Exemptions to the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

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  • HTML version of the exemptions are available for exemptions issued on 1999-03-10 onwards. Exemptions issued before that date are not in electronic format.

  • All exemptions issued as of May 29th, 2020 are available as a PDF request. Click the Exemption no. and enter your email address. You will automatically receive a copy of the document you request by email.

  • Exemptions from regions other than Headquarters (HQ) are only currently available in their original language. Please email ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca to request a translated version.

  • Exemptions marked with * are not available due to privacy reasons. Please email ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca to request a redacted version.


Displaying 1576 - 1600 of 3501
Exemption no. Issuance details Applicability Purpose

Issued: 2008-10-30

Expiry: 2010-04-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 405.23

Applicant provision(s): all persons operating an aeroplane

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit persons operating an aeroplane for flight training and pilot testing on aeroplanes, which are not equipped with a turn and slip indicator or turn coordinator, but which have an alternate means of displaying (e.g. glass-cockpit primary flight display), the rate of turn and the indication of slip.

Issued: 2008-10-01

Expiry: 2010-03-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 801.01(2)(a) and 801.08(b)

Applicant provision(s): the holders of an air traffic controller licence

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to allow NAV CANADA air traffic controllers at the Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport to authorize reduced angular divergence of air traffic control separation from 15 degrees or more to 10 degrees or more, as it pertains to simultaneous parallel instrument departure operations (SPID).

Issued: 2008-09-29

Expiry: 2010-03-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 704.115(1)

Applicant provision(s): Canadian air operators

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit Canadian air operators conducting commuter operations by propeller-driven aeroplanes that are certificated for twenty (20) or more passenger seats and with a MCTOW of 8618 kg (19,000 lb) or less, under Subpart 704 of the CARs to use those training times applying to Multi-engine 10* to 19*, as listed in Table I and Table II referred to in paragraph 724.115 (31)(a) of the CASS. This will standardize the application of training times when addressing similar aeroplane types that have certain variants certificated for more than nineteen (19) passenger seats (excluding normal flight crewmembers seats), such as the case with the Twin Otter, DHC 6 - 300 Series.

Issued: 2008-09-29

Expiry: 2009-06-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 549.01(a)(ii)

Applicant provision(s): persons who are building an

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit persons who are building an aircraft, who have met and abide by the conditions set out in the exemption from Section 549.01 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations dated August 30, 2006 and who apply for a special certificate of airworthiness in the amateur-built classification for Aircraft Resources Canada (ARC) Epic LT or the Epic Elite aircraft to deviate from the aircraft weight and passenger capacity limitations specified in Airworthiness Manual Chapter 549 by: ·Exceeding the permissible take-off mass of 1800 Kg. (3968 lbs); and ·Exceeding the allowable maximum seating of 3 seats other than the pilot’s seat.

Issued: 2008-09-29

Expiry: 2010-03-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 703.98(1)

Applicant provision(s): Canadian air operators

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit Canadian air operators conducting air taxi operations by propeller-driven aeroplanes that are certificated for twenty (20) or more passenger seats and with a MCTOW of 19,000 lbs or less under subpart 3 of Part VII of the CARs and their flight crewmembers to use those training times applying to Multi-engine 10* to 19*, as listed in Table I and Table II referred to in subsection 723.98(27) of the CASS. This will standardize the application of training times when addressing similar aeroplane types that have certain variants certificated for more than nineteen (19) passenger seats (excluding normal flight crewmember seats), which may be authorized to operate under subpart 703 of the CARs. An example of such could be a Twin Otter, DHC 6 - 300 Series configured for use to carry up to nine (9) passengers plus cargo.

Issued: 2008-09-25

Expiry: 2010-05-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 801.01(2)(a) and 801.08(b)

Applicant provision(s): NAV CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

This exemption permits air traffic controllers working for hire or reward for NAV Canada to apply the radar separation standards specified in Appendix A using surveillance systems employing Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) technology in lieu of radar.

Issued: 2008-09-12

Expiry: 2010-03-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 402.03

Applicant provision(s): NAV CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to allow NAV CANADA to implement Airport Control Service at the Fort McMurray Airport. The regulatory process does not allow air traffic controllers to obtain a location rating because there are not qualified airport controllers currently at Fort McMurray. The purpose of this exemption is therefore two-fold: First, to permit NAV CANADA and air traffic controllers who are working for hire or reward for NAV CANADA to obtain a location rating for Fort McMurray without the requirement to have served under the supervision of a qualified airport controller for a period of time necessary to demonstrate competence in the case of an additional location to the holder of a licence with an existing Airport Control Rating. Second, to permit NAV CANADA and applicants for an air traffic controller licence with an Airport Control Rating who are working for hire or reward for NAV CANADA at Fort McMurray Control Tower to have served under the supervision of a qualified airport controller from not less than three months to not less than 20 days during the 12 months preceding the issuance of an air traffic controller licence with an endorsement of an Airport Control Rating.

Issued: 2008-09-11


No end date

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i) and (ii)

Applicant provision(s): all Canadian Airport Operators

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to allow Canadian airport operators to use enhanced taxiway centreline markings prior to the runway holding position, in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Advisory Circular No: 150/5340-1J and with the provisions of Annex14, Volume 1, of the Convention on International Civil Aviation pending formal amendment of the standards. This exemption is also intended to provide to Canadian airport operators using these markings an acceptable temporary means of mitigation when section The Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices (TP 312E, 4th Edition) cannot be met when applied to "Reduced Visibility Operations" as detailed in Transport Canada, Advisory Circular No: 302-001.

Issued: 2008-09-10

Expiry: 2008-12-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 402.05

Applicant provision(s): holders of an air traffic controller licence

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit holders of an air traffic controller licence who are working for hire or reward for NAV CANADA at the Vancouver and Toronto Area Control Centres to exercise the privileges of that licence without completing the proficiency check within the specified timeframe of section 402.05 of the CARs, more specifically, the Performance in the Event of Radar Failure (PERF) training requirement established in the NAV CANADA Air Traffic Services Administration and Management Manual, attached herein in Appendix I .

Issued: 2008-09-09

Expiry: 2009-09-01

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 602.128(1)

Applicant provision(s): pilot-in-command of an IFR

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to allow the pilot-in-command of an IFR aircraft to conduct instrument approach procedures using minima specified in the Restricted Canada Air Pilot.

Issued: 2008-08-28

Expiry: 2009-12-01

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 605.38(1)

Applicant provision(s): air operators and flight crewmembers

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to provide air operators and flight crewmembers, operating under Part VII of the CARs with additional time to install an ELT as required by the table set out in subsection 605.38(2), where the aircraft is a multi-engined turbo-jet aeroplane of more than 5,700 kg (12,500 pounds) maximum certificated take-off weight MCTOW that is being operated in Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight within controlled airspace over land, and south of latitude 66° 30’ N.

Issued: 2008-07-31

Expiry: 2010-01-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 421.13(4)(d):

Applicant provision(s): applicants for an instrument rating

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit applicants for an instrument rating to write the examination Instrument Rating (INRAT) without first acquiring the minimum 20 hours of instrument flight or ground time as stated in Paragraph 421.13(4)(d) of the CARs

Issued: 2008-07-25

Expiry: 2008-11-26

Region: Ontario

Routing: PA

CARS provision(s): 507.07

Applicant provision(s): Barrick Gold Corporation

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit Barrick Gold Corporation to apply for a Certificate of Airworthiness, to allow issuance of the flight authority and to temporarily operate their Dash 8200, without fully complying with the Standards of Airworthiness required by the CARS as stated in the Transport Canada Type Certificate Number A-142, Issue 30. DECA Aviation in Canada was contracted to approve the modification, but the demonstration compliance to the flammability requirements of 25.853(a) and (d) is not possible as a lead time is required to produce the appropriate test coupons.

Issued: 2008-07-25

Expiry: 2008-11-26

Region: Ontario

Routing: PA

CARS provision(s): 507.07

Applicant provision(s): Barrick Gold Corporation

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit Barrick Gold Corporation to apply for a Certificate of Airworthiness, to allow issuance of the flight authority and to temporarily operate their Dash 8200, without fully complying with the Standards of Airworthiness required by the CARS as stated in the Transport Canada Type Certificate Number A-142, Issue 30. DECA Aviation in Canada was contracted to approve the modification, but the demonstration compliance to the flammability requirements of 25.853(a) and (d) is not possible as a lead time is required to produce the appropriate test coupons.

Issued: 2008-07-22

Expiry: 2009-05-19

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 507.07

Applicant provision(s): Execaire, a Division of I.M.P Group Ltd,

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to allow Execaire, a Division of I.M.P. Group Ltd to operate a Hawker 800XP Aircraft, Registration C-FMRI, Serial Number 258688, pending the installation of Proline 21 Air Brake Baulk.

Issued: 2008-06-30

Expiry: 2009-06-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 705.82

Applicant provision(s): Canadian air operators

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to give Canadian air operators operating under Subpart 705 of the CARs additional time, when required, to complete the installation of a Pitot heat indication system, as required by section 705.82 of the CARs, which came into force on June 30, 2007.

Issued: 2008-06-24

Expiry: 2009-06-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 602.157(2)

Applicant provision(s): Canadian North Inc

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit Canadian North to operate two (2) Chapter 2 gravel kit equipped aeroplanes exceeding MCTOW 34,000 kg, for northern operations in accordance with section 602.161 of the CARs.

Issued: 2008-06-19

Expiry: 2009-11-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 705.40(3)

Applicant provision(s): Air Canada

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to allow Air Canada to permit one cabin crew member to deplane the aircraft during refuelling with passengers onboard for the purpose of using the bridge phone for communication with ground, maintenance and fuelling agencies without being replaced by another crew member.

Issued: 2008-06-12

Expiry: 2010-02-28

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 704.01( c)

Applicant provision(s): Canadian Air Operators

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

This authorization will allow Canadian Air Operators to operate Global Express BD-700-1A10 and Global 5000 BD-700-1A11 aircraft under Subpart 704 of the CARs notwithstanding that the maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft exceeds the 22 680 kg (50,000 pounds) limit imposed by paragraph 704.01(b) of the CARs.

Issued: 2008-06-12

Expiry: 2009-11-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 602.128(4)

Applicant provision(s): private operators

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit the renewal test for a CAT II or CAT III qualification to be conducted by a qualified simulator instructor during 12 month interval training session where a biannual check is not being completed.

Issued: 2008-06-11

Expiry: 2009-09-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 705.27(3)

Applicant provision(s): Canadian air operators and pilots-in-command

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit Canadian air operators and pilots-in-command to grant admission to the flight deck of their aeroplane on domestic flights to pilots employed by other Canadian air operators commuting to or from their flight assignments, subject to the conditions below.

Issued: 2008-06-06

Expiry: 2008-12-03

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 507.07

Applicant provision(s): Skyservice Aviation Inc

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to allow Skyservice Aviation Inc to operate a Bombardier BD-700-1A11 type aircraft, Registration C-GPPI, Serial Number 9158, pending the validation of different FAA approved modifications embedded on the aircraft while on US registry.

Issued: 2008-06-05

Expiry: 2009-10-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 801.01(2)(a) and 801.08(b)

Applicant provision(s): NAV CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

This exemption permits NAV CANADA air traffic controllers to, while using the visual separation standards specified in Appendix B: 1) apply visual separation between: a)successive IFR departing aircraft from the same, intersecting, non-intersecting and parallel runways; b)departing IFR aircraft and IFR aircraft on a planned missed approach; and 2) assign visual separation responsibility to a pilot of successive IFR aircraft departing from the same, intersecting, non-intersecting and parallel runways.

Issued: 2008-05-29

Expiry: 2008-06-07

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 700.02(a) and 701.02(1)

Applicant provision(s): Third Strike Wing Walking US Corp

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

The purpose of this exemption is to permit Third Strike Wing Walking US Corp. while not being the holder of a Canadian Foreign Air Operator Certificate, to conduct a commercial air service in Canada. A U.S. registered Boeing B75N1, Registration N65263, serial number 75-3447, owned by Third Strike Wing Walking US Corp. will be operated during the filming of "Amelia", a theatrical feature film based on the life of Amelia Earhart. Flights will take place in the Greater Toronto area during the period of May 29, 2008 to June 7, 2008.

Issued: 2008-05-29

Expiry: 2009-10-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 801.01(2)(a) and 801.08(b)

Applicant provision(s): NAV CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

This exemption permits NAV CANADA air traffic controllers to clear an aircraft for a visual approach when the pilot reports sighting the airport and there is a preceding IFR or CVFR aircraft and the air traffic controller will retain responsibility for separation of the aircraft. The application of the separation minimum to provide visual approaches requires complete radar coverage. In addition the exemption will permit an air traffic controller to apply the separation standard to aircraft that are not being radar vectored but are flying a Standard Terminal Arrival Route or another route where a radar service is provided.

For assistance

Email: ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca