Transport Canada's (TC) overall employee population as of July 1, 2021  was 6,357

Atlantic376Employees(5.9%) Pacific 533 Employees (8.4%) Quebec502Employees(7.9%) National Capital Region4081Employees(64.2%) Ontario433Employees(6.8%) Prairie andNorthern 432 Employees (6.8%)
Transport Canada's regional employee distribution
  • Pacific Region (PAC)
    • 533 Employees (8.4%)
  • Prairie and North Region (PNR)
    • 432 Employees (6.8%)
  • Ontario Region (ONT)
    • 433 Employees (6.8%)
  • Quebec Region (QUE)
    • 502 Employees (7.9%)
  • Atlantic Region (ATL)
    • 376 Employees (5.9%)
  • National Capital Region (NCR)
    • 4081 Employees (64.2%)

TC employees work across Canada. Major centres include the following:

  • Ottawa/Gatineau
  • Calgary
  • Dorval
  • Edmonton
  • Halifax
  • Moncton
  • Québec
  • Surrey
  • Toronto
  • Vancouver

Note: TC has a diversified employee base with a wide breadth of expertise. In addition to employees responsible for regulatory oversight, TC employees deliver various operational and technical programs and services across many classification groups (e.g. engineers, economists, scientists, electricians, etc.).

Employee Profile

  Representation of Employment Equity designated groups First official language

Average age




Labour Market Availability (LMA)








Persons with


French (31%) - English (69%)

Average years of service



Key results from the 2020 Public Service Employee Survey

iconograph of a person

88% of Transport Canada employees agreed that the department treats them with respect (3% higher than the Public Service)

iconograph of a group

81% of Transport Canada employees agreed every individual is accepted as an equal member of the team in their work unit (3% higher than the Public Service)

iconograph of a target

10% of Transport Canada employees said they had been victims of harassment in the previous year (1% lower than the Public Service)

iconograph for location point

6% of Transport Canada employees said they had been victims of discrimination in the previous year (1% lower than the Public Service)

People Management Initiatives

Transport Canada has a number of people management initiatives underway to ensure the department has a workforce and workplace that is agile, inclusive and equipped. These initiatives include, but are not limited to:

  1. Implementing Transport Canada’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
  2. Implementing Transport Canada’s Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy, including administrative support such as learning
  3. Implementing Transport Canada’s Official Languages Action Plan
  4. Supporting managers and employees with remote work, mental health and wellness, and ensuring safe worksites in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
  5. Delivering a renewed Middle Management Development Program
  6. Addressing the on-going impacts of the Phoenix Pay System

Managing the Impact of Phoenix at Transport Canada

Transport Canada’s in-house Compensation Team continues to make progress in processing pay transactions and resolving issues caused by the implementation of Phoenix.

Since January 2020

Total Work Received


Total Work Completed


Previous Month

Total Work Received


Total Work Completed


Trend - Backlog Transaction breakdown by Duration

Duration June 1, 2021 July 1, 2021 Trend
A month or less 844 18% 836 20% -8 -1%
1 to 3 months 831 18% 673 16% -158 -19%
3 to 6 months 562 12% 778 19% 216 38%
6 months to 1 year 597 13% 476 11% -121 -20%
1 to 2 years 930 20% 746 18% -184 -20%
2 to 3 years 524 11% 464 11% -60 -11%
Over 3 years 296 6% 227 5% -69 -23%
Total 4584 100% 4200 100% -384 -8%

Compensation Resources

Monthly Hires: 0
Monthly Losses: 1

Compensation Transactions

All Acting Transfers
Change since January 2020 Change from previous month Change since January 2020 Change from previous month Change since January 2020 Change from previous month
-6655 -64 -5463 30 -538 -16


Text version
Month Total Workload BackLog Completed Received
A-Jan 20 15043 11343 3648 3589
D-Apr 20 15004 10767 4368 3524
G-Jul 20 13621 9379 3001 2894
J-Oct 20 11903 7840 4233 3640
M-Jan 21 10522 6260 3750 3392
N-Feb 21 10164 6143 3359 2861
O-Mar 21 9666 5400 4567 4282
P-Apr 21 9381 5028 4021 3331
Q-May 21 8691 4670 3313 3074
R-Jun 21 8452 4584 3466 3402
S-Jul 21 8388 4200    


Text version
Month Total Workload BackLog Completed Received
A-Jan 20 7114 7047 509 359
D-Apr 20 6569 6512 967 206
G-Jul 20 5026 4911 522 484
J-Oct 20 3711 3650 1127 352
M-Jan 21 2541 2452 641 352
N-Feb 21 2252 2210 547 254
O-Mar 21 1959 1895 681 555
P-Apr 21 1833 1710 430 349
Q-May 21 1752 1695 462 331
R-Jun 21 1621 1557 455 485
S-Jul 21 1651 1469    


Text version
Month Total Workload BackLog Completed Received
A-Jan 20 1118 1110 46 67
B-Feb 1139 1131 38 80
C-Mar 1181 1163 59 59
D-Apr 20 1181 1176 65 33
E-May 1149 1141 50 26
F-Jun 1125 1119 95 45
G-Jul 20 1075 1068 70 44
H-Aug 1049 1037 83 38
I-Sep 1004 998 75 44
J-Oct 20 973 967 90 39
K-Nov 922 916 88 51
L-Dec 885 881 92 56
M-Jan 21 849 841 83 54
N-Feb 21 820 812 128 63
O-Mar 21 755 746 158 62
P-Apr 21 659 647 125 64
Q-May 21 598 589 68 66
R-Jun 21 596 586 98 82
S-Jul 21 580 569    

Key Takeaways

  • The Compensation Case Management System (CCMS) is now live in the Atlantic and Pacific regions:
    • To date, 291 cases have been logged by employees. 230 (79%) of these cases have been resolved, and the remaining 61 have been assigned and are in progress.
  • Since the start of 2020, the overall Compensation backlog has decreased by 63%. The acting backlog has decreased by 79%.
  • Steady progress continues to be made on the transfers backlog. Transfer backlog has been reduced by 5% since its peak in Q1 of 2020.