Enroll in the Small Vessel Compliance Program

Enroll a vessel into the program

Enroll into the Small Vessel Compliance Program (SVCP) online

  1. Create an account or login if you already have an account
  2. Fill in the details for your vessel or vessels
  3. Include supporting documents and photos
  4. Submit a detailed compliance report for each vessel

This process should take you around 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of documents you need to include.

Other ways to enroll your vessel

By email

  1. Download and fill the appropriate enrolment form
  2. Email your completed report to svcp-pcpb@tc.gc.ca

In person

  1. Visit the nearest Transport Canada Marine Safety office to get a paper copy of the form
  2. Bring it home and it fill it out
  3. Bring the completed report and supporting documents back to the Marine Safety office, and submit them in person

By mail

  1. Request a copy by mail from the Marine Safety office, once completed you can mail it back to the same office

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