The following are examples of some key Transport Canada Contribution Programs which are currently continuing to operate within existing terms and authorities. There will be opportunities for decisions and announcements in the first 100 days to advance work under these programs in support of key national objectives for the transportation system:  

  • National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF)
    • A $4.2 billion program that helps fund infrastructure projects to strengthen trade and transportation corridors across Canada. Within NTCF, there is funding specifically allocated to address transportation challenges in Canada’s Arctic and northern regions.
  • Boating Safety Contribution Program
    • Annual fund of $1 million to support projects that promote safer boating.
  • Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program (ERSTPP)
    • Annual fund of $4.4 million that provides funding to provinces/territories as well as organizations for projects that improve road safety in Canada.
  • Rail Safety Improvement Program (RSIP)
    • Since 2016, this annual fund of $21.3 million has funded projects and initiatives that contribute to increasing safety at grade crossings and along rail lines, and to increase public confidence in Canada’s rail system. A porting of the funding sunsets in 2022-2023, bringing the annual RSIP funding to $11.5 million.  
  • Airport Capital Assistance Programs (ACAP)
    • Annual fund of $38 million to help support regional/local airport owners with the costs of safety-related capital infrastructure maintenance.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Transport Canada developed a number of new contribution programs to provide support to the air sector, which was especially hard hit:

  • Airport Critical Infrastructure Program (ACIP)
    • This fund was launched in May 2021 with the intent to provide $489.6 million over five years to large airports that are making critical capital investments related to safety, security or connectivity to mass transit, ensuring that the projects are not cancelled or delayed due to the pandemic.
    • The Biosecurity Funding Stream within ACIP will provide $81.6 million to support Canada’s major airports with investments in COVID-19 testing and screening infrastructure.
  • Remote Air Services Program (RASP)
    • A program with the purpose of providing $174 million over 18 months in contribution funding through bilateral agreements with Provinces, Territories and regional Indigenous governments to support continued access to essential air services to remote communities.
  • Expansion of the Airport Capital Assistance Program (ACAP)
    • This annual fund of $38 million was given a one-time top-up of $186 million to help ensure that Canada’s smaller airports can immediately carry out required safety improvements despite revenue losses due to the pandemic.
  • Airport Relief Fund
    • This is a $65-million contribution funding program to provide immediate financial relief to certain Canadian airports that are struggling with the financial impact of reduced air travel due to the pandemic.