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List of consultations

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Closing date Topic Title Description
Closed Rail Let’s Talk: Amendments to the Railway Safety Act in Bill C-33

A consultation on amendments to the Railway Safety Act in Bill C-33

Closed Rail Public consultation on hydrology and measures to mitigate the potential impacts of the Lac-Mégantic rail bypass project

Transport Canada (TC) invites the public to comment on the hydrogeological report as well as the updated environmental assessment report on the potential impacts of the Lac-Mégantic rail bypass project on groundwater and wetlands, and on the proposed mitigation and follow-up measures.

Closed Rail Let’s Talk: Safety Management Systems in the Rail Industry

Transport Canada is reviewing the 2015 Rail Safety Management System Regulations to see how we can strengthen SMS performance to improve rail safety. T The review will provide opportunities to identify issues that need to be addressed for oversight or regulatory amendments. Best practices, oversight approaches, and other issues identified will also be added to the extent possible. There will be several opportunities to provide comments. The first step is to get feedback from stakeholders and the public on the strengths and weaknesses of the current system. We’ve written a discussion paper and asked five questions to gather feedback and help facilitate the discussion.

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Fatigue in the Rail industry - Consultation on proposed Fatigue Management System Regulations

Transport Canada wants to introduce Fatigue Management System Regulations, that would apply to all federally regulated railway companies and their employees.

Closed Aviation, Marine, Rail, Road Let’s Talk Supply Chains

Transport Canada understands that supply chain issues have wide-ranging impacts and would like to hear the views of all Canadians. We want to continue this important conversation and gather additional comments, questions, and feedback from the public.

Closed Rail Share and view ideas: Public consultation on the Lac-Mégantic rail bypass construction project

Transport Canada invites interested parties to participate in a public consultation and to comment on the Lac-Mégantic Rail Bypass Construction project.

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Rail Safety – Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

Transport Canada is inviting interested stakeholders to comment on the proposed changes to the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations under the Railway Safety Act.

Closed Rail What We Heard Report: Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

What we heard report for Let’s Talk: Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Rail Safety – Safety Culture Policy Statement

In response to Recommendation 2 of the 2018 Railway Safety Act Review, Transport Canada has developed a Safety Culture Policy Statement.

Closed Rail Comment on the proposed amendments to Schedule X of the Contraventions Regulations

Transport Canada is inviting interested stakeholders to comment on the proposed amendments to Schedule X of the Contraventions Regulations with regards to provisions under the Railway Safety Act.

Closed Rail Transport Canada would like to modify the Grade Crossings Regulations

The Grade Crossings Regulations and Grade Crossings Standards help improve safety by setting broad and enforceable safety standards for both new and existing grade crossings in Canada.

The regulations require any railway company, road authority or private owner of an existing crossing to comply with the requirements of the regulations by November 28, 2021.

Over the past year, stakeholders have expressed concerns about the deadline and their ability to meet the requirements.

Closed Rail What we heard report: Transport Canada wants to update the Grade Crossings Regulations

What we heard report for Transport Canada wants to update the Grade Crossings Regulations consultation held between January 4 and February 3, 2021.

Closed Rail Amending the Transportation Information Regulations to collect data from Class 1 rail carriers

Transport Canada has now developed a detailed proposal, which has been shared with stakeholders to support a further round of consultations on changes to freight rail data collection.

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Freight-Rail Data

We invite railways, freight-rail users, and interested Canadians to share their feedback on the type of data needed to better understand Canada's freight-rail system.

Closed Rail Passenger Rail Transportation Security Regulations

Transport Canada is proposing new regulations to enhance the security of passenger rail transportation in Canada, and we welcome your input.

Closed Aviation, Marine, Rail, Road The Future of Transportation in Canada: Developing a Long-term Agenda for Transportation

We coordinated an engagement process to inform the development of a long-term agenda for transportation in Canada that presented opportunities and advances in technology.

Closed Rail Preliminary consultation on proposed amendments to the Railway Safety Management System Regulations, 2015

Public consultation activities are undertaken regularly across the department on a range of transportation-related issues that affect Canadians on a daily basis.

Closed Rail Consultation document: Fatigue management system (FMS) requirements

Consultation document for fatigue management systems

Rail What we heard report – Safety management systems in the rail industry

Transport Canada is reviewing the 2015 Rail Safety Management System Regulations to see how we can help rail companies use of safety management systems as part of their daily work.

Closed Rail What we heard: Implementing enhanced train control in Canada

In February 2022, Transport Canada published a Notice of Intent in the Canada Gazette, Part I, describing how it intends to implement enhanced train control technologies in Canada. Enhanced train control technologies are used to improve safety.