Marine Security Operations - 2007-001

File number: 4303-12
No : 2007-001


Certificate or document to be carried on board vessels under the provision of the Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR)


Subject to the provisions of the Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) , this Marine Security Operations Bulletin provides clarification to vessel owners and operators in regards to certificates and/or documents carried on board vessels.


Under section 204 of the Marine Transportation Security Regulations, every vessel is required to carry on board a certificate.

For clarification, the certificate referred to in section 204 is:

  1. In the case of all SOLAS ships, the original valid International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) or Interim International Ship Security Certificate (IISSC) ;
  2. In the case of all Canadian non- SOLAS ships, the original Canadian Vessel Security Certificate (CVSC) or interim Canadian Vessel Security Certificate (ICVSC) ;
  3. In the case of all foreign non- SOLAS ships, the original ship security compliance document, or interim compliance ship security document, issued or approved by the contracting government of that state.

Any comments, suggestions or concerns can be addressed to the Director, Marine Security Operations by e–mail at

Original signed
Marc Mes
Director Marine Security Operations

July 18, 2007