
There are currently six regional advisory councils (RACs) on Oil Spill Response across Canada. Each council comprises a maximum of seven members who represent the various sectors affected by the legislation. Members are appointed by Transport Canada, for three-year terms. Members elect a president; Transport Canada acts as secretariat to the council. The council forms an integral part of the ongoing partnership approach to preparedness and response in Canada.

RAC members represent a balance of communities and interests that might be affected by an oil spill in their respective areas. These include:

  • Municipalities,
  • Fishing and aquaculture interests,
  • Environmental groups,
  • Aboriginal interests,
  • Port authorities,
  • Business and business associations, e.g., tourism associations or agencies,
  • Shipping interests and oil handling facilities, and
  • Representatives from academia, marine law and other disciplines.

RAC members commit to a membership term of three years and may request renewal to continue as a RAC member once their three-year term ends. Prior to the three-year term expiry dates, Transport Canada seeks nomination from the public; any persons interested in acquiring information are asked to contact the RAC Secretariat representing your community.