
Your opinion is important to us. Help us develop transportation related policies, programs and services for Canada.

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List of consultations

Displaying 26 - 29 of 29
Closing date Topic Title Description
Ongoing Aviation Share and view ideas: Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations

To help inform the review process and make aviation regulations more flexible for your business while maintaining a high level of safety, we are asking for your input.

Closed Aviation Let’s Talk Transportation - Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)

The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is a way to manage emissions from the global aviation industry. We want to hear your thoughts on how Canada plans to implement CORSIA.

Closed Aviation What we heard: Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations Part IV & VII: Personnel training, qualifications, and licensing

What we heard report for Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations Part IV & VII: Personnel training, qualifications, and licensing consultation

Closed Aviation Lasers - Interim Order No. 2

We held preliminary consultations to hear from consumers, retailers, air travellers and businesses about the best way to protect the public from unsafe use of lasers.