Purpose of this Report

Transportation is a major contributor to the economy and plays an important role in the wellness of Canadians. It is key to supporting the activity and the economic development of many industries such as the manufacturing and tourism sectors. Transportation not only enables the movement of finished Canadian goods to domestic and international markets, it also allows the movement of inputs needed for Canadian businesses to produce.


Government of Canada actions

In 2020, Transport Canada continued to implement major key initiatives. This included measures under the national Oceans Protection Plan to protect Canada’s coasts for future generations, and the National Trade Corridors Fund, aimed at strengthening and increasing the efficiency of transportation corridors within Canada and to international markets.

Transportation 2030

Transportation 2030 is the Government of Canada’s strategic plan for the future of transportation in Canada. Transport Canada continues to implement Transportation 2030, a strategic plan for a safe, secure, green, innovative and integrated transportation system that supports trade and economic growth, a cleaner environment and the well-being of Canadians.


Minister's Message
Omar Alghabra
The Honourable Omar Alghabra

I am pleased to present Transportation in Canada 2020, which provides Canadians with an overview of their transportation system

Temporary Exemption / CROR, Track Safety Rules and Qualification Regs, June 18, 2021

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am writing to advise you that the set of temporary exemptions to certain sections of the rules and regulations, pertaining to the qualification of railway personnel is granted under the notice of exemption X 21-07 (attached).

The purpose of these temporary exemptions is to mitigate the continued health risks involved with railway personnel travelling and assembling in groups to renew their qualifications during the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).