School Bus Collision Summary, Canada 1989-1997: Results

The sample represented 42 cases involving 567 students. Five bus occupants were fatally injured, two due to a side impact by a dump truck, one as a result of an external object penetrating the occupant compartment, and two in a collision-induced fire. Twelve children who had disembarked from their buses were killed, 11 being run over by the bus, and 1 who was struck by a vehicle passing the bus.

Driving a Large Passenger Van

As with any vehicle, respect the posted speed limit, slow down when the weather and/or road conditions are poor, and slow down before entering sharp curves. Don't tailgate; always give yourself enough room in front of you to react to sudden events such as animals or vehicles entering your lane. Take extra care when you drive on rural roads because of on-coming and passing traffic.

Test methodology


Tests were performed with three state-of-the-art fully instrumented dummies. Two dummies were selected to represent preschool-aged children, while one represented a small school-aged child. These dummies and the size of children they represent are presented below.

The head and chest accelerations of the dummies were measured for each test. Because injury reference levels have not been adopted for children,19 the upper and lower neck forces and moments and shoulder loads were not analyzed.