Reciprocal arrangements
Since 2019, Transport Canada has signed reciprocal arrangements with many foreign states, as per subsection 89(1) of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and Regulation I/10 of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Convention. These arrangements allow each government to accept, in lieu of its own certificate, an STCW certificate issued by or under the authority of a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement.
Canada has signed a reciprocal arrangement with:
- Australia
- France
- Georgia
- Ireland
- Jamaica
- Norway
- Republic of Panama
- Republic of the Philippines
- United Kingdom
- Ukraine
Under a reciprocal arrangement, foreign seafarers who hold a valid STCW certificate, and are sponsored by a Canadian authorized representative, can apply for a Canadian endorsement. This endorsement serves as Canada’s recognition of their certificates, allowing them to serve on board a Canadian flagged vessel.
Application process
Chart 1: Application process chart
An authorized representative applies on behalf of a foreign seafarer
The authorized representative receives a Confirmation of Receipt of the Application which allows the seafarer to work on a specific vessel for three (3) months
The authorized representative completes an on board familiarization for the seafarer at the management level and submits it to Transport Canada
A Canadian endorsement is issued