Movement about the ship

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Safe Working Practices Regulations, Section 25.

Most accidents on board ship are caused by slips, trips or falls. Watch for slippery patches, obstructions on deck, trailing leads and unguarded openings. Be on guard against any sudden lurch or movements of the ship. On stairs and in companionways, keep one hand free to grasp the handrail. When climbing vertical ladders, you should carry equipment on an equipment belt, leaving your hands free to climb. Wearing proper safety shoes will help prevent slipping or tripping.

Prevention is better than cure, so always try to keep the decks clear and uncluttered. You should properly secure or stow away all loose equipment. Clean up spillage and spread sand over icy or slippery areas.


Openings through which a person might fall, such as an open hatchway, or in the engine room where floor plates have been removed, should be effectively fenced or guarded. There should be adequate lighting on board wherever you are working or moving about.

Keep clear of operations if you are not involved, especially during mooring and cargo handling or when work is being done aloft.

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