Applying to the Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program (ERSTPP) – 2023 to 2026 Call for Proposals

About ERSTPP – 2023 to 2026 Call for Proposals

Program description

Transport Canada's ERSTPP funds projects to help create tools that address road safety challenges. The program provides funding to government and non-governmental organizations to support road safety initiatives, such as:

  • to promote and create tools which address road safety challenges, for example:
    • frameworks
    • standards
    • policies
    • programs
    • outreach activities to reduce collisions, injuries, and fatalities on the road
  • to encourage the safe and effective use of innovative technologies, encouraging harmonization, and economic growth

Since 2019-20, the ERSTPP has improved road safety for Canadians by tackling persistent safety challenges related to impaired driving, driver training, distracted driving, advanced driver assistance technologies, and school bus safety.

Priority focus areas

Transport Canada is dedicated to improving road safety and keeping Canadians safe. Our efforts include monitoring emerging trends in road safety nationally and abroad. As such, under this Call for Proposals, the ERSTPP will prioritize projects that focus on the following areas:

  • projects that address the leading causes of road collisions and fatalities, including impaired, distracted, and aggressive driving and excessive speed
  • projects that provide opportunities to invest in initiatives that promote innovative design, testing, and integration of Connected and Automated Vehicles
  • projects that contribute to the education, training, testing, and enhancement of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems technologies

Applications where projects without a focus in one or more of the areas listed above that involve any of the following focus areas will be accepted:

  • vulnerable road users
  • commercial motor vehicles
  • road safety enforcement activities
  • emerging technologies in road safety

Expected results

The following reflect the immediate outcomes of the ERSTPP, which will serve as principles in the evaluation and selection of projects:

  1. enhanced shared knowledge of emerging road safety technologies
  2. increased overall contribution to the national collection and public dissemination of timely and quality road safety data
  3. enhanced development, maintenance, and enforcement of safe road practice initiatives
  4. increased communications and cooperation with the provinces and territories to develop, maintain, and improve the enforcement of the safety fitness framework

The long-term outcome of the program is to invest in projects that will ultimately contribute to the decrease in fatalities, injuries, collisions and social costs related to motor vehicle collisions.

Available funding

The budget for this Call for Proposals is approximately $15 million. Funding will be available over fiscal years 2024-25 and 2025-26.

Basis of payment

Contribution payments will be made based on one or a combination of the following:

  • reimbursement of eligible expenditures
  • achievement of pre-determined performance expectations or milestones as detailed in the contribution agreement

Maximum amount payable

Transport Canada's maximum contribution to any one project will be up to 75% of total eligible costs.

Successful applicants must be able to pay for project expenses up front as the program does not allow advance payments.

The amount of funding provided under the ERSTPP will take into consideration other sources of funding available to recipients (including funding from other Canadian government entities) and will be subject to eligible costs and maximum amounts payable for the program.

Applicants must demonstrate that there is sufficient up-front funding to carry out the proposed project. Financial support from partner organizations is to be confirmed in writing and attached to the proposal.

Stacking limits

The stacking limit establishes a maximum level of total Canadian government funding that is allowed for any activity, project, or initiative of a recipient.

The maximum level of federal funding for any one activity, initiative or project of a Recipient shall not exceed 75% of total eligible expenditures.

You must identify and report any and all sources of funding (i.e., your own, third party, and all governmental funding) before the funding agreement is signed, and must resubmit this information should there be an update as soon as it becomes available throughout the life of the project.

If the total Canadian government funding stacking limit is exceeded, Transport Canada will seek reimbursement or will reduce the level of funding as needed. A final accounting of Eligible Expenditures is required for all payments.

Maximum cumulative amount payable

The maximum cumulative amount of contribution funding approved for a single recipient shall not exceed $10 million for a project. The maximum amount payable per recipient applies to the total of both components – Motor Carrier Safety and Road Safety Outreach.