Marine Security Operations Bulletin - 2013-003

File number: 4303 - 12
No : 2013-003


Procedures to obtain a testimonial and subsequent certificate of proficiency in order to meet the manila 2010 STCW conference and code security training and certification requirements.

This bulletin is a supplement and addendum to 2012-002 “interim procedures to meet the new manila 2010 STCW conference and code security training and certification requirements which came into effect as of January 01, 2012”


To outline the new requirements and implementation procedures to be followed for the issuance of a Certificate of Proficiency for Vessel Personnel with Security Responsibilities (Security Training for Seafarers With Designated Security Duties) or for Vessel Personnel without Security responsibilities (Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers) based on a fully completed testimonial.

With transitional provisions under the revised Transport Canada program, subject to the proposed regulatory amendments of the Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) which should come  into effect late 2013 or early 2014.


In keeping with the changes to the STCW Convention and Code, Transport Canada, Marine Safety and Security is currently in the process of amending the MTSR.

The current “Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Officer Training”, dated December 2007, has been expanded, enhanced and renamed as the “Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Training” and is based on the new STCW 2010 amendments.


Transport Canada advises all vessel owners, operators, agents, masters, and company / ship security officers, and vessel’s personnel of SOLAS ships and surveyors that amendments to the STCW Convention and Code specify new training and certification standards for the issuance of Certificates of Proficiency to vessel personnel with or without security responsibilities, effective January 1, 2012, including transitional provisions.

The required documentation is posted on the following website:


Recognized Institutions:

In regards to the approval of new courses for vessel personnel with or without security responsibilities, Transport Canada, Marine Safety and Security will approve such courses as an approved training course if Transport Canada determines that it meets the proposed MTSR amendments and the requirements established under the “Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Training”. 

A list reflecting the Recognition status granted to institutions/organizations exclusively under Transport Canada’s “Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Training” will be amended as new courses will be approved by Transport Canada.

The List of Recognized Training Institutions/Organizations is available at the following web address:


Training Certificate Issuance:

Upon successful completion of the vessel security personnel with or without security responsibilities course, students will be issued a Transport Canada training certificate by the recognized training institution.  

Transitional provisions:

Recognizing that there may be practical difficulties for all seafarers with security related requirements to obtain necessary certifications and/or the necessary endorsements required in accordance with STCW Regulation VI/5 and VI/6 of the 2010 Manila Amendments, the IMO issued two Circulars:  STCW.7/Circ.16 and STCW.7/Circ.17 dated May 24, 2011. These Circulars provide advice for flag and port State control officers on transitional arrangements leading up to full implementation of the 2010 Manila Amendments on January 1, 2017.

The Circulars also recommends that Administrations inform their flag and port State control authorities that, until January 1, 2014, it would be sufficient to accept compliance with section 13 of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, even if a seafarer’s documentation with regard to the security-related training and certification in STCW Regulation VI/5 and VI/6 is not in accordance with the 2010 Manila Amendments.

In the proposed MTSR Amendments, the following four elements will apply as of January 1, 2012:

Canadian flagged vessel

Until January 1, 2014, vessel personnel with security responsibilities on a SOLAS ship that is entitled to fly the Canadian flag who commenced sea service prior to January 1, 2012, are not required to hold a certificate of proficiency as ship personnel with security responsibilities if they can demonstrate, by training or job experience, knowledge and competence.

Until January 1, 2014, vessel personnel without security responsibilities on a SOLAS ship that is entitled to fly the Canadian flag who commenced sea service prior to January 1, 2012, are not required to hold a certificate of proficiency as ship personnel with security responsibilities if they can demonstrate, by training or job experience, knowledge and competence.

Foreign Flagged vessel

Until January 1, 2014, vessel personnel with security responsibilities on a SOLAS ship that is entitled to fly the flag of a foreign state are not required to hold a certificate of proficiency as ship personnel with security responsibilities if they provide documentation recognized by the contracting government of that state that demonstrates compliance with section 13.3 of Part B of the ISPS Code.

Until January 1, 2014, vessel personnel without security responsibilities on a SOLAS ship that is entitled to fly the flag of a foreign state are not required to hold a certificate of proficiency as ship personnel without security responsibilities if they can provide documentation recognized by the contracting government of that state that demonstrates compliance with section 13.4 of Part B of the ISPS Code.

Issuance of new STCW Certificate of Proficiency:

In order to obtain a Canadian STCW Certificate of Proficiency, a person must provide as documentary evidence a training certificate as proof of having successfully completed an approved training course provided by a recognized institution specifically for the corresponding ship security personnel with or without security responsibilities training as defined in the proposed “Marine Transportation Security Regulations” (MTSR); and who will have met TC’s requirements (sea service, age, citizenship, training, etc.) will be issued a MTSR/STCW compliant Certificate of Proficiency, which will be issued at a regional Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security Exam Centre.

The proposed alternative MTSR provisions published in Canada Gazette I (one) on April 27, 2013 permits seafarers with and without security responsibilities who qualify to submit a testimonial in order to obtain a certificate of proficiency. 

Before January 1, 2014, a person who commenced sea service prior to January 1, 2012 may, if they meet the requirements, provide the Minister of Transport Canada a testimonial indicating that the person undertook the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of the relevant table A-VI/6-1 or A-VI/6-2 of the STCW Code;  and has seagoing service for a period of at least six months in total, calculated in accordance with sections 115, 116 and 118 of the Marine Personnel Regulations, during the preceding three years of its application.

An electronic Transport Canada form titled “Testimonial of Security Duties Performed” (Form #: 86-0065E) and its related information process is available for download on the Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security website:


Please be advised that vessel operators or Masters cannot issue “Testimonial of Security Duties Performed” forms on behalf of other vessel operator’s representatives or other Masters; only the Master on board the vessel or the duly authorized operator's representative of the company the individual performed his or her security duties can duly fill, sign, date and stamp with the vessel’s stamp or with the operator’s stamp as appropriate, a testimonial.

The person may also chose to successfully complete the relevant Approved Security Training course at a recognized institution, under the ‘‘Recognition Program for Approved Ship Security Training ‘‘. The person will also be required to meet other Transport Canada requirements (sea service, age, citizenship, training, etc.) before being issued with a MTSR/STCW compliant Certificate of Proficiency as vessel personnel with or without security responsibilities, which will be issued at a regional Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security Exam Centre.

Please be aware that pursuant to Part 2, Division 8, sections 275 and 276 of the Marine Personnel Regulations, no person shall be employed as a seafarer, unless that person provides  Transport Canada with :

  • a valid marine medical certificate


  • A provisional marine medical certificate for the Minister in the form established by him.

It is important to note that other requirements apply to Canadian Seafarers. For additional information on those requirements, please contact your regional Transport Canada, Marine Safety and Security Exam Centre.

Vessel owners, operators, masters and agents are requested to bring this bulletin to the attention of Company Security Officers, Ship Security Officers and all vessel personnel. They also must ensure that Ship Security Officers of SOLAS ships hold MTSR/STCW compliant Certificates of Proficiency. All vessel personnel with or with security responsibilities must hold a relevant MTSR/STCW compliant Certificates of Proficiency.

In the event that the person does not hold a Certificate of Proficiency as vessel personnel with or without security responsibilities, the person shall demonstrate compliance with the Transitional provisions stated above.

Further information are available on the Transport Canada Marine Security website:


Any comments, suggestions or concerns can be addressed to

Original signed by

Nicole Legault 
Marine Security Operations
Dated:  November 1, 2013

Related source documents:

  • The Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
  • Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) and proposed regulatory amendments published in Canada Gazette I April 27, 2013