Before you apply

Who may register a vessel in Canada

A vessel registered in Canada may be owned by:

  • Canadian citizens
  • permanent residents of Canada
  • Canadian corporations
  • Canadian governments (provincial or federal)
  • foreign corporations (with a Canadian authorized representative)
  • Indigenous Bands

We do not register vessels to:

Apply for or manage a vessel registration

Before you get started, it's important to understand that the Canadian Register of Vessels is divided into 2 parts: the Small Vessel Register and the general part (commonly referred to as the Large Vessel Register).

The Canadian Register of Vessels is a title system that tracks vessel ownership and vessel characteristics like tonnage, construction material and type.

Small Vessel Register

You're required to register your vessel in the Small Vessel Register if your vessel is a:

Motion Picture Industry – exemption from having to use an electronic logging device to monitor compliance with the Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations

Tracking Number – ASF-2024-01E

Pursuant to section 16 of the Motor Vehicle Transport Act (MVTA), after consulting with the affected provinces and being of the opinion that the exemption is in the public interest and is not likely to affect motor carrier safety, I hereby exempt extra-provincial truck and bus undertakings (federal motor carriers) and their commercial vehicle drivers, engaged in the transportation of goods or passengers to or from a motion picture or television production site, from sections 77 to 78.3 the Commercial Vehicles Driv

Federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal responsibilities

In Canada, different levels of government share responsibility for keeping roads safe, including issues related to connected and automated vehicles. If you want to test connected and automated vehicles on public roads, connect with municipal, provincial/territorial and federal road safety administrators early on to make sure all their requirements are met.

Federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal responsibilities

In Canada, different levels of government share responsibility for keeping roads safe, including issues related to connected and automated vehicles. If you want to test connected and automated vehicles on public roads, connect with municipal, provincial/territorial and federal road safety administrators early on to make sure all their requirements are met.

After you apply

We will send you an email once we receive your request. We will send you a copy of the cargo inspection certificates once we process your request and perform the inspections. We may issue the certificates digitally using a third-party service. In this case, you must accept them.

You can verify that the certificate is an official document digitally signed by one of our third-party services. Open the PDF document and click the signature panel. This panel will show you information about the validity of the signature.


Before you apply

When you apply for a marine cargo certificate, your application must include the :

  • vessel’s name
  • official number (if applicable)
  • IMO number (if applicable)
  • vessel’s port and berth
  • the requested date and time of service
  • type of inspection

Transport Canada may need more information to complete the inspection.