Transport Canada Aviation Safety Award: Rules and selection process

Award rules

In order to submit a nomination, you must agree to and follow these rules:

  • Transport Canada’s Aviation Safety Award Selection Committee will:
    • consider all nominations that meet the documentation requirements, and
    • only consider the information included in your submission
  • Transport Canada:
    • will not return documentation unless you ask the department to do so
    • may internally share the names of nominees and nominators
  • you cannot bring any claim or action against the Government of Canada, its officials, or any members of the Selection Committee
  • you agree that the material you’ve included to support your nomination does not breach the terms of any contract, and that you are allowed to use the material
  • it is your responsibility provide all relevant proof so the Selection Committee can evaluate the nominee's contribution to aviation safety

The individual nominating a candidate must sign the nomination form. By signing the form, you agree to follow the award rules. The form must be attached to any material you submit in support of the nomination.

Selection process

Nominations are open until September 19, 2025, at 11:59 PM (Eastern Standard Time).

All nominations that meet the nomination requirements will be reviewed by Transport Canada’s Aviation Safety Award Selection Committee. The committee is made up of officials from Transport Canada’s Civil Aviation Branch.

The committee will choose the nominee who, they believe, most deserves the award. They will propose to the Assistant Deputy Minister of Transport Canada’s Safety and Security Branch (or their designate) which nominee should win the award.

The name of the award winner will be announced the following Spring.