ARPA - TP 4958 E

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Simulated Electronic Navigation – Refresher Training

5.1 Purpose

To establish continued professional competence as required under STCW regulation I/11.

5.2 Scope

The course covers components of SEN 1 and SEN 2 courses, for which STCW Code, Table A-II/1, A-II/2 and A- II/3 indicate mandatory simulator-based training.

5.3 Wording on Training Certificate

Wording on Training Certificate issued after completion of Refresher Training (ARPA):

(Type of Training or Course)

(Description of the Level of Accepted Training or Approved Course of Study)

5.4 Course Outline

K = Knowledge; V = Viva-Voce; A = Application

1. Radar Plotting Techniques      
1.1 Use plotting sheet to construct the relative motion triangle and identify the sides and angles.     x
1.2 Determine course, speed and aspect of other ships from relative plots.     x
1.3 Determine CPA and TCPA from relative plots.     x
1.4 Determine changes in CPA and TCPA resulting from alteration of course or speed of own ship or target ship.     x
1.5 Using relative plot, determine the alteration of course or speed needed to achieve a required CPA.     x
1.6 Detect alteration of course or speed of a target and determine the alteration from a plot.     x
2. Introduction to ARPA      
2.1 Outline the IMO performance standards for ARPA. x x  
2.2 Describe the different methods of displaying information. x x  
2.3 Describe the different ways in which targets may be acquired. x x  
2.4 Describe the requirements for acquisitions and tracking of targets. x x  
2. Introduction to ARPA (Continued)
2.5 Describe the operational warnings required.
x x  
2.6 List the data, which should be available in alphanumeric form. x x  
2.7 Explain that the accuracy standards for ARPA are based on sensor errors for equipment compliant with IMO performance standards. x x  
2.8 State performance standards for gyro and log inputs. x x  
2.9 State performance standards for radar range, bearing accuracy and radar discrimination. x x  
3. Acquisition of Targets      
3.1 Explain how ARPA acquires a target. x    
3.2 State that the criteria for automatic selection of targets is provided in the operator’s manual. x x  
3.3 Describe the criteria used for manual acquisition of targets. x x  
3.4 Explain that the number of targets that may be acquired is limited. x x  
3.5 Explain that targets not posing a potential threat should be deleted from the tracker register if the limit for the number of acquired targets has been reached. x    
3.6 Explain that target acquisition may be suppressed over certain areas and state when suppression should be used. x    
3.7 Explain the limitations of guard rings. x    
4. Tracking Capabilities and Limitations      
4.1 Describe how a target is tracked by ARPA. x    
4.2 Explain that an acquired target may be lost if its echo fades temporarily. x    
4.3 Describe the circumstances leading to “target swap.” x    
4.4 Describe the effect of target swap on displayed data. x    
4.5 Explain why there is a delay in the display of processed data after target acquisition. x    
4.6 Explain the delay in the generation of new data when the target ship maneuvers. x    
4.7 State that the full accuracy of derived information may not be attained for up to three minutes after acquisition or target maneuver. x    
5. ARPA Displays      
5.1 Demonstrate the special features found in ARPA.     x
5.2 Select an appropriate display presentation considering the required task and current situation. x   x
5.3 Adjust the radar controls for the optimum display of echoes.     x
5.4 Explain how derived information differs depending on whether the sea stabilized mode or the ground-stabilized mode is used. x   x
5.5 Check that speed and heading inputs are functioning correctly for intended use of ARPA:
Collision avoidance.
5.6 Select the appropriate orientation and mode for the circumstances.     x
5.7 Select an appropriate time scale for vectors or graphics to produce the information required.     x
5.8 Demonstrate the use of manual acquisition to select and monitor critical targets.     x
5.9 Demonstrate the use of automatic acquisition and exclusion areas.     x
5.10 Explain the use of echo referencing in the true motion mode. x    
6. Target Information      
6.1 Use display in true and relative modes and demonstrate the use of true and relative vectors in each mode.     x
6.2 Demonstrate the benefits of switching between true and relative vectors.     x
6.3 Explain the display of PPC and PAD graphics. x x  
6.4 Discuss PAD graphics. x    
6.5 Explain how past positions of tracked targets are displayed. x   x
6.6 Explain the limitations of trial maneuvers. x    
6.7 Demonstrate the setting and acknowledgment of operational warnings.     x
6.8 Describe the benefits and limitations of operational warnings. x    
7. Interpretation Errors      
7.1 Explain that the incorrect interpretation of ARPA can lead to dangerous misunderstanding of the traffic situation. x    
7.2 Explain that the interpretation of vectors in the wrong format is a common error. x    
7.3 Check information from vectors with numeric display.     x
7.4 Explain that a lost target, which is subsequently re-acquired, may temporarily show a course and speed suggesting an alteration when none has occurred. x    
7.5 Explain that the PAD and PPC graphics displayed apply only to own ship and targets and do not indicate mutual threats between targets. x    
7.6 State that the track line between the target and the PAD is not an indicator of target speed. x    
7.7 Assess history displays, changing radar mode and vector presentation.     x
7.8 State that a change of direction in the relative history display does not necessarily imply that the target has altered course. x    
8. Errors in Displayed Data      
8.1 State that errors in bearing can be generated in the radar installation. x    
8.2 State that errors in range can be generated in a radar. x    
8.3 Explain that own ship alteration of course may temporarily produce unreliable indications because of the ARPA smoothing filter. x    
8.4 State that errors will be introduced by inputs from gyro and log. x    
8.5 Describe the effects of heading and speed errors on derived information. x    
8.6 State that the smoothness of the displayed true history track gives some indication of satisfactory tracking by ARPA. x    
9. System Operational Tests      
9.1 Use system of self-diagnostic routines and recognize their limitations. x   x
9.2 Use ARPA test program to check performance against known solutions.     x
9.3 Check performance, including trial maneuver by manual plotting.     x
9.4 State action to take after ARPA malfunction. x   x
10. Obtaining Information from ARPA Displays      
10.1 Demonstrate ability to obtain information in both true and relative modes.     x
10.2 Identify critical targets.     x
10.3 Obtain relative courses and speeds of targets.     x
10.4 Obtain CPA and TCPA of targets.     x
10.5 Obtain true courses and speeds of targets.     x
10.6 Interpret displays of past positions to detect change in course or speed of target.     x
10.7 Operate trial maneuver facility to check validity of intended alteration of course or speed.     x
10.8 Analyze displayed situation and determine and execute action to avoid a close quarter situation. x   x
10.9 Monitor subsequent situation and resume original course and speed when safe to do so.     x
11. Over Reliance on ARPA      
11.1 State that the use of ARPA does not relieve the officer of the watch from the need to comply with basic principles in keeping a navigational watch. x x  

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