOP 1C0 to operate one (1) aircraft under its commercial Air Operator Certificate [AOC] number 11404 outside day visual flight rules without a Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) installed, required by the CARs as of July 4th, 2014. A temporary extension to the deadline in the CARs is required because this is a leased aircraft and the owner was unable to secure technicians to carry out the installation prior to the deadline due to the great demand by other operators requiring the same service.

Issued: 2014-08-13

Expiry: 2016-02-15

Region: Atlantic

Routing: MA

CARS provision(s): 602.63(7)

Applicant provision(s): CHC Helicopters Canada Inc

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ATL-008-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is twofold. First, it allows CHC Helicopters Canada Inc. operating under Part VII of the CARs to provide for their flight crew members only a Helicopter Crew Members Immersion Suit which does not meet the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) approved helicopter passenger transportation suit system described in paragraph 551.407(c) of Chapter 551 of the Airworthiness Manual made pursuant to paragraph 521.31(2)(a) of the CARs. Second, it allows the pilot-in-command operating a CHC Helicopter under Part VII of the CARs to wear and to direct all flight crew members to wear a Helicopter Crew member Immersion Suit other than a Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) approved helicopter passenger transportation suit system described in paragraph 551.407(c) of Chapter 551 of the Airworthiness Manual made pursuant to paragraph 521.31(2)(a) of the CARs. This exemption does not apply to suits for passengers. CHC Helicopters Canada Inc. shall still provide, for each passenger on board, a helicopter passenger transportation suit system which meets one of the two standards set out in paragraph 551.407(c) of Chapter 551 of the Airworthiness Manual made pursuant to paragraph 521.31(2)(a) of the CARs and the pilot-in-command shall still direct all passengers on board to wear the suit provided.

Issued: 2014-08-11

Expiry: 2015-07-03

Region: PNR

Routing: RA

CARS provision(s): 605.42(1) and(2) 703.71(1) and (2)

Applicant provision(s): Keewatin Air LP

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

PNR-019-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to temporarily permit Keewatin Air LP. to operate their King Air aircraft(C-FSKN) without an operative TAWS.

Issued: 2014-08-11

Expiry: 2015-12-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 401.03

Applicant provision(s): PAL Aerospace

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-043-2014 expired This exemption authorizes “pilots who hold a valid United Arab Emirates Military pilot licence and appropriate medical certificate”, while acting on behalf of the government of the United Arab Emirates, to exercise the privileges of a flight crew member in a Canadian registered DH8 aeroplane, while receiving type rating training and Surveillance flight training with PAL Aerospace Ltd., without having a civilian flight crew permit, licence or rating or foreign licence validation certificate. This exemption provides more time to PAL Aerospace Ltd. to complete the training they contracted out from the United Arab Emirates military.

Issued: 2014-08-11

Expiry: 2015-12-31

Region: Pacific

Routing: TA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(ii)

Applicant provision(s): Cranbrook Airport

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

PAC-019-2014 expired This exemption authorizes “Cranbrook Airport” to operate in runway visual range conditions of a value of 2600 ft (800 m) to 1200 ft (400 m) without providing runway guard lights. An exemption is sought by Elevate Airports Inc. (City of Cranbrook) to extend the validity of the previous exemption by another 18 months as a result of being unsuccessful in obtaining ACAP (Transport Canada) funding for this installation in 2014.

Issued: 2014-08-11

Expiry: 2014-08-19

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i)

Applicant provision(s): Bromont Airport (Roland-Désourdy)

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-071-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow Bromont Airport (Roland-Désourdy) to install temporary arrester cables within the strip of Runway 23, at a distance of less than 60 metres from the centreline and 550 metres from the threshold of Runway 23, to accommodate the Eastern Townships air show on August 15, 16 and 17, 2014. National Defence requires these cables to be installed to ensure that CF 118s can land safely in rainy conditions and to keep operations safe when crowds gather for the air show.

Issued: 2014-08-11

Expiry: 2017-08-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 703.22(1) and (2)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL - SEIFR

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-045-2014 Current paragraph 723.22(1)(a) permits only factory built single engine turbine powered aeroplanes for the transportation of passengers at night VFR or in IFR condition (called SEIFR). This has proven to be very restrictive and specific in its application. It precludes many other single engine aeroplanes with other potential engine combination from being given SEIFR authority. This exemption provides relief from this regulation by granting SEIFR authority to Canadian air operators to operate Cessna Caravan model 208 and 208B aeroplanes retrofitted with Honeywell TPE331-12JR turboprop engine in accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) SA02291AK or SA 10841SC (see Appendix B and C respectively) and in full compliance with the conditions set out below.

Issued: 2014-08-07

Expiry: 2016-02-01

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i)

Applicant provision(s): Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-083-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to grant Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Montreal, 975 Roméo Vachon Boulevard North, Room 317, Dorval, Quebec, H4Y 1H1 obstacle clearance penetration, specifically for a lamp post at parking area N1, which is located within the strip of Runway 06L/24R. Parking area N1 is used by Code F aircraft. When TP 312E, 5th edition, takes effect, this will be consistent with the new standards. This lamp post will be fitted with warning lights in accordance with Standard 621 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations.

Issued: 2014-08-07

Expiry: 2016-01-04

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i)

Applicant provision(s): Aéroport de Montréal

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-072-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow Aéroport de Montréal to use road number 800 for PTV (passenger transfer vehicle) traffic between the cargo area and the service garage, located at the approach surface for Runway 06L. At their highest point, these vehicles exceed by 2.3 metres the maximum authorized height within the approach surface, as specified in the operating manual and the procedures in effect for airside traffic at Montreal International Airport (Pierre-Elliott Trudeau Intl).

Issued: 2014-08-07

Expiry: 2016-01-04

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i)

Applicant provision(s): Pierre-Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-078-2014 expired The purpose of this exemption is to allow Pierre-Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Montreal and its authorized users to use road number 500, located inside the strip of Runway 06R/24L. Use must comply with the procedure detailed in the operating manual and the procedures in effect for airside traffic at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Montreal.

Issued: 2014-08-07

Expiry: 2014-08-12

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA


Applicant provision(s): Charter Realty (Quebec) Corp

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-081-2014 expired This exemption applies to Charter Realty (Quebec) Corp to allow a contractor designated by it to erect on Lot number 3377528 a crane with a height of 250 ft above ground. This crane exceeds the maximum authorized height in the approach, transitional and outer surfaces of Runway 24L at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Montreal by 156 ft. The crane is located within a radius of 300 ft centred at 5,615 ft before the threshold of Runway 24L and 1,595 ft to the right of the centreline.

Issued: 2014-08-06

Expiry: 2014-08-08

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA


Applicant provision(s): Charter Realty (Quebec) Corp

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-082-2014 expired This exemption applies to Charter Realty (Quebec) Corp to allow a contractor designated by it to erect on Lot number 3377528 a crane with a height of 225 ft above ground, at which height it will exceed the maximum authorized height in the approach, transitional and outer surfaces of Runway 24L at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Montreal by 131 ft. The crane is located within a radius of 300 ft centred at 5,615 ft before the threshold of Runway 24L and 1,595 ft to the right of the centerline.

Issued: 2014-08-01

Expiry: 2019-04-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 401.03(1)(a) and (d)

Applicant provision(s): Diamond Industries

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-056-2013 The purpose of this exemption is to allow all qualified experimental and production test pilots working for hire or reward for Diamond Aircraft Industries to exercise the privilege of acting as pilot-in-command or co-pilot of any aeroplane manufactured by Diamond Aircraft Industries without a type rating for the aeroplane that is being operated under an experimental or special purpose flight permit. It is currently not possible to obtain a type rating on aeroplanes that are experimental and for which a Canadian type approval or a Canadian approved type certificate has not been issued. In the case of new aircraft, it is not possible to obtain a type rating until the aircraft has been issued a Canadian type approval or a Canadian approved type certificate.

For assistance

Email: ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca