Canadian Endorsement Attesting the Recognition of a Foreign Certificate Through a Reciprocal Arrangement: 2. Certificates for which an endorsement is issued

Transport Canada can issue a Canadian endorsement to a foreign seafarer that holds one of the following certificates issued under the STCW Convention by a state that has signed a reciprocal arrangement with Canada:

  • a Certificate of Competency as Officer in charge of a navigational watch, Chief Mate, Master, Officer in charge of an engineering watch, Second engineer officer, Chief engineer officer or GMDSS radio operator, issued under Regulations II/1, II/2, II/3, III/1, III/2, III/3, IV/2 or VII/1; or
  • a Certificate of Proficiency in oil, chemical or liquified gas tanker issued, or a Certificate of Competency duly endorsed under Regulations V/1-1 or V/1-2 and issued to a Master or Officer.

A foreign certificate that expires in less than six (6) months must be renewed by the foreign issuing authority before an authorized representative can apply for a Canadian endorsement.

Important notice:

  • Every person who works on board a Canadian vessel, in a position that requires a certificate under Part 2 of the Marine Personnel Regulations and Part 2 of the Marine Transportation Security Regulations, must hold a related certificate issued, approved, or recognized by Transport Canada.
  • To serve on board a Canadian vessel, a Master or Officer with a foreign-issued Certificate of Competency and Certificate of Proficiency in oil, chemical, or liquified gas tanker must have their certificates endorsed by Transport Canada.
  • Transport Canada does not endorse:
    • Yachting Certificates of Competency; or
    • Electro-Technical Officer Certificates of Competency.

Certificates of Proficiency that are accepted without requiring endorsement by Canada

Foreign Certificate of Proficiency Issued as per STCW Regulations Canadian equivalence
STCW Basic Safety VI/1 CoP in STCW Basic Safety
Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats VI/2, paragraph1 CoP in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other than Fast Rescue Boats
Fast rescue Boats VI/2, paragraph 2 CoP in Fast Rescue Boats
Advanced firefighting training VI/3 CoP in Advanced Fire Fighting
Medical first Aid VI/4, paragraph 1 CoP in Marine Advanced First Aid
Medical care VI/4, paragraph 2 CoP in Marine Medical Care
Ship Security Officer VI/5 CoP as Ship Personnel with Designated Security Duties
Security awareness VI/6, paragraph 1 to 3 CoP as Ship Personnel Without Designated Security Duties
Seafarers with designated security duties VI/6, paragraph 4 to 6 CoP as Ship Personnel with Designated Security Duties
Rating forming part of a navigational watch II/4 CoC as a Bridge Watch Rating
Rating forming part of an engineering watch III/4 CoC as an Engine-Room Rating
Able seafarer deck II/5 CoC as an Able Seafarer Deck
Able seafarer engine III/5 CoC as an Engine-Room Rating
Basic Training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations – for rating Only V/1-1, paragraph 2 CoP in Basic Training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations - Rating
Basic Training for liquified gas tanker cargo operations – for Rating Only V/1-2, paragraph 2 CoP in Basic Training for liquified gas tanker cargo operations - Rating
Basic Training for Personnel on Ships Operating in Polar Waters V/4, paragraph 1 CoP in Basic Training for Personnel on Ships Operating in Polar Waters
Advanced Training for Personnel on Ships Operating in Polar Waters V/4, paragraph 3 CoP in Advanced Training for Personnel on Ships Operating in Polar Waters

Note: Ship’s Cook certificates are accepted without requiring a Canadian endorsement.

  • Ships’ Cook Certificates issued in accordance with the Marine Labour Convention, 2006, or a certificate issued pursuant to the Certification of Ships’ Cooks Convention, 1946 (No.69) by a state with whom Canada has reciprocal arrangement.

Medical certificates

  • When a foreign seafarer is employed on board a Canadian vessel while holding a Canadian endorsement or a Confirmation of Receipt of Application, a valid medical certificate issued by a state with whom Canada has signed a reciprocal arrangement, in accordance with the provisions of section A I/9 of the STCW Code and the ILO/IMO publication “Guidelines on the medical examination of seafarers”, can be accepted in lieu of a medical certificate issued in accordance with Division 8 of Part 2 of the Marine Personnel Regulations.

Other special certificates for certain types of Canadian vessels

Unless the foreign seafarer holds the required training certificate according to the capacity sought, approved by Transport Canada or a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement, the Canadian endorsement attesting the recognition of a foreign Certificate of Competency issued in accordance with the provisions of Regulations III/1, III/2 or III/3 of the STCW Convention will not be valid for service on board:

  • vessels with high voltage systems (more than 1000V); and
  • vessels with steam propulsion.

A foreign seafarer who is required to hold a Certificate of Competency in Specialized Passenger Safety Management (Ro-Ro Vessels) or a Certificate of Competency in Passenger Safety Management as per section 229 and 230 of the Marine Personnel Regulations, must hold in lieu of this certificate:

  • appropriate approved training certificate issued by Transport Canada or under its authority;
  • appropriate Certificate of Proficiency issued, or Certificate of Competency duly endorsed, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation V/2 of the STCW Convention by a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement; or
  • appropriate documentary evidence issued in accordance with the provisions of Regulation V/2 of the STCW Convention by a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement.

Marine Emergency Duties Certificates 

A foreign seafarer working on a Canadian vessel making a voyage outside of the limits specified in Ship Safety Bulletin (SSB) 09/2017 must carry a Certificate of Proficiency or documentary evidence issued within the last five (5) years that proves they meet the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A-VI/1-1 (personal survival techniques), A-VI/1-2 (fire prevention and fire fighting), A-VI/2-1 (proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats, and A-VI/3(advanced fire fighting) of the STCW code with regard to marine emergency duties.

The following may be accepted as documentary evidence:

  • valid Canadian Certificate of Proficiency;
  • valid foreign Certificate of Proficiency issued by a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement;
  • training certificate recognized by a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement;
  • valid foreign Certificate of Competency duly endorsed with the related proficiency, issued by a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement.

Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates

A foreign seafarer designated to provide medical first aid or to be in charge of medical care on board Canadian vessels must hold the appropriate Certificate of Proficiency issued, or a Certificate of Competency duly endorsed, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation VI/4 of the STCW Convention by Canada or a state with whom Canada has a reciprocal arrangement.

Important notice:

The Certificate of Proficiency in medical first aid or in medical care is valid for a five (5) year period from the date of issue, or for the period prescribed on it, whichever comes first.