3 Resource Management


3.1 Provision of Resources

As part of the process at any MSNMC planning meetings, Marine Safety shall determine and provide, in a timely manner, the resources needed to implement and improve the processes of the quality management system and to address stakeholder satisfaction.

3.2 Human Resources

  • 3.2.1 General

    Marine Safety shall endeavour to ensure that personnel who are assigned responsibilities defined in the quality management system are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience.
  • 3.2.2 Competence, Awareness and Training

    Marine Safety shall identify the competency needs for personnel performing activities affecting service quality; train personnel to satisfy these needs; and evaluate the effectiveness of the training provided. Marine Safety shall endeavour to ensure personnel are aware of how they contribute to meeting quality objectives. Marine Safety shall maintain records of education, experience, training and qualifications, as appropriate.

3.3 Infrastructure

Marine Safety shall identify, provide and maintain the facilities and tools (electronic and otherwise) it needs to achieve the conformity of its services.

Adequacy of facilities shall be addressed as part of the annual MSNMC planning meeting. However, the authority to obtain and control facilities and tools largely lies outside the purview of Marine Safety. Facilities are identified and managed by Regional personnel according to the needs of each Region.

3.4 Work Environment

Marine Safety shall identify and manage the human and physical factors of the work environment needed to achieve conformity of service. The Marine Safety Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall participate in developing and implementing policies and procedures related to the work environment, including workplace hazards and transportation to and from work sites. The MSNMC shall periodically review the work environment safety policy.