General - TP 4958 E

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Scope and Application

1.1 Purpose

To address the goals of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and parties to the Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention of 1978 as amended in 1995, in their
desire to promote the safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.

1.2 Scope

Training of masters and deck officers in the application of electronic navigation systems and instruments
by following standards regarding watchkeeping.

1.3 Authority

The Marine Personnel Regulations, made pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act 2001.

1.4 Effective Date

The Transport Publication (TP) 4958 takes effect on July 01, 2007.

1.5 Course Approval Conditions

  1. Course and Program Approval
    1. Submission for approval
      1. In order to be recognized by Transport Canada, the Institution must submit its course or program proposal to Marine Personnel Standards and Pilotage, AMSP, for approval. The proposal must cover all the topics in the relevant chapter of the TP document, as amended from time to time. A detailed outline must be prepared in a learning objective format, explaining the depth of knowledge required and the means by which students demonstrate the knowledge, skills or competency achieved. The method of preparing the course or program must be explained, along with the various inputs and assessment methods.
      2. The Institution must provide its publications containing the list of courses that it offers and the diplomas or training certificates that it grants, as well as general information on the Institution such as campus description, services to students and available activities, so as to describe its full range of activities and show how its work relates to the Marine program.
      3. If so specified in the formal letter of approval for a program that is of a duration greater than 36 months, the Institution which teaches that program will advise their students that, as set out in section 114 of the Marine Personnel Regulations, they will receive additional service credit if they successfully complete the program.
    2. Provisional approval
      The proposed course or program will be given a preliminary assessment at AMSP based on the criteria set out in this document, and if it is accepted, the Director will issue a notice of provisional approval. The notice will indicate any additional requirements for final approval and for auditing purposes.
    3. Assessment and formal approval
      1. Following the provisional approval at a time agreed upon by AMSP, the Institution will be visited in order to carry out an assessment of the course or program.
      2. An examiner will carried out an audit during delivery of the course or program at the Institution so that course presentation can be observed and so that the administration and delivery process for the course or program can be approved. If the examination in accordance with section 114 of the Marine Personnel Regulations is satisfactory, formal approval will be given via a letter from the Director within four weeks of the date of the assessment visit.
  2. Institution Approval
    1. Institution suitability
      1. In order to provide a suitable teaching environment, an Institution must be equipped for all academic, laboratory and practical work required by the course/program content approved by AMSP.
      2. Up-to-date reference materials on Marine programs and related topics must be available to all teaching staff and students.
      3. In order to be considered for approval, the Institution must be served by public transport and have student accommodations within commuting distance of all program delivery sites, or else have on-site student accommodations and meal facilities within walking distance of the main delivery site. It must also have:
        1. a learning resource centre and library with sufficient holdings to allow independent study of marine subjects; and
        2. access to vessels sufficient for the practical aspects of the program.
    2. Course or program design
      1. The design of the course or program must follow the IMO format, as contained in the IMO document Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses, or some other format approved by AMSP as equivalent.
      2. A Recognized Institution may incorporate Simulated Electronic Navigation (SEN) or Propulsion Plant Simulator courses in its program. However it will then have to arrange for Marine Safety examinations and issue the applicable training certificate for such courses in addition to the graduation diploma.
    3. Compliance with TP program content
      Institutions that wish to be recognized for a program are to view the content of the relevant TP as the minimum requirement with respect to equipment, subject areas, and total number of hours of student-teacher contact. With respect to the knowledge to be transferred, the overall program objectives and course goals set out in the TP represent the minimum requirement. The Institution must include in its program all subjects mentioned in the TP, but it may apportion the content differently on the basis of its process for continuous improvement and client feedback, in order to keep its program up to date.

1.6 Duration of Courses

SEN 1A Minimum duration 120 hours, including 10 hours evaluation.
SEN 1B Minimum duration 72 hours, including evaluation.
SEN 2 Minimum duration 84 hours, including evaluation.
ARPA Minimum duration 24 hours.
ECDIS Minimum duration 30 hours
SEN Limited Minimum duration 30 hours, INCLUDING 14 hours of practical training utilizing
PC based simulator equipment and 2 hours evaluation


1.7 IMO References


SEN 1A & SEN 1B2 STCW Regulation I/12 & II/1
STCW Code, Table A-II/1
– Plan and conduct passage and determine position
– Maintain safe navigational watch
– Use of radar and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation*
– Respond to emergencies
– Manoeuvre the ship
IMO model course 1.07
SEN 2 STCW Regulations I/12, II/2 & II/3
STCW Code, Table A-II/2
– Plan a voyage and conduct navigation – Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any means.
– Determine and allow for compass errors.
– Coordinate search and rescue operation
– Establish watchkeeping arrangements and procedures
– Maintain safe navigational watch through the use of radar and ARPA and modern navigation systems to assist command decision-making*
– Manoeuvre and handle a ship in all condition
STCW Code, Table A-II/3
– Plan and conduct a coastal passage and determine position (navigational aids and equipment*)
– Maintain safe navigational watch
– Respond to emergencies
– Respond to distress at sea
IMO model course 1.08
ARPA STCW Regulations I/11, I/12, II/1, II/2, II/3,
1.1 STCW Code A-I/11
1.2 STCW Code, Table A-II/1
– Use of radar and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation*
1.3 STCW Code, Table A-II/2
– Maintain safe navigational watch through the use of radar and ARPA and modern navigation systems to assist command decision-making*
  • STCW Code, Table A-II/3
– Plan and conduct a coastal passage and determine position (navigational aids and equipment*)
IMO model courses 1.07 & 1.08
  • STCW Regulation II/1
STCW Code, Table A-II/1
– Plan and conduct passage and determine position
IMO model course 1.27
SEN Limited Not applicable.
Used with: Limited, Domestic and Fishing certificates of competency.
NOTE: *competencies refer to STCW mandatory simulator-based training

1.8 Class Size

SEN 1A – Classroom Lectures No limit.
SEN 1A – Navigation Instrument Laboratory Maximum of two (2) students per unit of equipment, maximum to be determined by Marine Safety audit.
SEN 1B – Practical Simulated Exercises Maximum of two (2) students per own ship simulation room (O/S).
SEN 2 – Simulator Maximum of two (2) students per O/S.
ARPA Maximum of two (2) students per unit of equipment.
SEN Limited Maximum of two (2) students per unit of equipment.
ECDIS Maximum of two (2) students per unit of equipment.

1.9 Student Instructor Ratio

Student/instructor ratio 8:1 for courses other than SEN Limited. 12:1 ratio for SEN Limited, or as determined by Transport Canada audit.

1.10 Attendance

At least, 90% attendance is required. See section 7.5 for additional provisions for SEN Limited.

1.11 Course Entry Requirements

SEN 1A Nil.
SEN 1B SEN 1A, ROC-MC, knowledge of Chartwork and Pilotage (C&P2), and Rules of the Road related to Navigation Safety (NS1).
SEN 2 ROC-MC, SEN 1 A & B, or Marine Safety approved qualifying service.
ARPA Successful completion of SEN 1, or SEN 2.
ECDIS Knowledge of Chartwork and Pilotage (C&P2).
SEN Limited Nil.

1.12 Qualification of Instructors and Main Instructor Approval

  1. The main instructor to deliver SEN 1 courses shall:
    1. Hold one of the following certificates:
      1. Canadian Master, Near Coastal;
      2. Chief Mate, Near Coastal; or
      3. Fishing Master, First-Class.
    2. Have successfully completed approved SEN 1 and SEN 2 courses which included ARPA;
    3. have experience in course and curriculum development or have attended a course on this subject. Program instructors must hold teaching qualifications incorporating training in instructional techniques, educational technology and evaluation methods. These qualifications may be obtained in one of the following ways:
      1. Through a federal government department in Canada, or an overseas government which operates a recognized teacher training program;
      2. Through a provincially accredited post-secondary education institution in Canada;
      3. Through a firm in Canada which is recognized by a provincial government or by the federal government, and which is engaged in providing education and training or educational technology consulting services.
  2. The main instructor to deliver SEN 2 and ARPA courses shall:
    1. hold one of the following certificates:
      1. Canadian Master Mariner;
      2. Master, Near Coastal;
      3. Chief Mate, Unlimited;
      4. Fishing Master, First-Class; or
      5. Equivalent level determined by TC.
    2. have successfully completed approved SEN 1 and SEN 2 courses, which included ARPA and ECDIS;
    3. shall hold a teaching certificate or equivalent as stated in 1.12(1)(c).
  3. The main instructor to deliver ECDIS courses shall comply with section 1.12(2).
  4. The main instructor to deliver SEN Limited courses shall:
    1. hold at least Watchkeeping Mate, Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Domestic or Fishing Master, Second Class certificate of competency;
    2. hold teaching qualification as stated in 1.12(1) c), or complete a mentoring program acceptable to Transport Canada.
  5. All assistant instructors must hold qualifications acceptable to Transport Canada.
  6. Main course instructors, in addition to holding qualifications described in 1.12 (1), 1.12(2), 1.12(3) or 1.12 (4) as applicable must undergo training as an Assistant Instructor for one (1) course and then teach a course under the supervision of an accredited Main Course Instructor. Marine Safety will audit this course prior to approval of the instructor as a Main Course Instructor. Marine Safety may make exceptions in these training requirements, after considering all circumstances. Instructors approved by TC prior to July 2007 are deemed as meeting the requirements of Section 1.12.

1.13 Examination and Assessment/Evaluation of Students

  1. The approved instructor conducting the course shall determine successful completion of the SEN 1, SEN 2, ARPA, ECDIS or SEN Limited courses.
  2. The course main instructor shall maintain an ongoing evaluation of students during the SEN 1, SEN 2, ARPA, ECDIS and SEN Limited courses.
  3. SEN 1A students must successfully complete an objective examination at the end of the course.
  4. Simulators will be used to assess the ability and skill of candidates in the SEN 1B, SEN 2 and ARPA courses. Simulator application programs will be used to assess the ability and skills of candidates for SEN Limited and ECDIS.
  5. Specific learning objectives are to be used to indicate precisely what the trainee must do to demonstrate knowledge, understanding (viva-voce) and skill (application) as an end product of the learning process.
  6. The main course instructor shall ensure that: (STCW Code section A-1/12.8)
    1. performance criteria are identified clearly and explicitly, are valid and available to the candidates;
    2. assessment criteria are established clearly and are explicit to ensure reliability and uniformity of assessment to optimize objective measurement, evaluation, and minimize subjective judgments;
    3. candidates are briefed clearly on the tasks and/or skills to be assessed and on the tasks and performance criteria by which their competency will be determined;
    4. assessment of performance takes into account normal operating procedures and any behavioral interaction with other candidates during simulation or with instructors;
    5. scoring or grading methods to assess performance are to be used with caution until they have been validated;
    6. the prime criterion is that a candidate demonstrates the ability to carry out a task safely and effectively to the satisfaction of the assessor;
    7. specific number of training exercises to be marked by the lead instructor.

1.14 Proof of Successful Course Completion

  1. Certificate of successful course completion from the institution on the approved Transport Canada Training Certificate.
  2. Institution or organization to maintain record of training certificates issued to students/participants. Lists of participants and serial numbers of training certificates to be sent to the local TC office.

1.15 Refresher Courses

Course Refresher Course
SEN 1 and SEN 2 ARPA
SEN Ltd SEN Ltd has to be repeated
  1. ARPA must be used as a refresher course for SEN courses, thus, meeting the Marine Personnel Regulations requirements for applicants who wish to renew their certificate after having been away from the marine environment for more that five years.
  2. The ARPA course may be used as a refresher course for SEN 1 and SEN 2, whereas SEN Ltd should have to be repeated again.

1.16 Navigation Equipment List

Instrument Category SEN Lab Simulator
Radar* 1 Real Real
Radar/ARPA* 1 Real Real
GPS* 1 Real Stylized
GPS/DGPA* 1 Real Stylized
Loran C* 1 Real Stylized
Gyro Compass 1 Real Stylized
Echo Sounder 1 Real Stylized
Steering Control System 1 Real Stylized
Log (Speed & Distance) 1 Stylized
Propulsion & Maneuvering System 1 Stylized
VHF 1 Stylized
Radio Telephone 1 Stylized
Rate of Turn Indicator 2 Stylized
Internal Communication 2 Stylized

Category 1: Those instruments on which full instruction on user controls pertaining to navigation is given.
Category 2: Those instruments which are included in the course by highlighting their main feature(s).
*Live antenna optional

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