
Transport Canada’s (TC’s) Audit and Evaluation group is responsible for the Department’s internal audit and evaluation services. The Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive is also the designated TC Senior Integrity Officer and Science Integrity Lead.

This group is independent of line management and reports directly to the Deputy Minister.


Chantal Roy

Chantal Roy

Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive


Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive and Integrity Officer: Chantal Roy

Number of Employees: 38 employees


  • Evaluation Services
  • Internal Audit Services
  • Integrity Office


Internal Audit and Evaluation Services

Internal Audit performs its assurance function by providing independent and objective advice to senior management, the Deputy Ministers and the Departmental Audit Committee (DAC) on the effectiveness of TC governance, risk management and controls.

The Departmental Audit Committee, composed of a Chair and two members from outside of the public service, provides objective advice and recommendations to the Deputy Minister on the quality and results of internal audits and on matters such as emerging risks, opportunities and accountability reporting.

Transport Canada can also be included in the scope of external audits conducted mainly by the Office of the Auditor General and the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. The reports from such audits are tabled in Parliament.

Evaluation performs its challenge function by assessing the overall effectiveness of the Department’s policies, programs and initiatives. Evaluations help ensure that programs and services are accountable, focused on results and meet the needs of Canadians.

The Departmental Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee (PMEC) provides advice to the Deputy Minister on assessing the results of internal evaluations and improving program performance. 

Internal Audit and Evaluation jointly prepare, on an annual basis, a risk-based audit and evaluation plan that outlines the planned audits, evaluations and reviews for the year. The engagement reports are made available to the public once approved by the Deputy Minister.

Integrity Function

The Senior Integrity Officer has the independent authority to investigate allegations of fraud, misconduct, wrongdoing and scientific breaches involving Transport Canada employees, contractors, or third parties in a business relationship with Transport Canada. Allegations can be received from all levels of the organization.

Investigations are conducted based on a defined protocol that establishes consistent procedures to ensure investigations are fair and that their conclusions are supported.

As required by the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, the Department must publicly disclose cases of ‘founded’ wrongdoing as defined under the Act. These reports identify the nature of the wrongdoing and any actions taken by the Department.